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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Also, it seems host migration doesn't work on PC b/c it always says "Could not migrate host"
I know you edited this out but still

all my host migrations so far worked without a single problem


scoobs said:
So last night I decided to play a couple rounds of multiplayer at about 9pm... then i turned my ps3 off at 3am, damn you call of duty.

Mine was I had 15 minutes to play because it was late so figured I'd play 1 round. Turned into 4-5 and 1 hour later.


Also why on my LMG's do I have a never ending belt of ammo even though there is only one bullet left? makes hardcore very tricky at times.


Holy shit does the game change with Marathon+Lightweight. Why wasn't I using this from the start....it's like why bother walking around using a gun actually playing realistically: looking for higher ground, using teamwork, etc. Call of Duty: Modern Knifefight. I wonder if Activision could patch in a Quad Damage and some healthpacks, cause it's basically like Quake now that I've started with this perk combo. :lol
So can I just say that the titles and emblems are a huge missed opportunity? They should be a way to brag about your accomplishments, but because there's no way for us to see what the meanings of the various icons and titles are, they carry no weight whatsoever. If everybody knew that "Pushing Daisies" meant that you had suicided by jumping off a building, would you ever use it? I doubt it! The only emblems with any meaning to the average user are the animated killstreak emblems and the rank emblems...
divisionbyzorro said:
So can I just say that the titles and emblems are a huge missed opportunity? They should be a way to brag about your accomplishments, but because there's no way for us to see what the meanings of the various icons and titles are, they carry no weight whatsoever. If everybody knew that "Pushing Daisies" meant that you had suicided by jumping off a building, would you ever use it? I doubt it! The only emblems with any meaning to the average user are the animated killstreak emblems and the rank emblems...
They would be a little dry if they just straight up said what you got them for...


Santa May Claus
divisionbyzorro said:
So can I just say that the titles and emblems are a huge missed opportunity? They should be a way to brag about your accomplishments, but because there's no way for us to see what the meanings of the various icons and titles are, they carry no weight whatsoever. If everybody knew that "Pushing Daisies" meant that you had suicided by jumping off a building, would you ever use it? I doubt it! The only emblems with any meaning to the average user are the animated killstreak emblems and the rank emblems...


The mystery on how you got a particular emblem/title is half the fun and makes gaining them far more addictive than actually striving for them. You have Achievements and your Rank for those bragging rights.

It makes interesting conversation when you see someone with an awesome Title that you've never seen before and wonder what they did to get it. It also gives some indication of how that person plays compared to you. I think a list will eventually be released, and Infinity Ward figured that would be the case, so at least for the first month or so there'll be some intrigue on how to unlock them. It's smart.

And I still think people would put "Pushing Daisies" as their title because they think it's cute or funny. Similarly, some of the more difficult to obtain titles look stupid or generic. It has less to do with bragging and more to do with personalizing your entity.
buy teh haloz said:
They would be a little dry if they just straight up said what you got them for...

I'm not saying that the title should say "Jumped To His Death," but that you should be able to look in the list and see what "Pushing Daisies" means, rather than having to go find the wiki site. The guys at the COD Wiki are doing great, but there's still a lot of speculation around a lot of these things; it'd be nice if it was spelled out somewhere for real.
atomico said:
do you still show up on heartrate sensors and thermal sights?

edit: already answered above (...maybe)
Yes, you show on heartbeat sensors -- only Ninja (allegedly) eliminates that. And I'm pretty sure you'll still show on thermal. Doesn't make sense, but them's the breaks.

What you don't show on: UAV, attack choppers (though I think gunners can see you), Harriers, Predator missiles (pretty sure about this since I saw a killcam of a missile hit me and I wasn't shown on the display), sentry guns. Gold. Best perk ever.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
divisionbyzorro said:
So can I just say that the titles and emblems are a huge missed opportunity? They should be a way to brag about your accomplishments, but because there's no way for us to see what the meanings of the various icons and titles are, they carry no weight whatsoever. If everybody knew that "Pushing Daisies" meant that you had suicided by jumping off a building, would you ever use it? I doubt it! The only emblems with any meaning to the average user are the animated killstreak emblems and the rank emblems...
I think you can at least tell how rare they are by how often you see them used. That's good enough for me. Plus, I like the fact that I'll randomly unlock one or two after a match — that's when I'll go and look up how I earned it.

