I managed to snag a Neon pre-order @ Bestbuy.ca. It was pretty fun and felt like a really low-stakes mission impossible. Happy to have done it cuz the process could be useful for pre-ordering anything else on the site. Here's how if anyone wants to do it:
Step 1: Add to cart
Since it's out of stock you can't add it normally, but if you right click the "add to cart" button and click "inspect" it opens the console, from there you can search (ctrl+F) "btn btn-primary disabled" than just manually change "disabled" to "enabled", close the console and you can add it to your cart.
Step 2: Checkout
From there you have to refresh the page until the Switch is marked as "In stock", this lasts less than 30 seconds so you have to go through the checkout process really quickly, so try to have all you info pre-filled (paypal works better, since the regular checkout makes you write you CVC number each time. You can change the payment method after the transaction easily). When someone cancels a pre-order, it doesn't go back online immediately, it waits until the inventory refreshes which seems to be at random intervals (it's at weird times, mine went through at 6:32) but I got to the Paypal screen like once every hour or two.
Of course clicking checkout all day gets really tedious so I don't recommend doing that, instead I used the "iMacros" extension for Chrome. it's pretty ugly but it works. Record yourself clicking on the Paypal button, stop recording, save the macro, go to the "Play" tab, click on your #Current.iim macro, change your "Max" number to something really high, and press play loop. If you go to the "Manage" tab and then click "Edit Macro" you can modify it so it's more effective. Here's what I wrote:
TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=ID:ctl00_CP_btnPayPal
I changed it so it doesn't reload the page as a first step cuz it made me go out of the Paypal screen since I wasn't quick enough to stop the loop and I added wait time because going too fast seem to give bad results and I got to the Paypal screen less often.
Have fun!