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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

FunBoy said:
You forgot "per map" too :lol

I'm expecting 800 spacebucks for three. I won't be buying them, of course. Never did for W@W, and won't do so here. They'll need to sweeten the deal to get me on board. I might be willing to shell out 400 for three, but even that is doubtful.

In my ideal world, MP maps are free, and Spec Ops maps cost money. That said, I understand that creating, testing, and distributing MP maps does cost IW money; I just don't don't feel like paying the ridiculous prices that Treyarch Activision charged for W@W packs.


Santa May Claus
divisionbyzorro said:
In my ideal world, MP maps are free, and Spec Ops maps cost money. That said, I understand that creating, testing, and distributing MP maps does cost IW money; I just don't don't feel like paying the ridiculous prices that Activision charged for W@W packs.

Fixed. And they'll likely be the same price because of it.
I've heard rumors of multiple DLC packages for MW2, which is hopeful, considering the entirety of COD4's support was ONE package of 4 maps. They need to come correct and throw up like 10 maps for 800 space dollars.
I'm sort of hoping they do only do one. I think paying one price for a bulk of maps would be better than if they realized that they could charge you half that price and break up the maps over 3-4 different updates. Ultimately that would harm to bank account way more.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
DeuceMojo said:
I've heard rumors of multiple DLC packages for MW2, which is hopeful, considering the entirety of COD4's support was ONE package of 4 maps. They need to come correct and throw up like 10 maps for 800 space dollars.
They've confirmed two — the first is due next spring. Since the last time around it was four maps in one package, I'm guessing it'll be three maps apiece. And if they do throwback maps, I doubt those will come first (or maybe it'll be two new ones and an old one). But who knows?
highroller said:
I'm sort of hoping they do only do one. I think paying one price for a bulk of maps would be better than if they realized that they could charge you half that price and break up the maps over 3-4 different updates. Ultimately that would harm to bank account way more.
Come to think of it yes, one DLC is better than two. Considering the people that don't buy the maps end up being excluded from thousands of games, putting out two packs would create two possible underclasses, which is no good.


Rad- said:
I can't stand Ground War Favela. It's the most chaotic map ever created.

I have 2 spots I just run to and hide and wait on that map...I dont even consider it camping there, its called not standing in traffic.


Neo Member
So I just killed a guy with a care package. IT WAS THE 2nd TO LAST KILL. I was so sad. So close to that ridiculous challenge. I actually ended up throwing it towards the enemies since the match was almost over and a guy ran out and got dominated by it. :lol
CheapChampagne said:
So I just killed a guy with a care package. IT WAS THE 2nd TO LAST KILL. I was so sad. So close to that ridiculous challenge. I actually ended up throwing it towards the enemies since the match was almost over and a guy ran out and got dominated by it. :lol

SAD FACE =( :D just kidding. Anyway, that is the most ridiculous challenge I think I've seen in a video game, and you know damn well the only people that are getting it are straightup boosters.

However, if I was killed by an enemy care package on the killcam, I would give that guy credit. If you can do it legitimately, you deserve it, and I'd have a good laugh over it.


Gold Member
so what are the rules of how Predator strikes hit? Not through the ceiling and only on direct hit? I score really poorly with it. Also, how does it show enemies - do I need to have UAV on first?
DeuceMojo said:
SAD FACE =( :D just kidding. Anyway, that is the most ridiculous challenge I think I've seen in a video game, and you know damn well the only people that are getting it are straightup boosters.

However, if I was killed by an enemy care package on the killcam, I would give that guy credit. If you can do it legitimately, you deserve it, and I'd have a good laugh over it.

It just means that you're going to save care package markers through the entire match, and then wildly chuck them across the map near the end...and hope...


Neo Member
DeuceMojo said:
SAD FACE =( :D just kidding. Anyway, that is the most ridiculous challenge I think I've seen in a video game, and you know damn well the only people that are getting it are straightup boosters.

However, if I was killed by an enemy care package on the killcam, I would give that guy credit. If you can do it legitimately, you deserve it, and I'd have a good laugh over it.