The only title that I've specifically tried to get is the <3 one, until I realized you have to be a level 41 first. Luckily I didn't kill myself too many times trying to get it.

Also, fourzerotwo endorses the speed knife class.
divisionbyzorro said:
So can I just say that the titles and emblems are a huge missed opportunity? They should be a way to brag about your accomplishments, but because there's no way for us to see what the meanings of the various icons and titles are, they carry no weight whatsoever. If everybody knew that "Pushing Daisies" meant that you had suicided by jumping off a building, would you ever use it? I doubt it! The only emblems with any meaning to the average user are the animated killstreak emblems and the rank emblems...

I wish you could choose to just not show them at all.
Sushen said:
Those who get killed by campers complain about campers. Those who take campers as easy prey with/without knifes love them. Having said that, I would say Wasteland is least favorite map in the game for me too.

Thank you for saving me the time of typing the exact same thing.

unomas said:
And where am I supposed to go when guys start running massive killstreaks and heli's start flying around? Just not a big fan of that map, I'll quit out of it or vote against it every match. Estate, Wasteland, and Afghan I pretty much refuse to play. I see so many people quitting out of matches on Estate especially as well as Wasteland.

First get some tissues to wipe your tears... then equip the Stinger and take down heli's before they even enter the battlefield. When I play, choppers and harriers don't stand a chance and are shot down within seconds.

Gamer @ Heart said:
How the fuck do i beat the end of "For the record"? No matter what the fuck i do, i get mortared. I tired 15 times and just gave up. What obvious thing am i not doing?

I got stuck in this spot too for a long time on Veteran... maybe died 25 times. Then I just stuck to the very far left wall and threw flash bangs in front of me. It stunned them long enough to not shoot at me and I could make it down the hill.
divisionbyzorro said:
So can I just say that the titles and emblems are a huge missed opportunity? They should be a way to brag about your accomplishments, but because there's no way for us to see what the meanings of the various icons and titles are, they carry no weight whatsoever. If everybody knew that "Pushing Daisies" meant that you had suicided by jumping off a building, would you ever use it? I doubt it! The only emblems with any meaning to the average user are the animated killstreak emblems and the rank emblems...
I think it was kinda half-assed. Yeah, it's bizarre that it doesn't give you a freaking definition in the titles and emblems sections. That is truly stupid.

But the missed opportunity doesn't end there. Have you noticed how shitty most of them look? I won't display more than a few of them... Double Down, Tha Bomb, Ninja, No (the paddle) etc. Obviously people are going to put up Rejected etc. (the scantily-clad ladies) 'cause they actually have some art to them, but SCAR master with a little cross next to it -- why bother?

Doubly so for the emblems, which by and large are garbage.


Santa May Claus
OldJadedGamer said:
Thank you for saving me the time of typing the exact same thing.

And this invalidates the complaint... how? A camper killcam is incredibly frustrating when you realize the guy is sitting behind a rock and literally not moving at all until something appears on his screen. It doesn't matter if you flank and kill them next round, it still looks incredibly lame.
GuardianE said:
And this invalidates the complaint... how? A camper killcam is incredibly frustrating when you realize the guy is sitting behind a rock and literally not moving at all until something appears on his screen. It doesn't matter if you kill them next round, it still looks incredibly lame.

Here's the thing about campers... they are pretty stupid. They might get the jump on you one time but after that, you know exactly where they are and can kill them. The traditional camper is so dumb that they will respawn and go back to that same location again and again. I can't tell you how many times I've killed the same guy going back to his same camping position.

Campers are very easy to deal with actually. Like I said, they may get the jump on you once but if they kill you once, shame on them for camping. They kill you twice, shame on you for letting them do it even though you know their spot.

