Kung Fu Grip
The strikeforce missions makes this the best campaign since 4.
If you're on PS3, I just went on an alt account and everything is working fine. Hopefully 3arc figure this out soon. I'd much rather play on my main.Any word on fixes for this joining error? It's been like 11 hours and still doesn't work.
Any word on fixes for this joining error? It's been like 11 hours and still doesn't work.
The strikeforce missions makes this the best campaign since 4.
Spawns are a joke but that could be fixed eventually. Maps on the other hand, not so much.
Maps might as well have been randomly generated they're so poorly designed, blatantly unoriginal, redundantly convoluted and incoherent. It's like Treyarch listened to all of the COD naysayers that think COD is just run-n-gun chicken with his head cut off and peek-a-boo simulator and intentionally made maps, guns and sound design (free nuketown and ninja perk with preorder) that pretty much redeems their opinion. Trey does realize that the crouch walk in the game for a reason right? It is the rock to the sound whore's scissors. It's already in the game.
Game design 101 for Treyarch: flanking is not possible without choke points. I need to be able to predict the enemy location or else it's not flanking, it's running around like an idiot.
I love how every single 90+ degree turn in these maps has a waist high trash can or a construction barrier or crate in the corner. Brilliant problem solving there, treyarch. So brilliant, you use it on every corner. Their are more ways to infiltrate a completely irrelevant 6 by 6 room in Blops2 than there were ways to infiltrate an entire map long building in Bloc or the three story building focal point in Crash.
And it's the larger maps that are the worst offenders. Entire portions are irrelevant and are there to serve as some illusion to the fact that your "big" map plays out exactly like the small ones.
This game's maps are so bad, they make MW3's maps seem downright brilliant by comparison. It takes integrity and confidence and creative problem solving to design a good map: to say "Let's not just add some buildings and then interconnect them in every way possible, because we're not sure if we can balance these maps and we're not sure if the chokepoints will work."
About as much intelligence is required to play this game as their was intelligence used to make it. And the game locked up on me twice.
The strikeforce missions makes this the best campaign since 4.
Spawns are a joke but that could be fixed eventually. Maps on the other hand, not so much.
Maps might as well have been randomly generated they're so poorly designed, blatantly unoriginal, redundantly convoluted and incoherent. It's like Treyarch listened to all of the COD naysayers that think COD is just run-n-gun chicken with his head cut off and peek-a-boo simulator and intentionally made maps, guns and sound design (free nuketown and ninja perk with preorder) that pretty much redeems their opinion. Trey does realize that the crouch walk in the game for a reason right? It is the rock to the sound whore's scissors. It's already in the game.
Game design 101 for Treyarch: flanking is not possible without choke points. I need to be able to predict the enemy location or else it's not flanking, it's running around like an idiot.
I love how every single 90+ degree turn in these maps has a waist high trash can or a construction barrier or crate in the corner. Brilliant problem solving there, treyarch. So brilliant, you use it on every corner. Their are more ways to infiltrate a completely irrelevant 6 by 6 room in Blops2 than there were ways to infiltrate an entire map long building in Bloc or the three story building focal point in Crash.
And it's the larger maps that are the worst offenders. Entire portions are irrelevant and are there to serve as some illusion to the fact that your "big" map plays out exactly like the small ones.
This game's maps are so bad, they make MW3's maps seem downright brilliant by comparison. It takes integrity and confidence and creative problem solving to design a good map: to say "Let's not just add some buildings and then interconnect them in every way possible, because we're not sure if we can balance these maps and we're not sure if the chokepoints will work."
About as much intelligence is required to play this game as their was intelligence used to make it. And the game locked up on me twice.
PS3 version I take it?
If you happen to have any friends playing who this error isn't effecting. You can join their games.Ya. I'm really not wanting to jump on an alt account lol. I guess league play will have to do for now.
play black ops 1, thats what you want
this is to blops1, what MW2 was to Cod4
So im the only one getting a servers not available message?
People do look at your K/D to see how good you are. Hell I do it as well. I just have to stop obessing about it lol. Yeah I am on level 15 and it is painful thus far. I am mostly using AR. I cannot seem to find a setup that works for me yet though. As a secondary I so use a launcher to knock down the UAV but of course the issue is many times I die before I can get a lock on it. But yeah overall I may have a game or two where I go 12-7 but many, many games I end up going like 4-11, 6-8 and so on. Very rare for me to finish with a + K/D.
But yeah this is probably the toughest COD yet online. Seems like many people are struggling to do well.
Yeah, playing this has made me realize how much I take BF3 for granted. Between the shit maps, gameplay, and constant hard locks (2 this morning within an hour of each other,) I'm packing it in.
It's like Retard Rumpus Room.
Is there a strategy in this game other than being patient , watching corners--basically camping areas for short bursts before moving on? Because when I try to be aggressive people just shoot me in the back or spawn behind me.
My biggest streaks last night came when I basically just pushed on an area, waited for a short moment where people would run in blindly, kill them and then do the same with another area.
I don't know how you can run and gun and maintain a good ratio in this game.
This is all that works. I went 30-5 last night on cargo, just holding one side of the map.
Yep. Activision said on Twitter that they know PS3 version is having problems so it's a universal thing.
im on 360.
This is all that works. I went 30-5 last night on cargo, just holding one side of the map.
So I gotta camp you say?
I rarely used to, but it seems this option seems more likely than ever. I noticed most of the other players do this.
So I gotta camp you say?
I rarely used to, but it seems this option seems more likely than ever. I noticed most of the other players do this.
This is all that works. I went 30-5 last night on cargo, just holding one side of the map.
So I gotta camp you say?
I rarely used to, but it seems this option seems more likely than ever. I noticed most of the other players do this.
im on 360.
