Here's my final list this year!
1st order
1x Persona 5: Take your Heart edition ( since it doesn't have a 20% off applied on it, I don't think I should have a problem with it)
2nd order
2x Battlefield 1 at 49.99 ( Amazon / PS4 ) (one for me, one for my brother-in-law)
3rd order (This is where the meat of my pre-orders is)
1x South Park: The Fractured But Whole.............( Amazon / PS4 ) • Couldn't pass on the free South Park: Stick of Truth (PS4) that comes with when the game ships
1x Dishonored 2................................................( Amazon / PS4 ) • Couldn't also pass on the free Dishonored (PS4) that also comes with when the sequel ships
1x Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.............................( Amazon / PS4 ) • After having tried the demo, I am convinced I am making the right decision.

1x Dragon Quest Builders..................................( Amazon / PS4 ) • Played the Japanese demo and loved it. Can't seriously wait for it.
1x Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age..................( Amazon / PS4 ) • Knew it was coming. I was just waiting for the right moment to make my move.

1x Days Gone..................................................( Amazon / PS4 ) • Loved the trailer, the setting and the gameplay they showed so far (different paths and all)
1x Death Stranding...........................................( Amazon / PS4 ) • A Kojima Production game... I have blind faith on this one.
1x Detroit: Become Human................................( Amazon / PS4 ) • Loved the detective/CSI part of Heavy Rain. The trailer convinced me easily.
1x God of War..................................................( Amazon / PS4 ) • Love the Viking/Nordic setting
1x Gravity Rush 2.............................................( BestBuy + Amazon in case they price match BB / PS4 ) • Just finished and platinumed the first one recently. I am hyped for this one to come out.
1x Spider-Man..................................................( Amazon / PS4 ) • Insomniac Games' name sold me on the premise of the game. Especially after Ratchet and Clank and Sunset Overdrive.
1x No Man's Sky...............................................( Amazon / PS4 ) • Missed the E3 promo last year... that and my GF loves what she saw of the game so far.
1x Pokemon Sun..............................................( Amazon / 3DS ) • Taking both games. Depending of the exclusive mons of each game, my GF will want the other one.
1x Pokemon Moon............................................( Amazon / 3DS ) • Highly inclined to play this one over the other.
Guys sorry for being too lazy, but can anyone tell me best place to pre-order games this year? Amazon, BB? I have about 4-5 in mind.
Mass Effect
Amazon... easy for me. Despite having some issues when it comes to shipping certain games, they usually come a day or two later. Even if you change your mind regarding your pre-orders, they are very easy to cancel. That and... if the retail price change by accident (which seems to have happened quite a few times with Amazon), you are elligible to the lowest pre-order price guarantee (like BestBuy).