So if I prestige I won't lose progress on my weapon correct? I'd hate to try and get iron sights on my Ballista again.
Correct. Going Prestige now will get you added camos, etc.
Is it just me, or do the guns feels like they have no recoil at all?
I even killed someone with a sniper last night, after my SMG ran out of ammo, and that NEVER happens.
Same here. I rock an AR and SMG and both feel the same. Regardless of long-range or CQ, recoil feels significantly lower compared to Black Ops 1 and Battlefield 3 (last FPS i played a ton of).
Man, I thought I had finally found my groove last night after hours of getting destroyed, but nope, getting utterly destroyed again this morning. I've only found one gun that's clicked for me at all, and I can't find any combination of perks that seems to work for me. I don't care about going on crazy sprees or getting high-end kills streaks, I'd just like to fucking break even so I don't feel like a total piece of dogshit for my team. I just went 4/17 and that's been my best performance of the day so far. I just don't know what to fucking do in this game, I've never been so frustrated in an online shooter.
Yep, me too. I play rounds where I get a decent K/D and score high, but for other times, I sometimes go 4-10 or something that pisses me off. I mean, I'm quite good at FPS' and I have no idea why I kinda suck at this version of CoD.
Man, I don't get why they keep making small shitty maps, horrible.
You just made me think of Turbine! Fuck! I hate that map. It's so disjointed. You have no idea which paths are passable, same with walls etc. I've played it countless times where the enemy was just camping in one of the "houses." It just seems so barren.
This sums up my online experience thus far. I was an average player at black ops and was usually able to finish above a 1.0 KDR. Now I am just getting my ass handed to me. I am around a .88 right now (Mostly play TDM) and I only think it will get worse from here. The pick 10 system is a good idea but right now I just feel the perks and the add ons to the guns are just useless to me because I think I would die just as quickly with or without them.
As for the lag compensation (Xbox 360cannot get a grasp if that is a big problem or not yet) I do have fios and their second best speed. However I do feel like I am getting screwed out of kills as I lose about 75% of my gun fights. I am not ready just yet to say it is as bad as MW 3.
I don't know, maybe I should just stop obsessing about my stats and play the game. :/
That's what I'm doing now. I'm just playing it regardless of what others think of my K/D. What's worse is, in Battlefield, I can have a crappy K/D but once someone sees my SPM, they know I go after objectives, etc. Yes, I know Blops 2 has an SPM, too. But be honest, it's the K/D what most people look at.
My net is down now so can't play, but I did manage to hit level 21 in a day's worth of playing. That might be the most painful level 21 I've experienced in any MP FPS ever.
I'm using an AR and an SMG, one semtex, one electric grenade, have Extreme Conditioning, and the rest are up for grabs.
What loadouts work now? For gun attachments, I use Fast Reloading and the Quick Aim. Have not unlocked the suppressor for the AR just yet. Is the SWAT AR a good gun?
Also, I've seen a lot of people have two perks on each tier 2 and 3. Might this be the "godly" build? These guys were level 40+ already, too.