I'm getting bored on M4A1, any suggested gun that is fun to use? (excep shotguns)
I'm thinking of using the MP7 after I gold this M4A1.
PP90M.. unlock range and have fun..! best and most fun gun in the game..!
I'm getting bored on M4A1, any suggested gun that is fun to use? (excep shotguns)
I'm thinking of using the MP7 after I gold this M4A1.
MP7 is a blast. I also really enjoy the G36C. Little more recoil than the M4, but it is very predictable.I'm getting bored on M4A1, any suggested gun that is fun to use? (excep shotguns)
I'm thinking of using the MP7 after I gold this M4A1.
whats the Go-to gun in this game for winning every match
in blops i used the ak74u/grip/rapid.
edit i think its they duel black uzi things everyone seems to be tearing shit up with
Lol tried the competition thing last night: highest defends was 640.
Got in the top 10% with only 42.
That is their biggest audience.It's like the competitions are only meant for high school and college kids with no responsibilities.
That is their biggest audience.
The Elite iPhone app is really cool. Seeing a load out you want to try online and putting it in your phone is a lot easier than hoping you remember it when you sit down to play. I just can't believe it was free and not paid elite only.
I've been running a few matches with this:
P90 has range and a silencer. Pretty fun so far. Anyone have any changes they would make?[/QUOTE]
Do you always finish 2 smgs worth of ammo before you die? If not, swap out overkill, it's one of the worst perks.
The Elite iPhone app is really cool. Seeing a load out you want to try online and putting it in your phone is a lot easier than hoping you remember it when you sit down to play. I just can't believe it was free and not paid elite only.
I've been running a few matches with this:
P90 has range and a silencer. Pretty fun so far. Anyone have any changes they would make?
Do you always finish 2 smgs worth of ammo before you die? If not, swap out overkill, it's one of the worst perks.
I'm constantly on the run and switching to the P90 seams faster than reloading the PP90M. I just started using yesterday and have had some good rounds.
Why should the MK14 get a range nerf? Taking that away would be taking away the only advantage it has over every other AR. It has the poorest ironsights in the whole game, has average hipfire, and is semi auto.
I would have bought Elite if there were 20 maps. But with only 12, I'm with you, I'll wait it out for the regular DLC.Haven't bought Elite yet, and I probably won't. Don't mind waiting for the bundles.
(Been reading these forums for a while now. Feels good to be able to post, lol)
I've played a few games with some of you (through Strider). Just can't remember who though. Looking forward to playing with you guys more often.
Have gone to 10th already and decided to reset my stats (since I planned to anyways at least once). Used too many AR's/SMG's during that run. Wanted to use more variety so now I've been playing with LMG's. Sticking with the MG36 until I reach 2500 kills, which currently sits at about 1300 kills. Then maybe move on to the M60 or the PM-9
Haven't bought Elite yet, and I probably won't. Don't mind waiting for the bundles.
What happens when you reset stats at 10th prestige? Just restores you to lvl1 non-prestige? What about all of your titles and emblems? Or even your leaderboard, kdr, and other such stats?
You'll start back at level 1, no prestige.
You lose ALL of your titles/emblems.
Your leaderboard stats for game modes (domination, KC, TDM, etc..) stay the same. If you were rank 5000 on the domination leaderboards with 10,000 kills, you'll stay with that and be able to continue.
Your overall score/kills/accuracy/wins gets reset though.
I don't like that you lose all your titles/emblems. I worked hard for the unicorn emblem lol. I recently got the boy/girl pacifier emblems so I won't be resetting my stats any time soon. Maybe not until summer to give myself something to do.
I would also have liked if there was some sort of symbol or SOMETHING that would show you did reset your stats but I guess that was too much to ask.
Do you always finish 2 smgs worth of ammo before you die? If not, swap out overkill, it's one of the worst perks.
I love Overkill and I think I have at least three classes with Overkill as my second perk. For bigger open maps like Village and Intersection I might use PP90 + FAD/ACR, in mid size maps I might use PP90 and a silenced MP7 and in small maps like Mission and Carbon I rock PP90 with Striker. My play style is more towards run & gun so I don't miss Assassin that much and it's really handy to have the optimal weapon in every situation. My k/d ratio also started going up ever since I switched to Overkill so definitely not the worst perk..
The SPAS-12 seems a lot better to me, haven't tried the other shotguns yetI take back part of what I said about the patch fixing the shotguns. The spas-12 doesn't seem to be any better than it was before. I still need to try out the AA12, but I with the KSG and USAS buff they definitely need to increase the damage per-pellet of the spas-12 to 40-10 and change the rate of fire to 80 RPM.
