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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


I just got Gold for the Striker, and I love it. It was something I tried out originally and thought it sucked too but as I got used to it and how I need to change my style, including unlocking Range/Damage and Extended Mags, then I was easily pulling 2.0 KDR's per game with over 35 kills no sweat.

What is the SECOND best Shotgun in the game after the Striker now?

I love it. That and the ACR are my main weapons.

Well those two are certainly polar opposites so I guess I can see why you'd use them interchangeably.

Crazy recoil, but if you can work it, it can be beastly. I don't put it as a top tier assault rifle though. For me, type 95, ACR and the SCAR are the best AR, but I roll SMGs all the time so that should pretty much sum up my thoughts on assault rifles in this game.

Yeah, the more I used it this afternoon the more I realized it is a beast from close to medium range. But unless you're going up against someone with a CQ weapon or who can't aim for shit, it is pretty useless for anything beyond medium/long range.
Anyone want to team up for today's event: Vengeful Beast (Most Kills in TDM)

Start at 5pm pst tag is xGeneral Ice

I'm definitely down now that I got range and extended mags on my USAS again.

It's just most kills, as in KD isn't crucial so long as you are killing more, right?

What is the SECOND best Shotgun in the game after the Striker now?

With extended mags and range the USAS has the best longshots, but for shotguns without any attachment and proficiency boost the SPAS-12 seems to be the most usable.


With extended mags and range the USAS has the best longshots, but for shotguns without any attachment and proficiency boost the SPAS-12 seems to be the most usable.

Awesome, thanks. I'll go with the USAS then as it doesn't take very long to unlock the proficiencies and whatnot.


I haven't played in a while, but was just in a Kill Confirmed match where somebody died 39 time, had 1 kill, but had over 7,000 points. I assume all the deaths was helping somebody cheat on the other team to get the mini-nuke thing, but why did he have so many points? Is this a known thing or just a weird glitch?
I haven't played in a while, but was just in a Kill Confirmed match where somebody died 39 time, had 1 kill, but had over 7,000 points. I assume all the deaths was helping somebody cheat on the other team to get the mini-nuke thing, but why did he have so many points? Is this a known thing or just a weird glitch?

1) first guy sets up tac insert
2) second stays near him
3) second guy kills the first guy
4) second guy lets the first guy respawn and recover his tag (250 points)
5) repeats steps 2, 3, 4


Thanks (makes sense)... I was forgetting you can get points now for doing almost nothing - it was such a weird looking scoreline it threw me off.


Anyone ever played with someone named EZ Lurk? This dude was insane. He got like 50 kills every match, with a minimum of a 2.0 kd, most times 3-4 kd. It was in a mercernary playlist, with mostly Kill Confirmed.

I was wondering if he had a youtube channel or something.
I haven't played in a while, but was just in a Kill Confirmed match where somebody died 39 time, had 1 kill, but had over 7,000 points. I assume all the deaths was helping somebody cheat on the other team to get the mini-nuke thing, but why did he have so many points? Is this a known thing or just a weird glitch?

I've played a couple matches with some boosters on the other team.
The problem isn't as prevalent as in MW2, but it's still annoying; and the M.O.A.B. isn't even game ending, so what's the point of boosting for it?
I've played a couple matches with some boosters on the other team.
The problem isn't as prevalent as in MW2, but it's still annoying; and the M.O.A.B. isn't even game ending, so what's the point of boosting for it?

Because then they can tell all their 1st grader friends how they got a MOAB and it was stuff of legends.
So... what's up with strikers? It's like a fucking switch has been toggled and everyone is using strikers now. One day hardly a soul using shotguns and now it seems like every team has 4-5 guys rocking strikers. Are they really good or something? Most seem to be using the dual attachment proficiency. I picked one up that had extended mag, holy shit!


So... what's up with strikers? It's like a fucking switch has been toggled and everyone is using strikers now. One day hardly a soul using shotguns and now it seems like every team has 4-5 guys rocking strikers. Are they really good or something? Most seem to be using the dual attachment proficiency. I picked one up that had extended mag, holy shit!

Just monkey see monkey do. Its a good gun if you get tired of getting hit markers with the spas lol.
So... what's up with strikers? It's like a fucking switch has been toggled and everyone is using strikers now. One day hardly a soul using shotguns and now it seems like every team has 4-5 guys rocking strikers. Are they really good or something? Most seem to be using the dual attachment proficiency. I picked one up that had extended mag, holy shit!

people are starting to realize that the striker can have better range than the MW2 shotguns.
even SPAS-12 with grip and the masterkey? preposterous!

