How do I contact Canada Post and submit a complaint WITHOUT filing a claim for them to replace something? I've looked on their site, and checked under damaged mail, but I don't want to ask for money.
The gist is that, as you guys know I order a lot of colouring books. It's my main hobby and keeps my mind busy. I do it while I watch TV.
With Amazon's 25% off deal, I was able to get four books for the price of 3 ($50). Three were already released, and shipped on Monday. They were delivered today, in one envelope.
As per usual, my mail carrier is lazy and likes to just shove anything possible into the tiny slot we have in our community mailbox a mile away. Instead of being nice about it and getting a key for the big slot and putting my stuff in there, he or she will roll my books up and wedge them into the mail slot.
They always come out warped, and this time it was hard to even get them out because they were wedged so tightly. Thankfully, the damage is minimal (hence me not asking for a replacement), but the corners got banged up and it pisses me off.
EDIT: Nevermind. Found a workaround.
You're welcome/no problem
Keep in mind that they're likely all Edge member bonuses