I would def be on the floor in tears if I was the guy getting rocked for the game kill by a random ass care package. I really want to see it happen. Damn challenges are so fun and yet so hard to complete sometimes.
Chittagong said:
so what are the rules of how Predator strikes hit? Not through the ceiling and only on direct hit? I score really poorly with it. Also, how does it show enemies - do I need to have UAV on first?
they need to not have coldblood on for you to see them. it goes t hrough windows, not walls or roofs.
CheapChampagne said:
I would def be on the floor in tears if I was the guy getting rocked for the game kill by a random ass care package. I really want to see it happen. Damn challenges are so fun and yet so hard to complete sometimes.
me and my mates joked that you should save up emergency air drops and use them as air strikes on the enemy:lol


Neo Member
Them heart beat sensor attachments must be the worst fucking thing ever, glorified wall hacks, will have to wait till i get the ninja perk to combat them. Going to take me forever to memorize these massive maps as well, fucking chaos! :lol


Neo Member
Johnlenham said:
me and my mates joked that you should save up emergency air drops and use them as air strikes on the enemy:lol

I just recently started using emergency air drops so I think I might save one and try to toss it towards the respawning enemy team if we're just about to win and see what happens :lol


Santa May Claus
Chittagong said:
so what are the rules of how Predator strikes hit? Not through the ceiling and only on direct hit? I score really poorly with it. Also, how does it show enemies - do I need to have UAV on first?

All enemies (except those with Cold Blooded) appear with Red Boxes over them, whether they're indoors or outdoors. The blast radius of the Predator Missile is pretty generous, but if you hit a rooftop, it won't penetrate that rooftop... it'll miss. Ideally, you want to hit near several people out in the open.

Many people run into houses or stay near entranceways. If you hit near the doorways (not on top of the doorway), then you can still score a hit with the blast radius.

You can still see those with Cold Blooded moving around, they just won't be highlighted. you can use this to your advantage if you see a single enemy with a Cold Blooded ally.


Chittagong said:
so what are the rules of how Predator strikes hit? Not through the ceiling and only on direct hit? I score really poorly with it. Also, how does it show enemies - do I need to have UAV on first?

The thing with Predator Strikes, and all airborne killstreaks for that matter, is to only have them equiped on certain maps. If you are playing maps like Terminal or Favela (sp?) it might be wise to have UAV, Sentry Gun, and UAV Jammer equipped as it will probably be more help than air surrport. On the other hand, maps like Afghan and Wasteland are prime for air stikes. As for how to use the Predator Missle, you want to look for cluster of players if possible, and look for enemies that are around vehicles as that is always a guaranteed kill.
dakster said:
Them heart beat sensor attachments must be the worst fucking thing ever, glorified wall hacks, will have to wait till i get the ninja perk to combat them. Going to take me forever to memorize these massive maps as well, fucking chaos! :lol

Most people choose not to use Ninja. There are other perks in the same slot which are generally more useful (Steady Aim, for example), and Ninja solely combats a single attachment which isn't even super prevalent in the game. Unless you're deliberately using a stealth class, it's often more advisable to use a different slot 3 perk.

I use the heartbeat sensor all the time. So please don't use Ninja.


bud said:
that happened to me once in favela. :lol i was waiting for the package... but it landed on one of those huts your can't reach. you should've seen my face. sad face total

Yep, done the same thing on that map too.

I have a feeling that my ratio for air drop packages that I can't get is actually higher than the ones I do.

Speaking of air drop packages. Do any of you try to take a team member's air drop? If I see a team member call one in and I'm around, I try to guard him while he retrieves it. I feel like there is a unspoken rule about stealing somebody's air drop.



Tek said:
Yep, done the same thing on that map too.

I have a feeling that my ratio for air drop packages that I can't get is actually higher than the ones I do.

Speaking of air drop packages. Do any of you try to take a team member's air drop? If I see a team member call one in and I'm around, I try to guard him while he retrieves it. I feel like there is a unspoken rule about stealing somebody's air drop.


I give a teammate a couple seconds. If he's dead and running back, I'll gladly take it if only to deny the opposition.


Alligator F*ck House
Tek said:
Yep, done the same thing on that map too.

I have a feeling that my ratio for air drop packages that I can't get is actually higher than the ones I do.

Speaking of air drop packages. Do any of you try to take a team member's air drop? If I see a team member call one in and I'm around, I try to guard him while he retrieves it. I feel like there is a unspoken rule about stealing somebody's air drop.


I won't use EAD in matches that aren't occupied by my friends. Jackasses on your team rush that shit so hard it's ridiculous.
Tek said:
Yep, done the same thing on that map too.

I have a feeling that my ratio for air drop packages that I can't get is actually higher than the ones I do.

Speaking of air drop packages. Do any of you try to take a team member's air drop? If I see a team member call one in and I'm around, I try to guard him while he retrieves it. I feel like there is a unspoken rule about stealing somebody's air drop.


If you dropped the package, it takes almost no time for you to collect it. Anyone else, teammate or enemy, has to sit there for a few seconds. This makes it next to impossible to steal it from a teammate, since he'll grab it faster than you can.

