Canadian Gaming Deals and Discussion Thread 7: More Shipping Talk than Anime & TV GAF

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I feel like the 20% is only intended for games, and not accessories or systems.

... Though it does apply to the LEGO Dimensions sets it seems.


I am wondering... would it be simpler to have all of my pre-orders (Prime 20% off) in the same order? am I at risk (like having my order cancelled) if something happens?


You don't even need to preorder. The 20% off lasts until two weeks after release date.

I trust the games I pre-ordered... that and I want those free pre-order bonuses! :p

I am too lazy to order them when they come out. I like to have them Day 1.

Current List:

2016 Games
Dragon Quest Builders
Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Moon
Dishonored 2

2017/18 Games
Yakuza 0
Resident Evil 7
South Park A Fractured But Whole
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
God of War
Days Gone
Detroit Become Human
Death Stranding
I trust the games I pre-ordered... that and I want those free pre-order bonuses! :p

I am too lazy to order them when they come out. I like to have them Day 1.

Current List:

2016 Games
Dragon Quest Builders
Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Moon
Dishonored 2

2017/18 Games
Yakuza 0
Resident Evil 7
South Park A Fractured But Whole
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
God of War
Days Gone
Detroit Become Human
Death Stranding

Fuck everytime I see people make these lists it just reminds me how much money I'm spending in the next like 6 months

2016 Games
Gears of war 4
Dead rising 4
Titifaw 2
World of FF
DQ builders
Watchdogs 2
Battlefield 1
Pokemon moon
Call of duty infinite Legacy
Dishonoured 2
KH 2.8
The last guardian

2017/18 Games
State of decay 2
Death stranding
For honor
God of war
Days gone
Agents of mayhem
Persona 5 Take back your heart ed
Kingdom hearts 3
Sea of thieves
ghost recon wildlands
LoZ breath of the wild
Southpark fractured but whole
nier automata
FF7 remake
Horizon zero dawn
Mass effect andromeda


N° 2048

Oh, we're doing lists now.

This is Oct to end of 2016 for me. I have to cancel a couple of these rofl no way I'll have time....getting all the physical Vita releases though..

Don't even get me started on 2017/ damn.

Oct 2016 to Dec 2016
Warhammer: End Times
Paper Mario: Color Splash Wii-U
Mafia III Cancelling
100ft Robot Golf
Dragon Quest: Builders
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni Vita 
Rise of Tomb Raider Cancelling
Exist Archive Vita
Battlefield 1
Yomawari: Night Alone Vita
Dark Souls 3: Ashes of Ariandel DLC
World of Final Fantasy Vita
Titanfall 2 Cancelling
Root Letter Vita
Xseed Shantae Half Genie Hero Vita
Dishonored 2
Fate Extella The Umbral Star Vita
Watch_Dogs 2
Final Fantasy XV
Gravity Rush 2
South Park
The Last Guardian
Dragon Ball Fusions 3DS


Did a little cleaning up with my amazon orders. Basically, cancelled any preorders I had and placed a few for the ones I definitely wanted.


I'm actually pretty light, but that's because of not having a PS4 or Xbone.

- Corpse Party 3DS
- Exist Archive Vita
- Pokemon Sun or Moon (still deciding)
- Tumblestone Wii U

- Breath of the Wild (Wii U)
- Persona 5 (PS3)


If zelda NX has the same msrp what is the chance that companies would let you switch and keep the same price as your discounted wii u version?


Well, missed out on that $0 64gig iPhone SE I posted about a few weeks ago, but currently Rogers is offering me a $90 64gig 6S. Pretty tempted.

N° 2048

I'll probably cancel Titanfall 2, Rise of Tomb Raider, & Mafia III

Mafia III = I just started Yakuza 4. I only have time for one type of these games.
Titanfall 2 = Yea...I'll take BF1.
Rise of Tomb Raider = Will be on sale so fast


List huh... wtf am I doing with my life.. =_=

Rise of the Tomb Raider- 2016-10-11
PS VR - 2016-10-13
Batman Arkham VR - 2016-10-13
PS VR Worlds - 2016-10-13
Until Dawn Rush of Blood - 2016-10-13
Raw Data
Werewolves Within [December 6] (depending on price)
Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul
Star Trek: Bridge Crew [November 29]
Robinson: The Journey
Fated: The Silent Oath
Here They Lie
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Loading Human: Chapter 1
RIGS: Mechanized Combat League
SportsBar VR
World of Final Fantasy - 2016-10-25
Dark Souls 3 DLC - 2016-10-25
Steins;gate 0 - 2016-Q4
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero - 2016-Q4 (kickstarted so "free")
Final Fantasy XV - 2016-11-29

Yakuza 0
Resident Evil 7
Monster Boy (free)
Nier Automata
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Zelda U
South Park Fractured But Whole
La-Mulana 2 (kickstarted)
Sonic Mania
Death Stranding
A.N.N.E (kickstarted)
Timespinner (kickstarted)
Heart Forth, Alicia (kickstarted)
Kingdom Hearts 3
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (kickstarted)
Shenmue 3 (kickstarted)
Ace Combat 7


Man, my list feels super quaint compared to some of you guys.

