G0DLIKE said:MW2 in almost unplayable online in AUS/NZ. Fuck that shit.
Huh? I get yellow every (non-Aus) game and most of the time get a positive K/d fine.
5-6mbps btw.
G0DLIKE said:MW2 in almost unplayable online in AUS/NZ. Fuck that shit.
fourzerotwo's Twitter said:We're planning to add a new hardcore playlist to #MW2 just in time for the holiday break. Look for Hardcore Ricochet: HQ Pro on Wednesday!
Cerrius said:Man, what the fock was IW thinking with the 40 FMJ kills challenge?!
I'm going to have to play in the third person mode and try to get all my FMJ kills there... UGH.
Cerrius said:Man, what the fock was IW thinking with the 40 FMJ kills challenge?!
I'm going to have to play in the third person mode and try to get all my FMJ kills there... UGH.
Accident said:Try playing Headquarters, if you know a building that is full of people it is not that hard.
I don't think it'd be much good anyway - presumably you'd just have bunch of people trying new weapons, interspersed with people using exclusively throwing knives and riot shields. it'd be mad funny, but I don't think it'd be great training for ranked games!corkscrewblow said:Man I wish there was an unranked mode. I'm trying to get good with the Barrett + ACOG and no scoping but I don't want to ruin my precious k/d
johnFkennedy said:Has it been mentioned that last stand has been ruined since cod4?
Final stand is like ten times better, apart from the fact that you don't get it every death.Ten-Song said:Last stand seems really pointless to me now, but oddly enough, I really love final stand as a death streak.
Ten-Song said:Last stand seems really pointless to me now, but oddly enough, I really love final stand as a death streak.
Tokubetsu said:It's still not that easy man. Unless you fucking cheat and boost, you're still looking at least 2 days of playing with that kit before you hit 40 fmj kills. After a day of playing, I managed to hit 13 our so and just gave up. Said fuck it, extended mags is not that important to me.
Accident said:I think i got the 40 kills with the M16 in 2 or 3 hours.
Try getting the kills in Terminal, stay in the plane and shoot through the windows on the side, that is at least 5 kills in one game.
I used the final stand death streak for the first time last night. First time I got to use it I thought it was like last stand, I shot the guy who 'killed' me whilst laying on the floor and then waited to die accept I recovered, stood up and carried on as normal. Kinda felt sorry for the guy who shot me and got nothing :lolTen-Song said:Last stand seems really pointless to me now, but oddly enough, I really love final stand as a death streak.
micromagic said:I used the final stand death streak for the first time last night. First time I got to use it I thought it was like last stand, I shot the guy who 'killed' me whilst laying on the floor and then waited to die accept I recovered, stood up and carried on as normal. Kinda felt sorry for the guy who shot me and got nothing :lol
This is pretty much what I did. I also found ways to only kill guys through walls. I would wait for someone to get on the other side of a thin wall and unload. Only took me a couple hours. Still a pain in the ass though.Full Recovery said:FMJ is easy if you only use it on maps like Favela. Do not use it exclusively for example, don't use it on wasteland or afghan because you're wasting an attachment slot.
roosters93 said:Huh? I get yellow every (non-Aus) game and most of the time get a positive K/d fine.
5-6mbps btw.
Full Recovery said:Local search really is a must, and they better make it DEFAULT. If I play at night in the US I get matched up with AUS, UK, France, and probably more that I don't know.
It would help decrease the lag for everyone.
Almost tempts me to buy the game, hardcore HQ was my favorite game mode in COD 4Strider2K99 said:Looks like Hardcore HQ will be coming soon finally.
I have done it for the M16 and ACRCerrius said:Man, what the fock was IW thinking with the 40 FMJ kills challenge?!
I'm going to have to play in the third person mode and try to get all my FMJ kills there... UGH.
kaizoku said:I still have no idea how people can get kill streaks so high. My best was 10 and that was really lucky. I usually struggle to get 5 or 6 streak, and if I do, I'm almost guaranteed to die right after!
Just don't understand!
I'm so glad this game has been devoid of a couple things so far in my games:
1) spawn campers, worst thing in the damn world and so glad I haven't run into it so far. Most important thing for me.
2) no grenade spamming.
MarkMclovin said:Has anyone gone out of their way to try to find the person using the Chopper Gunner or AC-130?
It's just occurred to me that when these are up, all I try to do is hide from them.
There must be a few out of the way spots that people use.
cameltoe said:get the tritton 720's can be used with the 360, ps3 and PC....I have them and they sound great. I had the tritton pros and ax360's...these sound much better. Had the TB x3's and they were not so good.
BattleMonkey said:Hardcore mercs plz
BattleMonkey said:Hardcore mercs plz
This man speaks the truth. Once you get that first 5, the rest of the chain is pretty much on auto-pilot. I've executed my entire chain more than once in a single game before. It's all about chaining up those first 5, my friend._Alkaline_ said:Killstreak rewards, my good friend.