To me, a camper isn't frustrating it's amusing. You gotta feel bad for the guy since he doesn't know how to play the game that well. He'll get better over time, he just has to learn. If you feel strongly about it, leave him feedback for "Lacking Skill".
atomico said:
Amen to that. Pity aircraft shotdowns don't count as "kills", for levelling up launchers

But they're still worth as much as a few kills in terms of experience, plus leveling up the Cold Blooded perk.




Santa May Claus
OldJadedGamer said:
Here's the thing about campers... they are pretty stupid. They might get the jump on you one time but after that, you know exactly where they are and can kill them. The traditional camper is so dumb that they will respawn and go back to that same location again and again. I can't tell you how many times I've killed the same guy going back to his same camping position.

Campers are very easy to deal with actually. Like I said, they may get the jump on you once but if they kill you once, shame on them for camping. They kill you twice, shame on you for letting them do it even though you know their spot.

To me, a camper isn't frustrating it's amusing. You gotta feel bad for the guy since he doesn't know how to play the game that well. He'll get better over time, he just has to learn. If you feel strongly about it, leave him feedback for "Lacking Skill".

Doesn't make me hate them any less. The kills I get off of campers (usually after getting tricked by them once) are gratifying specifically because I hate them so.

And despite what you're saying, it's still frustrating when a camper starts racking up kills. It does happen, even when you go and hunt them down. Camping is effective in a team game because other variables (and players) can prevent you from taking out the camper in the meantime. And those racked up kills can potentially lead to powerful killstreak rewards.
atomico said:
Amen to that. Pity aircraft shotdowns don't count as "kills", for levelling up launchers
BTW, I've taken down half a dozen aircraft, but I've wondered: does deep impact or whatever the perk is affect my rockets?

Also, if I bust out with a stinger (which I think I have one rocket for) and shoot an aircraft, can I then take it out with my rifle/machinegun whatever? What I mean is... is this a 1-man, 20-second operation in some cases?

Eric WK

vatstep said:
The only title that I've specifically tried to get is the <3 one, until I realized you have to be a level 41 first. Luckily I didn't kill myself too many times trying to get it.

How do you get that one?


Neo Member
GuardianE said:
And this invalidates the complaint... how? A camper killcam is incredibly frustrating when you realize the guy is sitting behind a rock and literally not moving at all until something appears on his screen. It doesn't matter if you flank and kill them next round, it still looks incredibly lame.

if you get frustrated by being killed once by a camper.... you probably shouldn't play this game.

if you think him watching you flank him on his killcam is lame..... you probably shouldn't play this game

if you dislike killcams that much .... you should play hardcore

then again, if you hate campers in the first place.... hardcore is not for you

VERDICT-don't play the game if you're not going to enjoy yourself :lol

if you want a tip - try using a heartbeat sensor and move around slowly and stealthily. memorize where people usually camp on maps and make sure you watch those spots when you turn in that direction.


CheapChampagne said:
if you want a tip - try using a heartbeat sensor and move around slowly and stealthily. memorize where people usually camp on maps and make sure you watch those spots when you turn in that direction.

The flaw with going gun ho on campers is that at some point, they become the respawn point for those who die on their team. So what looks like a good easy kill, turns into a 4 vs 1 situation. Now it can go either way on your part. You could be in a great position of getting some sweet kills with respawners or you'll get knifed in the back. Respawning in the game is strange.
CheapChampagne said:
i think they do don't they? I leveled up my stinger that way.

Stinger can only lock onto vehicles, so it would have to count I suppose. Not sure about the original launcher, as it can be fired without locking on.


Santa May Claus
CheapChampagne said:
if you get frustrated by being killed once by a camper.... you probably shouldn't play this game.

if you think him watching you flank him on his killcam is lame..... you probably shouldn't play this game

if you dislike killcams that much .... you should play hardcore

then again, if you hate campers in the first place.... hardcore is not for you

VERDICT-don't play the game if you're not going to enjoy yourself :lol

if you want a tip - try using a heartbeat sensor and move around slowly and stealthily. memorize where people usually camp on maps and make sure you watch those spots when you turn in that direction.