Thanks for this info. To add one more question to that, can you reset before 10th prestige? If so, what about unused prestige tokens? Do they disappear?
Edit: looks like you can only reset after the 10th prestige. Nm.
Oh yea..about tokens...after you reset your stats, you will get back any tokens you received from the previous COD's. So if you had all 4 tokens, you'll get all 4 back. Maybe not right away but after a few games played, you'll see them.
Does the USAS-12 still get the 50% sprint boost after the patch?
Guns like the spas12 aren't gonna magically be any better now, because you still have the connection issue to deal with. It wasn't even consistent before the patch with the ext. mags glitch and damage/range.
I think people are expecting too much of a power shift in the shotguns after this "buff" and it's just not realistic. The striker will still end up being really easy mode just because of the low margin for error. You can just spam bitches all day with it. It doesn't matter that it's only 6 pellets even with ext. mags. As soon as you initiate that view kick on someone, it's over.
The USAS sounds like it got a pretty good upgrade though. More damage and increased range without any proficiencies. At least the grind sounds like it'll be more bearable if I want to try and get another gold gun?
Guns like the spas12 aren't gonna magically be any better now, because you still have the connection issue to deal with. It wasn't even consistent before the patch with the ext. mags glitch and damage/range.
I think people are expecting too much of a power shift in the shotguns after this "buff" and it's just not realistic. The striker will still end up being really easy mode just because of the low margin for error. You can just spam bitches all day with it. It doesn't matter that it's only 6 pellets across the board. As soon as you initiate that view kick on someone, it's over.
So the fmg akimbo was buffed?!?!?! SMH
Expect a 50% decrease to the fire rate of all Akimbo weapons in #MW3. We're doing a hotfix tonight to properly nerf them. Thanks Internet!
Balancing would be easier if there weren't so many weapons. What if there was only
-1 burst AR
-1 semi-auto AR
-2 automatic ARs (one low damage and easy to control, other vise versa)
-2 SMGs (one for closer range/high fire rate/high recoil, one for longer/slower fire rate/lower recoil)
-2 LMGs (both good at range, one low mag/fast reload and other big mag/slow reload)
-1 pump shotty (best damage/range)
-1 auto shotty (worst damage/range)
-1 semi-auto shotty (in between the above)
-1 bolt action sniper (higher damage)
-1 semi auto sniper (lower damage)
-1 regular pistol (low damage, big mag)
-1 revolver or Desert Eagle (high damage, small mag)
-2 machine pistols (one closer range, one longer, both less effective than SMGs)
-3 launchers (omg) (one only and best for players, one only and best for vehicles, one worse but useable on both)
then what would you do
Balancing would be easier if there weren't so many weapons. What if there was only
-1 burst AR
-1 semi-auto AR
-2 automatic ARs (one low damage and easy to control, other vise versa)
-2 SMGs (one for closer range/high fire rate/high recoil, one for longer/slower fire rate/lower recoil)
-2 LMGs (both good at range, one low mag/fast reload and other big mag/slow reload)
-1 pump shotty (best damage/range)
-1 auto shotty (worst damage/range)
-1 semi-auto shotty (in between the above)
-1 bolt action sniper (higher damage)
-1 semi auto sniper (lower damage)
-1 regular pistol (low damage, big mag)
-1 revolver or Desert Eagle (high damage, small mag)
-2 machine pistols (one closer range, one longer, both less effective than SMGs)
-3 launchers (omg) (one only and best for players, one only and best for vehicles, one worse but useable on both)
then what would you do
Seriously, they did ZERO testing on these patches.
EDIT: beaten with regards to the MP RoF video.
Simply put, the gun right now has a combination of low recoil, easy to spam, does 49 damage minimum, and REALLY far range (It doesn't drop to 49 damage until you get to sniper-ranges. Even with a silencer it has better range than some unsilenced ARS and LMGs).
If they added recoil, changed the minimal damage to 35, and/or reduced the range it would be more balanced.
So this is no longer accurate with Bowling's latest statement right?So the fmg akimbo was buffed?!?!?! SMH
I don't think that's fair. I'm not sure if it was even the patch that did it because I remember reading someone that tested akimbo ROF before and it was faster in akimbo BEFORE the first nerf. I think it's just someone else posting a video about it now rather than the patch buffing it.
With silencer, the Mk14 goes to 3 shot to kill range on most maps (even ones not named "Liberation"). I think the only nerf they really need to give it is to add sway.
Now THIS is BULLSHIT. There is no way my wife is going to buy Elite for herself when we should BOTH be able to access the new maps on the same console.