guys, how do we find out if a store is doing a preorder bonus? would a customer service rep know if i call or email?
i preordered playstation all-stars from futureshop ages ago and futureshop apparently didn't get the preorder bonus. there weren't retailer-specific preorder bonuses, so it was assumed every store was getting them.
the reason i ask is because i have a preorder for soul sacrifice at futureshop right now and i want to know if i will be getting the preorder bonus. it's not listed on the best buy or futureshop game pages and sony didn't specify retailers. it's not listed on either, but IS shown on the page.
They usually don't give out the preorder codes unless its definitely written on the website.
I learned that the hard way when lbp vita came out. Got no preorder incenitive, so I preordered all-stars at gamestop/eb games and they gave me the code on a neat seperate pamphlet with the picture of all the costume codes.
These arent something they pack in with the game, retailersrecieve them seperately to give to the customer when picking up the game. Or in the case of amazon or online retailers, you get the code.
You probAby wont be getting the preorder dlc, but given that you likely had a deal with futureshop its a fair trade off.
For lbp vita, i was bummed i didnt get the costume codes and they were exclusive until last monh. Then I just bought the bioshock costumes my self.
It all depends on the tradeoff I guess. Its a good thing most preorder incenitives are costume codes these days.
costume codes locked to a certain retailer can be bullshit when each retailer has a different color. Luckily if its like smt4 or halo4 its not too bad.
If its arkham city its even worse, cosidering they had the jokers carnival map pack exclusive to eb, costumes for futureshop, and amazon, the entire robin dlc map pack exculusive to fucking best buy (thhis one annoyed me alot since i got mines from eb), and walmart also got a costume code along with the first game arkham asylum selling in a bundle.
Total bullshit, probably the last time I ever pick up a warner bros interactive game on launch or new.