Not the masterkey attachment, but people on den kirson's message board did some testing with all the shotguns:



Final graph shows the striker with mags, damage, and range. now obviously you aren't going to have damage and range (unless you get the specialist bonus) but since damage has no effect on range, the striker still has a farther minimum damage reach than the SPAS-12 and though the SPAS-12 does more damage, you would be firing 9 pellets that do a minimum of 15 damage each (meaning you could potentially OHK at the maximum distance if you get 7 pellets on the opponent) and you can fire multiple shots off much faster than the SPAS-12, so you can easily fire a second or third shot quickly for 18 or 27 pellets that each do 15 damage. And that chart is showing the SPAS-12 w/stopping power.

That's why I personally think they should change the minimum damage to 5 instead of 15 and/or switch the hipfire between the AA12 and the Striker.

EDIT: I just realized that technically the USAS has even further range than the striker. That might explain why some of my USAS shots were dual-1887-esque when I am able to get 3-5 hits on the opponent.
Oh man, I got Silver in the competition. Got like 220ish kills in the 3 hours we played :(

I was under the impression the challenge you were talking about was a group challenge until I checked elite right after we stopped.

I think I might get premium so that I can sign up for these challenges and place ahead of you in more than just accuracy (which has been slipping thanks to my insistence on using LMGs)


My little list of shotguns would be like this:

#1 Striker: Obviously. It's just easy to use. Not much fun though.
#2: SPAS: Surprisingly good and consistent even without add-ons, absurd with extended mags and damage on. So much fun!
#3: KSG: Worst gun in CoD history without add-ons, quite a beast with them. Really fun to use! Unlocking those add-ons is one of the biggest chores the series has ever had though.
#4: USAS: Good range and power but the RoF is a little too low for many situations.
#5: Model: No extended mags is BS. Inconsistent and annoying even with damage/range on.
#6: AA12: It works in zero range situations but that's it. Decent with Overkill, I guess, but who uses that?

I'm really getting my shotgunning in right now, using them on every viable map (which isn't that many unfortunately), before IW decide to destroy them by fixing the extended mags glitch. Definitely gotta get my 2500 KSG kills before they make it an air shooter again!

What do the numbers mean?

Your stats record during play, so every death/kill is recorded immediately.
Hasn't the game always done that? The positive side to that for those of us who don't dashboard is that your weapon XP and stuff save even if the match craps out... Too bad people still dashboard like all the time. :(


You signed up? Cause I remember we did this last time and you didn't sign up for it

Yes I signed up, it's on my career page. Apparently, I'm not the only person this happened to.

Also, I think you're talking about someone else, cause this is the first time I did an operation.
What do the numbers mean?

The numbers are theoretical damage if all the pellets were to hit (the two guns are the striker w/mags+damage+range (MW3) and the spas-12 w/stopping power (MW2). What's more important is that the striker's line goes farther than the spas-12 line.


This game is a laggy piece of shiet. If the next year's COD doesn't have dedicated servers for consoles (specifically 360) then I ain't buying it.
Yeah, I've been using shotguns exclusively for a week, and while they're fun to use, it basically made me hate the game and drop my k/d from a 2.9 to a 2.7. just too weak to be viable options as primaries; don't get me wrong, you can still do well with them, its just that you can do even better with an smg.

edit: I meant "week" not "weeks"


Yeah, I've been using shotguns exclusively for a weeks, and while they're fun to use, it basically made me hate the game and drop my k/d from a 2.9 to a 2.7. just too weak to be viable options as primaries; don't get me wrong, you can still do well with them, its just that you can do even better with an smg.
The SPAS, KSG and probably USAS (I'm only level 22 with it so far) become beasts with damage/exmags, but yeah... The hours spent leveling them up really isn't worth it unless you're a damn fool (like me).

I dropped 0.3 KD by doing it too... Now I'm dropping even more trying to complete weapon challenges (so I can get those gold guns faster), fuck this stupid HAMR/ACOG/Hybrid bullshit that just gets me killed! Also, fuck the noobtube! Tubing straight onto a guy's face is a hitmaker, WTF.



So... what's up with strikers? It's like a fucking switch has been toggled and everyone is using strikers now. One day hardly a soul using shotguns and now it seems like every team has 4-5 guys rocking strikers. Are they really good or something? Most seem to be using the dual attachment proficiency. I picked one up that had extended mag, holy shit!

