So I bought this game off PSN yesterday because it was on sale and I wanted to check out the campaign. This is my experience trying to get to play the campaign.
As is typical these days, after completing my purchase I'm presented not with a single item to download, but several. Instead of trying to figure out which exact parts of the puzzle I need, I just look for the main game package. Surely that will tell me what to download, and besides, according to PSN it's only 9.37GB, should be a quick download. It was one of those days (i.e. the ones that end with a "y") that PSN downloads worked at 50% max of my top download speed, but it's not like I'm in a hurry.
Except, the download starts and I see that it's 105GB. Whoops. I'm guessing the size listed at PSN (I've noticed this with many other games too) is like at the patch level the game was initially submitted to the store with and it's never updated afterwards. But wait, luckily there's that PS4 feature that large enough games must download something to play at first while downloading the rest in the background - surely that'll mean the first chapter or few from the campaign? Alas, this was not to be the case, it was just the 2 vs 2 multiplayer mode either with bots or LAN. Also, in case you haven't noticed, PS4 automatically throttles downloads whenever a game with even potential network features is running, so playing with bots would make the already slow download even slower. Time to close the game for now.
Several hours later (as stated, PSN was running even slower than usual) the 105GB download is ready. Surely now I get to play the campaign, right? I launch the game, and... I need an Activision id? I just wanted to play the offline campaign, but ok... expect registering via the game itself is an exercise in futility, it just hangs for a couple of minutes and then returns an error code. So I create an account on a computer, link it to my PSN account and launch the game again: immediately, the game recognizes the new account and logs me in automatically. Now this is looking good!
I'm able to see the main menu, and there's... Warzone. That's the only thing that's available to play, the rest are optional downloads. By now you may be thinking "there are two packages you should have downloaded, campaign packs 1 and 2, you mental midget!" - yes, that much is true, but in my defense, I thought they must be something multiplayer related. By all reason, that 105GB must include the campaign, right?
Well, it doesn't, so I'm off to download the campaign packs, I just click them from my PSN download list. Optimistically, I tried to install pack 1 first to see if I could start the campaign while pack 2 downloads in the background - no such luck, of course. So 28GB of downloading later, this is it. Now I get to play the campaign. I launch it once again (as said, keeping it open in the background, even if not active, will affect download speeds), only to find out that the install is still incomplete? So I click on the button, to find out I also need "Compatibility Data Pack 1" (as a side note, you can't find this package in PSN search and it's not included in the bundle when you buy the game) - that's 18GB more still.
At this point I thought to myself "ok game, fine, you won, it's already 2:30AM, I'll turn myself in". But then in a cruel twist of fate, PSN download speeds suddenly jump up to almost my max dl. I've already wasted most of the night, what's a bit more? So 30 minutes later I'm playing the campaign, and while I can't say much yet, it looks and plays great. I'm seriously impressed by the presentation and performance.
But what I'm even more impressed by is the fact that I ended up downloading 153.3GB to play a campaign. And that's without installing multiplayer, spec ops or survival packs. I appreciate the effort from the devs to modularize the install a bit, and also understand that single-player is not the main focus. But still. 153.3GB.