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Can 695$ PC outperform PS5 Pro?


Hope you're this financially conservative with modern consoles that have monthly online subscriptions, no price drops, no exclusives and have far worse price to performance than PC
I think you completely missed the point of what he was making.

He was not being financially conservative. Rather, the opposite.

H is saying that a $700 PC would be a piece of shit and you need to spend more on a PC if gaming is your focus or not get one at all.


Gold Member
Honestly, physical media isn't a flex knowing full well you have a finite time on this planet. Don't know why people believe they will live forever? Yea, you can own a license on a physical format but chances are your "things" will be sold off within 2 generations or will catch fire or stolen or lost.
It’s definitely a flex, and I think your second point about being able to sell this stuff is nothing but a positive. I’ll happily do that when/if I don’t feel like using it anymore. And with the decrease in physical media being produced I might even profit.


Moderated wildly
It's funny, Microsoft introduced paid online play back in 2002 when it was free on rival consoles. I don't remember seeing these type of cost comparisons between PC and Xbox in the 22 years since. Yet today that's all we ever see but only with PlayStation.

I don't know how you haven't seen them as its been one of the biggest points PC gaming has done against consoles since Xbox Live was introduced.


Gold Member
It's funny, Microsoft introduced paid online play back in 2002 when it was free on rival consoles. I don't remember seeing these type of cost comparisons between PC and Xbox in the 22 years since. Yet today that's all we ever see but only with PlayStation.
I have no clue what Microsoft or 2002 have to do with a 2024 "Can 695$ PC outperform PS5 Pro?" thread. Aren't there already enough threads for console warring bullshit?
Apart from that we had lots of those calculations when Xbox went full pc as well.
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Who cares if it's on sale or not, we already know the specs. What if you tried using some arguments instead of calling people trolls and maniacs?
They are trolls and maniacs for making videos like that when we are yet to actually see how the thing runs and what kinda PC you will need to match that at the very least. "Specs" don't really mean anything. And even if we are looking at specs..... that video is not making a PC that matches a Pro, not even in the slightest.
PS5 Pro just isn't a good value for that money, especially when you factor in the ridiculously overpriced disc drive, higher price of games and required PS Plus for online play. That being said, it isn't really targeted at people who are after the best value for given price, and I'll probably get it just for GTA VI and hopefully some interesting Sony first party titles that are coming.
First off... in your opinion, so you shouldn't state this as fact. Second, you see how you can't make this value argument without throwing things on top of the console cost, the second you start to do that you should know you are probably making a disingenuous argument.

Eg. Required PS+ for online, you say that as if Online is all PS+ gives you. And I hope you can see or understand how stupid it would be to even say something along the lines of how the tens of hundreds of free games PS+ gives, no one would ever download.

Or "ridiculously overpriced disc drive and higher price of games.... this is a complex one. On the one hand, if comparing the console to PC, which is an all digital platform, why are you including the cost of the disc drive? On the other hand, if you are going to include the cost of the disc drive, then you can't be talking about more expensive games because the disc drive means on consoles, you would always get some really good deals for physical games.

But you see what happened there? once you start making these weird arguments, you are no longer just talking about something's price, you are talking about its value, and value, is a subjective thing.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Well with PC, you do tend to get what you pay for.

You can take shortcuts on pretty much every component (even stuff like thermal paste), but chances are you'll end up paying in some form for it.

The irony of course is the big-time PC enthusiasts who create these arguments would never, ever, cut those corners on their personal systems.
Does the PC configuration come with a Windows license and a great controller? How is the noise level? I don't know, how many people are choosing between these two options anyway?

I know, I know it's clickbait and mostly out of curiosity but it's very far from an apples to apples comparison or even relevant in any sense at all. Two extremely different user experiences where both have its place.
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Neo Member
Besides the fact that there are people who don't purchase plans to play online (like me), even the basic plans include monthly games and discounts for the store. Depending on whether a person uses those discounts and/or plays those games, the annual fee could possibly be covered (or partially covered or surpassed) by those savings. Basically, counting it in as part of the "real price" is not valid in practice.
On PC you get free games with Epic every week which consoles don't get (yes I count those, I've got 200+ free games and a lot I actually play). Not to mention stuff like Amazon Prime gaming if you already have it for other stuff.

I also get basically the same discounts as those discounts on PS+ with using Steam/CDkeys and whatever else.

I'm not saying PS5 Pro is a bad price, it's that the PSN sub sucks and I consider it part of the price for people maining the PS5 Pro in these comparisons.


