First off... in your opinion, so you shouldn't state this as fact. Second, you see how you can't make this value argument without throwing things on top of the console cost, the second you start to do that you should know you are probably making a disingenuous argument.
Eg. Required PS+ for online, you say that as if Online is all PS+ gives you. And I hope you can see or understand how stupid it would be to even say something along the lines of how the tens of hundreds of free games PS+ gives, no one would ever download.
Or "ridiculously overpriced disc drive and higher price of games.... this is a complex one. On the one hand, if comparing the console to PC, which is an all digital platform, why are you including the cost of the disc drive? On the other hand, if you are going to include the cost of the disc drive, then you can't be talking about more expensive games because the disc drive means on consoles, you would always get some really good deals for physical games.
But you see what happened there? once you start making these weird arguments, you are no longer just talking about something's price, you are talking about its value, and value, is a subjective thing.