I'm contemplating getting this.
How bad is the spam in this game in terms of nades and killstreaks? Completely ruins most CoD games for me. I prefer 95% of the game be all about gunplay.
Not working. Used the code on the receipt to register for a 2nd code which comes via e-mail. Use that on the COD website and "poof" nothing. Keeps saying invalid.Great, great, great game. Not getting shit in the back because I'm actually paying attention.
Is anyone else's gamestop code for the calli g card not working?
You don't need to keep rushing for the sake of rushing.
The game's starting to grow on me after a few 2.0 k/d matches. Still dislike the fact it's taking me a long time to get adjusted to this game.
In my few days with the game, the more I ran around, the worse I did. 12-17.
I would get shot in the back, I would get shot right after I spawn. Lightning strike as soon as I spawn etc.
I camp with my missiles to shoot down UAV's right away, and hold certain points, and bam I had a few killer matches KD wise.
Sad but it is what it is. You run you die.
You don't need to keep rushing for the sake of rushing.
Yeah, I'm still having a rough time of it, but I've clawed my way up to a 1.05 k/d lol. I know we talked about this yesterday, this is what I'm using now:
I've been going back and forth on whether or not to use the Suppressor or the Long Barrel on the Vector, I feel more effective with the Long Barrel but I don't show up on radar with the Suppressor. With SMG's my main hurdle has been forcing myself to hipfire more, I always tended to ADS in previous games, so the laser sight is helping with that. The M27's not bad, but I think what's going to really turn things around for me is getting a Stock unlocked for an AR.
How do you deal with the spawns, though? Once you wipe a good portion of the enemy out, they spawn near where you are or as far away from the cluster of people as possible.
I don't have my CoD Elite login information, so I can't post my setup. I'll do that when I get home to give you an idea. I'll try your setups as well.
For SMG, I prefer the first one unlocked over next two you unlock. I've been having more luck with it + Suppressor.
Yeah, I'm still having a rough time of it, but I've clawed my way up to a 1.05 k/d lol. I know we talked about this yesterday, this is what I'm using now:
I've been going back and forth on whether or not to use the Suppressor or the Long Barrel on the Vector, I feel more effective with the Long Barrel but I don't show up on radar with the Suppressor. With SMG's my main hurdle has been forcing myself to hipfire more, I always tended to ADS in previous games, so the laser sight is helping with that. The M27's not bad, but I think what's going to really turn things around for me is getting a Stock unlocked for an AR.
Are you talking about the POW-57? I fucking hated that thing, I used it from the get-go and hated SMG's until I checked out the default one (MP7) and thought it was way better, so a difference of opinion there. The MSMC (the one after the Vector) seems pretty good as well, I'm kind of flip-flopping between that and the Vector, but I'm sticking with the Vector right now mostly because I have more unlocked on it.
I'm using Rapid Fire as a 3rd attachment on the Vector, recoil is nuts but it drops people pretty fast, good gun.
Sorry, I meant the default one. I don't recall my final choices for perks and the other attachment at the moment since I was playing around with them all day yesterday. I haven't leveled up high enough to get anything beyond a Vector, but I will definitely check them out.
I've had no luck with any of the Assault Rifles. Can't seem to hit my target properly![]()
I'm contemplating getting this.
How bad is the spam in this game in terms of nades and killstreaks? Completely ruins most CoD games for me. I prefer 95% of the game be all about gunplay.
I just realized that this game has competitive multiplayer matchmaking achievements, isn't that a first? I don't remember the last few having them.
Yes, i got a trophy last night but didn't check what it was for, i thought it was weird too.
I just realized that this game has competitive multiplayer matchmaking achievements, isn't that a first? I don't remember the last few having them.
I'll have to check that out, I don't have that unlocked yet. The recoil may wind up being an issue for me on that, but we'll see. I could pair it with the Fore Grip to probably make up the difference, but that only works ADS.
Yeah, the MP7 is solid. Except for the second one, they seem to get better. I also haven't had a ton of luck with AR's. I didn't like the first one, and I don't like the SWAT and FAL since I don't really care for burst/single fire weapons. The Type-25 didn't seem to be doing it for me, but hen the 5th one (M27) I seem to be doing alright with. I get the Scar at 40 which I'm looking forward to, as that's often been my go to AR in previous games, and I've heard the SMR after that is also really good.
Yeah, the MP7 is solid. Except for the second one, they seem to get better. I also haven't had a ton of luck with AR's. I didn't like the first one, and I don't like the SWAT and FAL since I don't really care for burst/single fire weapons. The Type-25 didn't seem to be doing it for me, but hen the 5th one (M27) I seem to be doing alright with. I get the Scar at 40 which I'm looking forward to, as that's often been my go to AR in previous games, and I've heard the SMR after that is also really good.
Yeah, I'm still having a rough time of it, but I've clawed my way up to a 1.05 k/d lol. I know we talked about this yesterday, this is what I'm using now:
I've been going back and forth on whether or not to use the Suppressor or the Long Barrel on the Vector, I feel more effective with the Long Barrel but I don't show up on radar with the Suppressor. With SMG's my main hurdle has been forcing myself to hipfire more, I always tended to ADS in previous games, so the laser sight is helping with that. The M27's not bad, but I think what's going to really turn things around for me is getting a Stock unlocked for an AR.
What are everyones classes?
After playing MW3 so much in the last year it is a little odd using different weapons, I seem to be settled with the Type 25 at the moment as my main AR class, and a little run around with the PDW-57 for the smaller maps seems to be a good choice.
I had a quick mess around, and until some later perks are unlocked this is what I've settled on at level 30, and a quick few custom games trying out weapons I think I might use the M8A1 when I can unlock it.
Any advice?