They are trolls and maniacs for making videos like that when we are yet to actually see how the thing runs and what kinda PC you will need to match that at the very least. "Specs" don't really mean anything. And even if we are looking at specs..... that video is not making a PC that matches a Pro, not even in the slightest.
Did you watch the video? And yeah, I agree the PC in there is not matching the Pro. That doesn't mean the Pro is a good value at that price. And saying that specs don't really mean anything is a bit weird. Of course they do mean a lot. And like I said before, we have already seen how some games run on the Pro, so I don't know what are you and some other people in this thread expecting.
First off... in your opinion, so you shouldn't state this as fact. Second, you see how you can't make this value argument without throwing things on top of the console cost, the second you start to do that you should know you are probably making a disingenuous argument.

Eg. Required PS+ for online, you say that as if Online is all PS+ gives you. And I hope you can see or understand how stupid it would be to even say something along the lines of how the tens of hundreds of free games PS+ gives, no one would ever download.

Or "ridiculously overpriced disc drive and higher price of games.... this is a complex one. On the one hand, if comparing the console to PC, which is an all digital platform, why are you including the cost of the disc drive? On the other hand, if you are going to include the cost of the disc drive, then you can't be talking about more expensive games because the disc drive means on consoles, you would always get some really good deals for physical games.

But you see what happened there? once you start making these weird arguments, you are no longer just talking about something's price, you are talking about its value, and value, is a subjective thing.
Why wouldn't I throw things on top? How many enthusiast users who consider getting a Pro console do you think wouldn't play online? How many such users have a digital only library? And I think the PS+ argument is weak, you often get free games on PC even without paid subscriptions. Also, I'm comparing all digital PC to a disc-based PS5, because on PC you aren't constrained to a single digital store as opposed to a PS5. And even though physical games can be purchased cheaper than digital on PS5, the deals are nowehere near as good as what you get during a typical Steam sale. I know, because I regularly purchase games for both PS5 and PC.

But yeah, you are right that this is all my opinion, and I get that some people just don't want to bother with PCs.
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That's the wrong question OP.

PC has more games, past and present (backwards compatible with everything), and games also cost less and there's no online fees.

If you're about to spend 800€ on a console that can do nothing else but play overpriced digital PS4/5 games, you'll start to think about adding a couple hundreds to have a PC that is capable of so much more.
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8GB VRAM GPU = garbage
16GB RAM isn't cutting it anymore

2024/2025 PC should have at least GPU with 12GB VRAM as a bare minimum. and 32GB RAM.

This 1000$ PC would be close to PS5 in raw GPU raster ( slightly slower) with AI DLSS and FG.
CPU of course way faster than the mobile Zen2 in consoles with only 4MB L3 per CCX.

Why do you think the 4060ti (22 tflops) is weaker than a ps5 (10 tflops)?


Does it include a case ? Fans ? Cooler ? Keyboard mouse ? Monitor ? What about peripheral cards and features ? What about the motherboard ? Even at £699 it is very hard to get the same performance out of brand new pc for the same price.
Does it include a case ? Fans ? Cooler ? Keyboard mouse ? Monitor ? What about peripheral cards and features ? What about the motherboard ? Even at £699 it is very hard to get the same performance out of brand new pc for the same price.
Consoles also come with extra costs like TV (which is usually more expensive than the console).
All you read over here is people complaining about a 700 dollar ps5 pro but they have a 2000 dollar OLED TV.


One thing no one talks about. Online. (Quickly skimmed the video so maybe he talks about that?) You're going to pay $80 a year unless you only play F2P or single player. Add that up with how long the Pro will last until the PS6 and you get the real price.

I mean I got a PS5 and don't play online since I play online on my PC, but if the PS5 Pro was my only console I would be paying $80 a year.
No, you're missing a lot. Your PC uses more than double the watts so yearly electric differential is more than $80 a year.


Gold Member
Can’t say I’ve ever had a terrible user experience on PC but you do you.
Some people want you to believe that you need a college degree in pc operating in order to play games. Actually it's in 99% of the cases pressing a button to start the pc and another one to start the game. From where do i know this simple concept?
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Hope you're this financially conservative with modern consoles that have monthly online subscriptions, no price drops, no exclusives and have far worse price to performance than PC
"No exclusives", this argument is so daft. PS got 4 this year alone. Pc is missing out on GTA next year too. If "exclusives" were the reason for owning something what exclusives did PC get? It doesn't really get much of anything and misses out on stuff all the time, including NHL. At least PS gets virtually all major releases. The only PC game I have to look forward to is FS24.