The frustration is not stemming from me being killed by the camper. It's the fact that people are playing the game by camping that is frustrating to me. It's just cowardly and lame.

I love killcams. I don't know where this is coming from. What I'm saying is, often you can only tell you're killed by a camper via killcam, and so seeing this camper just sitting and not moving is disgusting to me because I realize the guy's just playing by camping.

You guys are interpreting my being "frustrated" or my "hate" for campers with a different weight. I still enjoy playing immensely. The frustration is, like I said, that campers exist at all. The hate is more like a rolling of the eyes and muttering, "oh, another fucking camper."


atomico said:
Amen to that. Pity aircraft shotdowns don't count as "kills", for levelling up launchers

I think they do for the Stinger, I shot down some chopper the other day and the game gave me the challenge for 8 kills with it.


Neo Member
CcrooK said:
The flaw with going gun ho on campers is that at some point, they become the respawn point for those who die on their team. So what looks like a good easy kill, turns into a 4 vs 1 situation. Now it can go either way on your part. You could be in a great position of getting some sweet kills with respawners or you'll get knifed in the back. Respawning in the game is strange.

yea that's true. although i personally love to flash the shit out of the camper and anyone who's respawned around him and then turning the corner and mowing down whoever is standing there. if i only get the camper i'm still happy, but once in awhile you'll get an easy double or triple.


i just found out that you can go through the pages of the emblems and titles with the shoulder buttons :O

why didn't i think of that earlier... :lol
.nimrod said:
i just found out that you can go through the pages of the emblems and titles with the shoulder buttons :O

why didn't i think of that earlier... :lol
Because, like a number of other things in this game, it's not documented and not intuitive. :D

Maybe it says something about that in the instruction manua... ohhhh, I forgot, it's the worst instruction manual ever printed.


Santa May Claus
DeuceMojo said:
Because, like a number of other things in this game, it's not documented and not intuitive. :D

Maybe it says something about that in the instruction manua... ohhhh, I forgot, it's the worst instruction manual ever printed.

How is that not intuitive? It's the first thing I do now whenever I see pages on the 360 console.

B Miggs

Neo Member
.nimrod said:
i just found out that you can go through the pages of the emblems and titles with the shoulder buttons :O

why didn't i think of that earlier... :lol

You just saved me hours and hours every day. There's something about that glowing "NEW" that pisses me off. My OCD won't permit me to simply let that sleeping dog lie. I have to get rid of them immediately.


Sorry, away from the game - does the Scavenger Perk refill your Attachment Grenade Launcher and your Secondary Weapon (e.g., Launchers: Thumper, Stinger, etc, etc)?


mr_boo said:
Sorry, away from the game - does the Scavenger Perk refill your Attachment Grenade Launcher and your Secondary Weapon (e.g., Launchers: Thumper, Stinger, etc, etc)?

Yes. That's why it's great, Anything in the air goes down if you have a Stinger.:lol
GuardianE said:
How is that not intuitive? It's the first thing I do now whenever I see pages on the 360 console.
.nimrod said:
i just found out that you can go through the pages of the emblems and titles with the shoulder buttons :O
why didn't i think of that earlier... :lol
B Miggs said:
You just saved me hours and hours every day. There's something about that glowing "NEW" that pisses me off. My OCD won't permit me to simply let that sleeping dog lie. I have to get rid of them immediately.

The critical path is in bold.


VaLiancY said:
Yes. That's why it's great, Anything in the air goes down if you have a Stinger.:lol
Awesome, that really makes me consider Scavenger now over Fast Reload. I wonder how effective Fast Aiming (Fast Reload Pro) really is....too bad I'm stuck at work...obvisously I'm going through MW2 Withdraws :p


Santa May Claus
DeuceMojo said:
The critical path is in bold.

That doesn't mean it's not intuitive. That means that people didn't bother trying it. The triggers/bumpers have changed pages since the 360 was first released with the Blades interface. Still works now with the NXE, too. Try hitting the triggers or bumpers while on the NXE.

Go back to some of your old games with pages and try it out. It's not a recent development, and it's so convenient I don't see why everyone doesn't try it. Just because a few people who posted here were surprised by that doesn't mean that the system isn't intuitive.