But yes. Stealing a package from a teammate is a dick move unless he offers to share.


Neo Member
When it comes to being stealthy, Ninja is greater than Cold blooded (both combined is obviously the best setup).

Heartbeat sensors are active the whole game when used, while UAVs are not. Thanks to selfish killstreak whoring, hardly anyone uses UAV as a streak anymore. Cold blooded is more helpful as thermal/air support defense than stealth. Ninja Pro makes you dead silent and keeps you off of the more prevalent radar system in MW2, the HB Sensor.
Chittagong said:
so what are the rules of how Predator strikes hit? Not through the ceiling and only on direct hit? I score really poorly with it. Also, how does it show enemies - do I need to have UAV on first?
1) Ceilings bad, skylights good. Open street, better.
2) No UAV necessary it spots everyone on the map (with the possible exception of cold-bloodeds)
3) Lots and lots of splash damage, so you can split the strike between two guys several feet apart and it will kill them both.
4) REMEMBER THE RIGHT TRIGGER. This will accelerate the rocket downward if you catch a guy trying to run for cover.


divisionbyzorro said:
Most people choose not to use Ninja. There are other perks in the same slot which are generally more useful (Steady Aim, for example), and Ninja solely combats a single attachment which isn't even super prevalent in the game. Unless you're deliberately using a stealth class, it's often more advisable to use a different slot 3 perk.

I use the heartbeat sensor all the time. So please don't use Ninja.

I actually always have a carbon copy of my main class with the Ninja perk. As soon as I get killed by someone using a HBS, I just switch over to using Ninja.

Though you're right, I rarely run into it.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
It's amazing sometimes how stupid people will act when the care package icon pops up on their HUD (especially if it's something really good). Turning and running in the opposite direction, ignoring the objective, etc. It's the worst when the other team is clearly using it as bait and people KEEP FALLING FOR IT.


Tek said:
Speaking of air drop packages. Do any of you try to take a team member's air drop? If I see a team member call one in and I'm around, I try to guard him while he retrieves it. I feel like there is a unspoken rule about stealing somebody's air drop.


When I play with friends on HTDM, you just don't take someone's drop. However, conversation is good and often whatever helps the team is the priority. Often the guy who called in the drop will tell the rest of the team to take it because he's "on a streak" and doesn't want to take the risk of activating the crate.


Gold Member
jacobs34 said:
The thing with Predator Strikes, and all airborne killstreaks for that matter, is to only have them equiped on certain maps. If you are playing maps like Terminal or Favela (sp?) it might be wise to have UAV, Sentry Gun, and UAV Jammer equipped as it will probably be more help than air surrport. On the other hand, maps like Afghan and Wasteland are prime for air stikes. As for how to use the Predator Missle, you want to look for cluster of players if possible, and look for enemies that are around vehicles as that is always a guaranteed kill.

hmm I wonder if I should do one indoors fighter (SMG, Claymores, Shotgun, Sentry Gun) and one outdoors fighter (assault rifle, Grenades, Bazooka, Air Strikes).

Two maps by I'm having most trouble by far are the two city maps where you can go rooftop and upstairs in the houses. There is no chance of walking on the streets, people hiding in houses will get you.
HooCares said:
When it comes to being stealthy, Ninja is greater than Cold blooded (both combined is obviously the best setup).
Heartbeat sensors are active the whole game when used, while UAVs are not. Thanks to selfish killstreak whoring, hardly anyone uses UAV as a streak anymore.
Don't know if I can get behind this. I launch tons of UAVs... I've never taken them off as my first reward.

Also, Cold-Blooded makes you invisible to choppers, Pavelows, Harriers and Sentry Guns. which is AWESOME. I have become so immune to these things that it surprises me when I don't equip cold-blooded and get shot by a Harrier. Just the ability to stroll up to a sentry and kill it with one swipe is worth half of that perk. :lol
DeuceMojo said:
Don't know if I can get behind this. I launch tons of UAVs... I've never taken them off as my first reward.

Also, Cold-Blooded makes you invisible to choppers, Pavelows, Harriers and Sentry Guns. which is AWESOME. I have become so immune to these things that it surprises me when I don't equip cold-blooded and get shot by a Harrier. Just the ability to stroll up to a sentry and kill it with one swipe is worth half of that perk. :lol

I only have one class without Cold-Blooded, and that's my knife class :lol
LeMaximilian said:
I won't use EAD in matches that aren't occupied by my friends. Jackasses on your team rush that shit so hard it's ridiculous.

