Busy at work, can't catch up. Missed anything overnight?
Busy at work, can't catch up. Missed anything overnight?
Amazon has 20% off on e3 preorders, no prime required.
Not really, a few more games went up on Amazon and Walmart has AC: Origins for $50, that's about it.
Are people getting this best buy stacking thing to work still? No cancellations (yet)? Wondering if it's worth trying my hand at.
Did Amazon match Walmart on AC: Origins?
Looks like Wolfenstein 2 is getting a CE. Placeholder's on Amazon, not live yet.
Not really, a few more games went up on Amazon and Walmart has AC: Origins for $50, that's about it.
We're waiting.
Damn, I waited on Amazon for Mario and missed the Walmart sale. Should I wait on AC?!?!?!
Do people find they get their games on day 1 from Walmart?
Did they ship the gum separately?
Man we need like a super spreadsheet with all the E3 games along with their pre-order page links. So hard to keep up with everything and today is the REAL big day
Looks like Wolfenstein 2 is getting a CE. Placeholder's on Amazon, not live yet.
Forza 7 Ultimate Edition is priced wrong on US Amazon. $79.99 USD is about $109 CAD.
Feel our pain!!!
I just pre-ordered AC Origins and God of War from Walmart. Does anyone know if they charge you immediately or when your game ships?
Should Amazon Prime members get 20% off E3 preorders on top of the discount to $49.99? (Down from $79.99)
Out of curiosity, is there any online retailer at all that we know of that charges you right when you make an order, instead of when a the product ships?I just pre-ordered AC Origins and God of War from Walmart. Does anyone know if they charge you immediately or when your game ships?
When it ships.
No. There was a glitch that allowed this to happen but it has been fixed.
Out of curiosity, is there any online retailer at all that we know of that charges you right when you make an order, instead of when a the product ships?
Out of curiosity, is there any online retailer at all that we know of that charges you right when you make an order, instead of when a the product ships?
Out of curiosity, is there any online retailer at all that we know of that charges you right when you make an order, instead of when a the product ships?
Costco and NCIX iircOut of curiosity, is there any online retailer at all that we know of that charges you right when you make an order, instead of when a the product ships?
I vaguely recall there being one but I can't remember the name of the place.
Just a few pre-orders posted on the previous page(s) but no deals really besides Horizon Zero Dawn @ Best Buy for $39.99
Amazon has 20% off on e3 preorders, no prime required.
They and Play-Asia do if you use PayPal... And I only recommend using PayPal on VGPI think VideoGamesPlus does it
Placeholder price. No idea why. Best Buy confirmed on twitter it is a placeholder.Sorry if this has been addressed already, but is Mario Odyssey really $100 or is that a placeholder price?
Does it come with the game this time lol
Ni No Kuni II is November 10th. Everyone freak out.
Nice. My $51 BB order is ready.Ni No Kuni II is November 10th. Everyone freak out.
Placeholder price. No idea why. Best Buy confirmed on twitter it is a placeholder.
Shit that's probably a pass on that date for me. Will see.
2017 has too many games.
They could have ship it to Canada Post outlet to save the 50 centsI feel grossed out now seeing games for anything other than $50, Walmart is killing it this year, and also I hear Mr Noodles' stock prices are soaring thanks to this xD