Another troll video by PC maniacs

They are already obsessed with a console that is not even ON SALE yet, let alone released....
Don't mind them they're trying to build a narrative to sell other hardware.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
If "exclusives" were the reason for owning something
Good thing they aren't then.

But even if they were, it's all about tastes. I'd rather have something like Selaco or UFO 50 rather than Spider-Man 2 or whatever other exclusives there are on PS5.
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The overpriced video card can't fix the terrible user experience, which you suffer from on any pc.

Your dragster with a 2000 horse power engine is still worse than Tesla or Ferrari.

The user experience is only terrible if you're sensitive to it. I'm not sensitive to it, but I understand why a lot of people are. But you can't seem to understand how something that bothers you on PC doesn't matter to someone else.

It's like the age old Apple vs Android or Windows debate. People who like to do things their own way will like Android. People who want a more reliable experience, but with no control over it, will use Apple.

Consoles are still highly differentiated from PCs but they're getting more and more samey and I don't like it. Consoles are getting slowly more annoying and PC-like. PCs are getting slowly less annoying and console-like. And then the libraries are blending. If they weren't getting so similar we wouldn't even be asking "console or PC". It was never "PS2 or PC", there was just PS2 and PC.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Without even looking at the video, no of fucking course no, not with that gpu.

To compete with PS5 pro you need ~900 USD, depending on your deal hunting skills, could be a tad lower. RDNA 4 should help the pricing and be more comparable this fall.

Boss Mog

30 secs into the video and the guy sounds like a complete retard, I have no interest in hearing what a "PC Master race" moron has to say about a console he knows nothing about since it isn't even out yet. I'm sure of one thing though he'll be plenty of substandard parts for him to make it work, i just hope he won't try to use used parts like Linus does.


Gold Member
We need to build a camp for PCfats and lock them in there if they keep making stuff like this.

Nobody interested in a PS5 Pro would rather spend the money on a shitty, old PC that looks like shit and has outdated garbage components like a 3060ti. Get over yourself.


But does the PC come with a disc drive and a stand? Oh, wait…
I know it's a joke but lately I've thought about an actual difference between these PC builds:
A controller is included with the PS5 Pro, a relatively pricey and advanced one at that (the adaptive triggers are unnecessary IMO, but haptics made me go from always turning vibration off to always having it on).
I haven't seen a single build including one, despite it making up a considerable part of the price value.


Gold Member
I know it's a joke but lately I've thought about an actual difference between these PC builds:
A controller is included with the PS5 Pro, a relatively pricey and advanced one at that (the adaptive triggers are unnecessary IMO, but haptics made me go from always turning vibration off to always having it on).
I haven't seen a single build including one, despite it making up a considerable part of the price value.
Yeah, I agree. Stuff like that should definitely be included in the calculations imo.


Gold Member
I know it's a joke but lately I've thought about an actual difference between these PC builds:
A controller is included with the PS5 Pro, a relatively pricey and advanced one at that (the adaptive triggers are unnecessary IMO, but haptics made me go from always turning vibration off to always having it on).
I haven't seen a single build including one, despite it making up a considerable part of the price value.
When you start comparing accessoires you could also start including monitors and tvs. Most pc gamers use a ~300 Euro monitor, most console gamers a >500 Euro tv.

Yes you got a 80 Euro controller included, but you need this specific controller to use the PS. On pc you can buy anything starting with 2 Dollar Aliexpress controllers.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
I remember that. Until then I was watching the channel and thought they were pretty good, but that video....wow.
GN is still among the best. Not sure what was the point Steve was making there. He hates consoles? Funny thing is, he did a review of the thermals and acoustics of the PS5 and came away impressed.


Yeah, I agree. Stuff like that should definitely be included in the calculations imo.
Yeah, it's like 10% of the price and if one want to get really serious all the cables and shit should be included to.

And most haven't even started accounting for the long term cost of powering a PC. Sure, consoles having to pay for online is a bit of a scam but if we're gonna account for that then the monthly power bill difference should also be included.
My cousin has a sweet PC rig and it's is always on 24/7 and I remember doing the same back when I was primarily playing on PC. Almost as if it's part of the culture of PC gaming, I think of it as the monthly cost of PC gaming in that sense xD
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