They should add a night map for dlc. Like the parking lot section from Second Sun(or w.e the level is where the lights go out)
ExtraKr1spy said:They should add a night map for dlc. Like the parking lot section from Second Sun(or w.e the level is where the lights go out)
Arjen said:I would be happy to pay 20 to remove Wasteland forever and burn it in a giant fire.
RSTEIN said:MW2 forces you to change your game up much more than MW1. In every MW1 map I would dominate with just the M14, stopping power, and juggernaut. Even the small maps.
especialy when you knowdivisionbyzorro said:This man speaks the truth, and anyone who disagrees with him is an idiot. No joust.
IW has said on multiple occasions that they have the ability to switch up MP game modes on the fly. Blindly assuming that they're going to charge for access to new playlists is far too cynical.
That is a fantastic idea. I'd love a night map.ExtraKr1spy said:They should add a night map for dlc. Like the parking lot section from Second Sun(or w.e the level is where the lights go out)
Oh yeah, I have no doubt. The ACOG is the great crippler. It's my mortal enemy. Not entirely sure why they made it the way they did, but it sucks.Macattk15 said:So I put the ACOG on my Barrett to try it out ... and I actually do worse with it attached as opposed to the regular sight. Makes me angry.
LLaMa-Tech said:DLC already on the disc?
DeuceMojo said:Oh yeah, I have no doubt. The ACOG is the great crippler. It's my mortal enemy. Not entirely sure why they made it the way they did, but it sucks.
I'd be surprised if it magnifies much more than the Holo or Red Dot, but it's definitely half as accurate.
divisionbyzorro said:This man speaks the truth, and anyone who disagrees with him is an idiot. No joust.
IW has said on multiple occasions that they have the ability to switch up MP game modes on the fly. Blindly assuming that they're going to charge for access to new playlists is far too cynical. I know you're still butthurt about not getting dedicated servers on PC, but wait until you know what you're talking about here before you start spewing ignorant hate.
The "you" in my post is the generic "you." Don't take it personally.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=18552052&postcount=5135LLaMa-Tech said:Just saw there are hidden game modes in CODMW2
DLC already on the disc?
sorry didn't know it was a repost
PedroLumpy said:Not to be picky, but you couldn't have stopping power and juggs. You mean or perhaps?
Yeah, agreed. Hard to ever ditch Marathon. Along with Commando Pro, you can sprint, kill, then jump off a 3 story building and not worry about it.ALeperMessiah said:Damn I love the marathon / lightweight / commando setup. It's just too fun flanking fools and dropping them with a stab in the back, and killing unsuspecting fools with a throwing knife is the most satisfying thing ever. Can't wait to unlock the Marathon Pro and Lightweight Pro.
RSTEIN said:I love Wasteland. As was said above, it's really awesome to float around in the tall grass. I feel like a raptor :lol
MW2 forces you to change your game up much more than MW1. In every MW1 map I would dominate with just the M14, stopping power, and juggernaut. Even the small maps.
In MW2 it is essential to create different load outs for the different maps. Maps like Scrapyard, Skid Row and Sub Base I'm going commando style. Rapid fire ninja shit. Then I'll switch over to a mid range build with SCAR/stopping power for Estate. Rather than fight the maps I'm really trying to embrace them and go with the flow. One stops hating certain maps when one stops trying to force an incorrect strategy upon them.
andycapps said:Agreed with that. Also, this feels more like there's a lot of very different ways to play. You could be the hulking power in this, or you could go ninja-like and both be successful. Seems a lot of times like I'm trying to counter other people's perks with my own to figure out what works better.
Also, a lot less grenade kills in this game, it feels like they reduced the distance you can throw a grenade quite a bit, also it seems like people have less grenades. Also, less last stand and martyrdom idiots.
minx88 said:I also tried out the Marathon/Lightweight/Commando knife setup. HOLY SHIT! My first match I went 36-26 and had to most killed on my team. My second match I got a 10 kill knife streak! :lol :lol However, the following games I didn't far too well, guess it depends on the map and who you are playing.
Those who get killed by campers complain about campers. Those who take campers as easy prey with/without knifes love them. Having said that, I would say Wasteland is least favorite map in the game for me too.unomas said:Wasteland is horrible, a campers dream.
Sushen said:Those who get killed by campers complain about campers. Those who take campers as easy prey with/without knifes love them. Having said that, I would say Wasteland is least favorite map in the game for me too.
Sushen said:Those who get killed by campers complain about campers. Those who take campers as easy prey with/without knifes love them. Having said that, I would say Wasteland is least favorite map in the game for me too.
Macattk15 said:Yeah I definitely agree. It just doesn't seem like it magnifies any further (actually feels like less) than the normal sniper scopes. Sure you can see your surroundings more ... but I SWEAR I had the ACOG scope reticle on a few peoples heads last night with my breath held and I missed the shot.
I'm only using the damn thing to try and unlock Thermal.
Hmmmm... I think you might be diminishing the effectiveness of a fast, stealthy fighter. Yeah, your buddy is getting his head blown off as he charges in with a machine gun, and meanwhile, you're sneaking up the back stairs and blasting people with a silenced shotgun or whatever (btw, brilliant move on allowing all these add-ons on every weapon -- silenced shotgun reminds me of Anton Sugar/ No Country for Old Men) and then disappearing.HooCares said:If the game is dipshit free, I'm still fucked by the fact that as I'm flanking the enemy, totally invisible, my teammates start re-spawning all around me, again ruining my stealthed approach.
DeuceMojo said:cold-blooded -- just for its ability to mask you from helis, jets, and sentries -- is worthwhile.
HooCares said:What's the appeal with thermal sights when everyone and their mom is using cold blooded now?
divisionbyzorro said:I didn't think cold blooded affected thermal sights...
HooCares said:You will be invisible to thermals with cold blooded.
Think Arnold Covered in Mud.
Not a Jellyfish said:I am starting to get a little confused with some of the perks. I always have Ninja pro on in every class I have and yet watched a couple kill cams closely yesterday and I was coming up on heart beat sensors. what the deuce???
Rad- said:Also RPD isn't nearly as great in this. Which I guess is a good thing because it was so horribly overpowered in the first one, it was like free 5+ K/D if you used that thing.
HooCares said:Apparently it's a glitch where the killcam is showing you in the sensor, but in actuality you were off the sensor from that players PoV. I've used the HB sensor a lot and do not see Ninja players.
HooCares said:Apparently it's a glitch where the killcam is showing you in the sensor, but in actuality you were off the sensor from that players PoV. I've used the HB sensor a lot and do not see Ninja players.
Rad- said:While I feel disappointed now I'm willing to bet that my experience gets better as I unlock more stuff.
kodt said:How long does it take to find a game on the PC version?
On 360 it usually takes me about 15-20 seconds before it finds a game. However on PC it usually takes around 3-4 minutes. Is this normal?
Also, it seems host migration doesn't work on PC b/c it always says "Could not migrate host"
Right before you start going down the hill, clear out the area behind you. Hang to the right and shoot at enemies while making your way down but avoid running into the bushes (somehow they're mortar magnets). You should make it out fine that way.Gamer @ Heart said:How the fuck do i beat the end of "For the record"? No matter what the fuck i do, i get mortared. I tired 15 times and just gave up. What obvious thing am i not doing?