That's because it's for the whole team, not just you. I make sure to tell my team to grab one whenever I get an airdrop, I just make sure I get first dibs.

Narag said:
I give a teammate a couple seconds. If he's dead and running back, I'll gladly take it if only to deny the opposition.

Same here. After a couple of seconds I let the team know I'm about to take it. If I don't hear any objections, I go for it. It's better I have it then an enemy.
jacobs34 said:
The thing with Predator Strikes, and all airborne killstreaks for that matter, is to only have them equiped on certain maps. If you are playing maps like Terminal or Favela (sp?) it might be wise to have UAV, Sentry Gun, and UAV Jammer equipped as it will probably be more help than air surrport. On the other hand, maps like Afghan and Wasteland are prime for air stikes. As for how to use the Predator Missle, you want to look for cluster of players if possible, and look for enemies that are around vehicles as that is always a guaranteed kill.

I've actually found that it doesn't matter all that much. As all the maps are built with air support in mind. My 2 best kill streaks are on Favela w/ an AC130. The buildings hardly do anything against the bigger shells. And on terminal, almost every area has a ceiling window, or is close enough to a side window that a burst just outside the window will kill everyone inside.


After being annoyed to death by Knife class fiends, I decided to bring the shotgun to the battle. It stops them cold, so good.:lol NOT SO FAST NOW BITCH!!!


Fëanor said:
After being annoyed to death by Knife class fiends, I decided to bring the shotgun to the battle. It stops them cold, so good.:lol NOT SO FAST NOW BITCH!!!

Yeah, I ran up against a guy with dual shotties last night and it seemed like a hard counter to the knife class.
Fëanor said:
After being annoyed to death by Knife class fiends, I decided to bring the shotgun to the battle. It stops them cold, so good.:lol NOT SO FAST NOW BITCH!!!

Another good Knife-counter is the M16A4 with FMJ and Stopping Power. It's almost always a one shot kill and it's fast too. I once forced a knifer on the other team to start using guns because he was so frustrated that he couldn't get a knife kill on me. He went like 8 and 20 or something like that. :) He keeps sending me hate messages :lol


Neo Member
DeuceMojo said:
Don't know if I can get behind this. I launch tons of UAVs... I've never taken them off as my first reward.

Also, Cold-Blooded makes you invisible to choppers, Pavelows, Harriers and Sentry Guns. which is AWESOME. I have become so immune to these things that it surprises me when I don't equip cold-blooded and get shot by a Harrier. Just the ability to stroll up to a sentry and kill it with one swipe is worth half of that perk. :lol

I think it's good that you're launching a lot of UAV's every game. I think they are great in that they help the whole team. I wasn't downplaying cold blooded (i mentioned the Air Support protection).

What I was really trying to say was that HB sensors are more prevalent than UAV"s making Ninja more worthwhile for stealth purposes. I typically see one enemy UAV every 1-2 games. That's 30-60 seconds of radar for 20 minutes of gametime (2, ten minute TDM's). Far less significant than 1-2 players running around with HB sensors for the entire 20 minutes.
HooCares said:
I think it's good that you're launching a lot of UAV's every game. I think they are great in that they help the whole team. I wasn't downplaying cold blooded (i mentioned the Air Support protection).

What I was really trying to say was that HB sensors are more prevalent than UAV"s making Ninja more worthwhile for stealth purposes. I typically see one enemy UAV every 1-2 games. That's 30-60 seconds of radar for 20 minutes of gametime (2, ten minute TDM's). Far less significant than 1-2 players running around with HB sensors for the entire 20 minutes.

Plus, once you start fucking their game up with the ninja perk they either A)tend to switch off to another gun or B)continue to get crushed. It's so much fun, haha.


Comics, serious business!
I wonder if there's any relation between one's fondness for Kinder eggs and one's decision to choose support drops as their first killstreak reward. I love getting drops. It's like a surprise. You never know what you're gonna get. Yes, I could be more efficient with another killstreak chain, but the sheer excitement that comes along with running over to that big box outweighs any enjoyment I get from killing.

OOOOoooh! What did Santa bring today????




This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
RSTEIN said:
I wonder if there's any relation between one's fondness for Kinder eggs and one's decision to choose support drops as their first killstreak reward. I love getting drops. It's like a surprise. You never know what you're gonna get. Yes, I could be more efficient with another killstreak chain, but the sheer excitement that comes along with running over to that big box outweighs any enjoyment I get from killing.

OOOOoooh! What did Santa bring today????


I agree. I have a hard time removing them from my setup because the gamble is just so much fun.
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