Has anyone gotten this working on an item that isn't 79.99 list price?
I haven't been able to. I tried multiple times with Yakuza Kiwami and Valkyria Revolution and only ever got the single discount.
Has anyone gotten this working on an item that isn't 79.99 list price?
Dear god that took me like 50 tries for Xeno 2.1) Add $79.99 game to cart.
2) Proceed to checkout. If it shows $72.31 (or equivalent in province's taxes), hit Change Quantity, Delete.
3) Hit Move to Cart on the Saved for Later item.
4) It should either show $54 or $72. If it shows $72, go through steps 2 and 3 again until it works!
Does this work for RDR2 and KH3? They are already at the double stack discount prices.
Didn't someone get it on Radiant Historia?
Dear god that took me like 50 tries for Xeno 2.
FWIW, the "method" doesn't work. Refreshing gets you charged at normal price and deleting/readding gets you the regular 20% full price.
FWIW, the "method" doesn't work. Refreshing gets you charged at normal price and deleting/readding gets you the regular 20% full price.
Again, it shows in the invoice two %20 stacked discounts.
It works.
It doesn't show it, it doesn't work. At best it shows the normal 20% off for Destiny 2 sometimes.
I love reading this thread during E3.
New, faster method that also works after multiple tries: keep the game in your cart, but just keep switching between 1 and 2 in quantity. It's better and faster than deleting since you avoid the steps of having to re-add and go through some of the confirmation screens.
Nice, took like 50 times, but finally got it for Ni No Kuni. Switched it up by changing the number from 1 to 2 like someone mentioned above.
I'm just glad I don't have to sleep in a haunted house for a night now.
edit: probably state of decay 2 as well
I'm just glad I don't have to sleep in a haunted house for a night now.
You have to get Prime for this?
If I already pre ordered Mario Odyssey on Amazon should the pre order price guarantee match the Walmart price of 49.99?
Yes. Are you eligible for a free 30-day trial? Use it.You have to get Prime for this?
You have to get Prime for this?
I'd just like to go on the record to say this $99 Switch game placeholder business is bullshit.
If I already pre ordered Mario Odyssey on Amazon should the pre order price guarantee match the Walmart price of 49.99?
Got Splatoon 2 to work but nothing working on Destiny 2At least I have the FR Version.
You have to get Prime for this?
I don't know what to say, it took me at least 15 tries per game but I got it and it stuck.
Yeah I just did this. Even if it would take the ungodly amount of tries it took for me to order Xeno 2 it'll save a lot of time.Haha you're welcome for the pro tip
But yeah, switching between 1 and 2 quantity is MUCH faster.
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