Most have the set-up of:
5 kills - Predator Missile
7 kills - Harrier Strike
11 kills - Chopper Gunner
If you can get up to 5, then you've already done the hardest part. The Predator Missile will almost always allow you to get one kill, and sometimes two or three. That should take you up to your Harrier, which can net you one or two kills just from the airstrike, and as long as someone doesn't shoot it down, should kill enough people to take you to 10 or 11 kills. At the same time you might want to get a few kills, but play on the safe side so that you don't get killed and lose your streak.
If you can get up the chopper gunner, then you're in business. Some maps (like Karachi for instance) don't work so well with the gunner, but for most maps, and particularly open stuff like Wasteland, Afghan and Derail it is simply ridiculous how many kills you can notch up.Some prefer the AC-130, but I find the gunner more reliable and faster in taking down foes.
huacst21 said:It's been on youtube since the 15th. The original has been out a day earlier.
You could type MW2 glitches in youtube and see the glitches for yourself. Linking to the video doesn't matter at this point, so stop crying.
It is IW's fault for having so many glitches pass through QA in the COD series.
You really thought cheaters weren't going to find glitches in a new COD game within days of it's release? Really?
I don't know why everyone is having such issues with that. I agree 40 is a bit high, should have been more like 25-30, but it's not that hard.Cerrius said:Man, what the fock was IW thinking with the 40 FMJ kills challenge?!
I'm going to have to play in the third person mode and try to get all my FMJ kills there... UGH.
For the SCAR it was fairly quick, but the AUG for some reason is taking me hours and hours just to get to 16. It's a pain to grind through a weapon for mastery, but all-in-all it's more fun than its predecessor.pringles said:I don't know why everyone is having such issues with that. I agree 40 is a bit high, should have been more like 25-30, but it's not that hard.
J-Rzez said:Your tears, they fuel me. Don't like it, just mute it. If you're dumb enough to try going toe to toe with trash talking, then it's no one's fault but yourself. Besides, it's all in fun and games, and many people have a good time joking around. That's how I filled my old friend list basically, with people who can take a joke.
Funny thing is, fucking around with all that and I'm still at 1.83 k/d. :lol
IW has always had the more limited list of game modes. War is a Treyarch concept and IW has never used it. I'll agree, I thought War was a great mode -- far more interesting than, say, Capture the Flag. But we'll never see it or zombies in an IW game, and that's OK with me. I just wish there was a little more to choose from.divisionbyzorro said:I guess I'm just really interested to see what kind of new game modes IW is going to be adding. Demolition is really the only new thing, and it's not even all that great. Bring back War!
MarkMclovin said:Has anyone gone out of their way to try to find the person using the Chopper Gunner or AC-130?
It's just occurred to me that when these are up, all I try to do is hide from them.
There must be a few out of the way spots that people use.
One of my more satisfying kills was hitting someone with a shotgun while he stood there with a laptop open. I thought "ooooh, how painful to be using the AC-130 one moment and dead the next. Yeeowch."andycapps said:It's quicker for me to pull out my Stinger and shoot the choppa out of the air. But when I get something I don't really go to what is obviously a good hiding place as I think someone may find me laying down back there.. a lot of times I'll go into an area I don't think is that common and I'll just lay down in some tall grass. It's pretty easy to hide in the grass and not be seen unless you move.
Dane Cook is an understated genius and truly one of the finest performers of the past century.*Foxtastical said:Played a bunch of matches with Dane Cook last night. Shit was wahjah, he had banana riders up in there.
Haha, I don't care for his work at all, but I just didn't expect it. That, and he was a solid teammate.DeuceMojo said:One of my more satisfying kills was hitting someone with a shotgun while he stood there with a laptop open. I thought "ooooh, how painful to be using the AC-130 one moment and dead the next. Yeeowch."![]()
Dane Cook is an understated genius and truly one of the finest performers of the past century.*
*denotes probable sarcasm.
Was discussing this exact killstreak bonus yesterday after going through Snatch & Grab on vet with a buddy, it wouldn't even be too shabby as a player controlled kit if it had a timer and cqb oriented weapons that forced them to make the most of it. Although I do like the idea of an short lived and wildly crazed AI rush character coming on the scene ala the mysterious stranger in Fallout 3, and I like the free for all idea even more. It seems so obvious though, they must have tried to implement it someway and I can only assume it didn't shake out. I'd definitely take it over a sentry airdrop any day of the week.divisionbyzorro said:You know, with the big deal that they made about the Juggernaut in Spec Ops, I'm curious why they didn't come up with a way to include him in multiplayer. Imagine if he was a killstreak bonus - get 7 kills and call in the Juggernaut to wreak havoc on the other team. Or if there was a Juggernaut free-for-all variant.