Final Fantasy XV
Maybe Steins;Gate 0

La Mulana 2
Muv Luv
Nier Automata
Kingdom Hearts 3
Persona 5

I might pick up more stuff randomly, with PSN sales and the Amazon 20%, but I'm pretty well set.


my hard graphic balls
What are the chancesthis Prime 20% off thing forces Best Buy to bring GCU here? There's no way Best Buy can compete with Amazon now with 79.99 v. 63.99 and release day delivery, and convenience of online shopping.


What are the chancesthis Prime 20% off thing forces Best Buy to bring GCU here? There's no way Best Buy can compete with Amazon now with 79.99 v. 63.99 and release day delivery, and convenience of online shopping.

No idea. Maybe they'll semi-give up on games instead and focus on other stuff? I dunno. Anyone know what % of BB's business relies on games in Canada?


Weird. Did Zelda: Breath of the Wild take a price drop on Amazon at some time recently?

I was just poking through my preorders when I noticed the display price on Zelda was sitting at $56. Because I ordered it in this year's sale, there's no additional discount, so if it is a game I end up deciding to keep I'd probably get it on NX.... but could be great news for anyone who preordered it in an older 30% off sale ($39!)

I checked on camelcamelcamel, and there's no record there of it dropping below $70 anytime in the past year.


my hard graphic balls
No idea. Maybe they'll semi-give up on games instead and focus on other stuff? I dunno. Anyone know what % of BB's business relies on games in Canada?
Well, I mean, the GCU is a subscription, so they would make money on that. Amazon makes back some of that money lost on the Prime membership as well.
Though yea Best Buy is in a pretty bad spot I guess.


My current pre-order list:

World of Final Fantasy
Rez Infinite
Shantae: Half Genie Hero
Pokemon Sun/Moon
Final Fantasy XV
The Last Guardian

Yakuza 0
NieR Automata
Horizon Zero Dawn
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Ever Oasis
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Mass Effect: Andromeda

Kingdom Hearts 3
Final Fantasy VII Remake

I'll actually be getting two copies of The Last Guardian: one collector's one regular. But Amazon won't let me cancel online the regular edition because of the old E3 promo, and I'd rather not provoke them by trying to cancel it through chat. So I'll probably be selling a $60 copy to whoever is nearby and wants it.
My list:

Pokémon Moon
Final Fantasy XV

Persona 5
Horizon Zero Dawn
NieR Automata
Final Fantasy XII
Mass Effect Andromeda

Days Gone
Death Stranding
God of War
Final Fantasy VII


Fuck everytime I see people make these lists it just reminds me how much money I'm spending in the next like 6 months


Dude... you have no idea. The previous list I posted is only for the games I have just pre-ordered with my Amazon Prime membership (on Sept. 30th). Here's my actual list...

Current List:

2016 Games

  • 1x Gears of War 4.......................................(Amazon / Cyber Monday 2015: 30% off + E3 2016: being at 49.96)
    1x Dragon Quest Builders............................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x PlayStation VR Core Bundle....................(Amazon)
    1x PS VR Worlds........................................(EB Games Trade-in)
    1x Batman Arkham VR................................(EB Games Trade-in)
    2x Battlefield 1............................................(Amazon / E3 2016)
    1x Pokemon Sun........................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Pokemon Moon......................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Dishonored 2..........................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Final Fantasy XV.....................................(Amazon / Cyber Monday 2015: 30% off + E3 2016: being at 49.96)
    1x Gravity Rush 2........................................(Best Buy / E3 2016: 59.99)
    1x The Last Guardian...................................(Amazon / E3 2015)

    2017/18 Games
    1x Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8.....................................................(Amazon / Cyber Monday 2015)
    1x Yakuza 0..........................................................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Resident Evil 7..................................................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Persona 5 "Take Your Heart" Premium Edition......................(Amazon / E3 2016)
    1x Horizon Zero Dawn.............................................................(Amazon / E3 2015)
    1x Nier Automata....................................................................(Amazon / E3 2015)
    1x South Park A Fractured But Whole......................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.........................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Spider-Man........................................................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x God of War........................................................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Days Gone........................................................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Detroit Become Human......................................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Death Stranding.................................................................(Amazon Prime 2016)
    1x Crackdown 3......................................................................(Amazon / Cyber Monday 2015)
    1x Kingdom Hearts 3..............................................................(Amazon / E3 2015)
    1x Final Fantasy 7 Remake.....................................................(Amazon / Cyber Monday 2015)
    1x Scalebound........................................................................(Amazon / E3 2015)


My fall is pretty decent... until Black Friday.