Lol. I am one of the converts.

I may be wrong, so TestOfTide and others can correct me, but the main reason why people thought shotguns in this game were pathetic compared to MW2 was because everyone was expecting the same one-shot kills in most situations.

Now, because the maps have so much shit in them and there's so many routes that shotguns, even though they are technically weaker than in MW2, can still do extremely well. A striker user who can maneuver throughout the map and kill you before you even see him (not talking about lag) is certainly intimating.
Do you guys think there's less incentive to actually use more guns in this game? In the other cods I'd always just use the guns as they'd unlock but having to level shit is annoying.

Is this gun garbage? Maybe...spend a few hours leveling it to see if it's still garbage.


Lol. I am one of the converts.

I may be wrong, so TestOfTide and others can correct me, but the main reason why people thought shotguns in this game were pathetic compared to MW2 was because everyone was expecting the same one-shot kills in most situations.

Now, because the maps have so much shit in them and there's so many routes that shotguns, even though they are technically weaker than in MW2, can still do extremely well. A striker user who can maneuver throughout the map and kill you before you even see him (not talking about lag) is certainly intimating.
You're not wrong, but you are talking only about the Striker in this post. The other shotguns are considered weak and broken because they are.
I dropped 0.3 KD by doing it too... Now I'm dropping even more trying to complete weapon challenges (so I can get those gold guns faster), fuck this stupid HAMR/ACOG/Hybrid bullshit that just gets me killed! Also, fuck the noobtube! Tubing straight onto a guy's face is a hitmaker, WTF.

You haven't experienced pain until you try getting kills with an M60 w/ACOG.


Do you guys think there's less incentive to actually use more guns in this game? In the other cods I'd always just use the guns as they'd unlock but having to level shit is annoying.

Is this gun garbage? Maybe...spend a few hours leveling it to see if it's still garbage.
I'm starting to see how most weapons are actually good. Thing is, they're very attachment and playstyle dependent. While an ACR kicks butt at long range even silenced, a G36 silenced sucks at long range. Wouldn't want to be caught at mid or short range unsilenced though.

Some guns have very frustrating muzzle flash and recoil. A silencer and kick take care of that. Makes the MG36 very usable.

The SCAR has awesome iron sights and low recoil but a tiny clip and low ammo. Put extended mags on and you not only have a bigger clip, but more ammo. A little weak with a silencer but still very usable, really accurate and easy to navigate and take enemies down.

Nori Chan

Yes I signed up, it's on my career page. Apparently, I'm not the only person this happened to.

Also, I think you're talking about someone else, cause this is the first time I did an operation.

Yeah I remember it was you since we played Domination together with a couple other people.
I haven't played this game in a little bit, but are the FMG's as broken as ever?

I still use them regularly when I'm in close quarters and they are still very powerful. They do not appear to work nearly as well in large open spaces as they used to though.

Could be psychological though....lots of folks are still running around with them.
I still use them regularly when I'm in close quarters and they are still very powerful. They do not appear to work nearly as well in large open spaces as they used to though.

Could be psychological though....lots of folks are still running around with them.
Yeah it used to be that I'd get killed with them from close-mid/medium range when I was using an assault rifle, just didn't seem right

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Man I'm really starting to enjoy this game now that the connection problems have for the most part been sorted out. I still run into the occasional impossible to kill enemy but one person every few matches is still WAY better than nearly every single person in nearly every single match like it was.

Just had a nice 6 game session where I went 97-34. I averaged 16.1 kills and 5.6 deaths per match. That included 1 half game where I only went 9-4.
Just had a nice 6 game session where I went 97-34. I averaged 16.1 kills and 5.6 deaths per match. That included 1 half game where I only went 9-4.

Yeah, I had a really good TDM session too earlier today... didn't rage about the connections once. Ten matches, ten victories, 220 kills and 78 deaths. Not too shabby.
MW3 The Online Warrior Episode 3 'Type-95 & FMG Patched?' by Maximilian

Video talking about the latest patches for MW3, weapons/lag.

Good video, but personally I think what makes the Type 95 so powerful isn't simply the damage but the combination of the damage and rate of fire, allowing you to pretty much spam the gun easily (especially when you put rapid fire on it). If they gave it the M16's Rate of Fire but kept the damage the same it would be a great medium range weapon while still keeping it from being too easy to hipfire kill someone.
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