GuardianE said:
The frustration is not stemming from me being killed by the camper. It's the fact that people are playing the game by camping that is frustrating to me. It's just cowardly and lame.

I love killcams. I don't know where this is coming from. What I'm saying is, often you can only tell you're killed by a camper via killcam, and so seeing this camper just sitting and not moving is disgusting to me because I realize the guy's just playing by camping.

You guys are interpreting my being "frustrated" or my "hate" for campers with a different weight. I still enjoy playing immensely. The frustration is, like I said, that campers exist at all. The hate is more like a rolling of the eyes and muttering, "oh, another fucking camper."

Soooooo, you want everybody running around in the open like smacked out retards with their cocks out waving them at you so you can shoot them?

Its probably you running round in the open if you are getting picked off by guys taking things a little more steady.


Steroid Distributor
This game is evil for achievement whores/completionists. I really don't like using the P90 (accuracy is a pain) but I'm still using it because I only need 20 more kills to level it up. Or whatever certain number to the next unlock. So everytime I level up one thing I check the rest of the challenges for it and realize just a bit more to for the next milestone. Ugh I'm an idiot for playing like this. :D


Santa May Claus
kitch9 said:
Soooooo, you want everybody running around in the open like smacked out retards with their cocks out waving them at you so you can shoot them?

Its probably you running round in the open if you are getting picked off by guys taking things a little more steady.

Why the hell am I suddenly the person on a crusade against campers? I never said I wanted Modern Warfare 2 to be a twitch shooter. I just said that I hate campers. I'm entitled to that.

And why the hell is everyone suddenly supporting campers?

I know the difference between a camper and someone who takes it slow, checks corners, clears rooms... a camper doesn't fucking move. They literally stay in the same spot, hiding behind a barrel or crouched in a corner. It's a stupid way to play. Not that I have to validate myself, but I take it slow when I play, but I still move from location to location. I don't sit behind a rock the entire game.

dollartaco said:
Not sure I understand the complaints about campers. You exposed yourself and got shot by somebody in a better position than you. Wah wah.

Spoken like a true camper.

And of course if I'm complaining about campers, then I'm a shitty player. No one here actually reads posts anymore. They just see that I was complaining about campers and don't bother to read why.

Like I said, it's a dumb way to play the game, and I feel sorry for the people who do. If they enjoy themselves, that's great, but it looks fucking boring to sit and not move. I don't mind getting killed by a camper. I get mad at the fact that the person can only play by camping.


GuardianE said:
That doesn't mean it's not intuitive. That means that people didn't bother trying it. The triggers/bumpers have changed pages since the 360 was first released with the Blades interface.[...]

I'm not playing it on 360.

dollartaco said:
Not sure I understand the complaints about campers. You exposed yourself and got shot by somebody in a better position than you. Wah wah.

so you're saying hiding in the corner of a room aiming for the only door isn't kinda lame and cheap but a tactical better position?
GuardianE said:
I know the difference between a camper and someone who takes it slow, checks corners, clears rooms... a camper doesn't fucking move. They literally stay in the same spot, hiding behind a barrel or crouched in a corner. It's a stupid way to play. Not that I have to validate myself, but I take it slow when I play, but I still move from location to location. I don't sit behind a rock the entire game.

It's only a stupid way to play if you die a lot. If you get a lot of kills in the same spot, then it's a pretty fucking smart way to play.


.nimrod said:
i just found out that you can go through the pages of the emblems and titles with the shoulder buttons :O

why didn't i think of that earlier... :lol
At the end of a match, when it shows your achieved accolades, you can also use the left analog stick to page through more stats of said match. I found this by accident a few days ago.
.nimrod said:
so you're saying hiding in the corner of a room aiming for the only door isn't kinda lame and cheap but a tactical better position?

What else are you going to be aiming at? The ceiling?

There's nothing lame about setting a trap and letting retards walk into it over and over. I kill campers all the time who are hurting their team more than helping -- those are the ones you should be critical of.
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