From Amazon, I'm getting:
Gears of War 4 (October 11)
World of Final Fantasy (October 25)
Titanfall 2 (October 28)
Playstation 4 Pro (November 10)
Watch Dogs 2 (November 15)
Final Fantasy XV (November 29)
The Last Guardian (December 6)

Then I'm getting Forza Horizon 3, Mafia III, Battlefield 1, Star Ocean 5, Far Cry Primal and Mirror's Edge Catalyst on Black Friday.

I'm so glad some things moved to early 2017, it was going to be a bloodbath if they didn't.


My fall is pretty decent... until Black Friday.

From Amazon, I'm getting:
Gears of War 4 (October 11)
World of Final Fantasy (October 25)
Titanfall 2 (October 28)
Playstation 4 Pro (November 10)
Watch Dogs 2 (November 15)
Final Fantasy XV (November 29)
The Last Guardian (December 6)

Then I'm getting Forza Horizon 3, Mafia III, Battlefield 1, Star Ocean 5, Far Cry Primal and Mirror's Edge Catalyst on Black Friday.

I'm so glad some things moved to early 2017, it was going to be a bloodbath if they didn't.

Save yourself some disappointment, skip SO5.


Where can I pick up the physical version of Dragon Quest Builders for Vita? I never realized how much I wanted this game till I after the demo. Do not see the Vita version for preorder on any of the usual sites (EB Games, Amazon, or Best Buy). Thanks.
Where can I pick up the physical version of Dragon Quest Builders for Vita? I never realized how much I wanted this game till I after the demo. Do not see the Vita version for preorder on any of the usual sites (EB Games, Amazon, or Best Buy). Thanks.

you import from asia
Man, I cut down a bunch of my pre-orders lately in an attempt to cut my spending somewhat (and partially because if Amazon no longer takes the discount off the lowest pre-order price, some games aren't worth pre-ordering anymore).

World of Final Fantasy
Gears of War 4 (on the bubble, might be cancelled)
Watch Dogs 2 (on the bubble, might be cancelled)
Final Fantasy XV
Gravity Rush 2
The Last Guardian

Might throw Civilization VI onto that pile, but there's a certain temptation to wait a few years for the inevitable GOTY edition with all the expansions.

Yakuza 0
Persona 5 (x4 in various formats, I need to cancel some of these!)
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Mass Effect: Andromeda (might cancel and re-order through cdkeys/GMG)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole (might cancel and re-order through cdkeys/GMG)
Nier Automata (might cancel for Steam version)
Detroit: Become Human
Scalebound (might cancel because bleh)
Final Fantasy VII Remake

I feel like in my old age I've become a lot more selective about what I'll buy and play, and not even for the usual reasons like work or family. Like, hurray, yet another Battlefield game. I'm not sure I care anymore. If you'd told me two years ago that the FPS I'd most consider buying this fall is Titanfall 2, I'd think you didn't know me at all, and yet here we are.

Where can I pick up the physical version of Dragon Quest Builders for Vita? I never realized how much I wanted this game till I after the demo. Do not see the Vita version for preorder on any of the usual sites (EB Games, Amazon, or Best Buy). Thanks.

VGP has it too, if you prefer a domestic shipping option.
Oh, we're doing lists now.

This is Oct to end of 2016 for me. I have to cancel a couple of these rofl no way I'll have time....getting all the physical Vita releases though..

Don't even get me started on 2017/ damn.

I have every Vita game that's available on Amazon preordered and all the VGP exclusives. Went to a pretty sizable videogame swap meet at Waterloo recently and there were less than 10 Vita games there. Buying all of them new so I don't miss out. I mean, there can't be much more of them coming right? Right?

Aside from Vita games I also got on preorder:
Battlefield 1
Dragon Quest Builders
World of Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy XV
Gravity Rush 2

Horizon Zero Dawn
Mass Effect Andromeda
God of War
Spider Man
Days Gone
Persona 5
Nier Automata
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