*Definitely not associated with mug pissers, phone rapists or raging homophobes
Can Harper deport any of them?
*Definitely not associated with mug pissers, phone rapists or raging homophobes
All political parties in the history of the world have promised jobs and have said the economy would improve under their leadership.
I certainly wouldn't base my vote on that promise.
Heh. They're just getting out ahead of that I assume, since someone must have vetted him and let him be their candidate in the first place.
I'm not. I'm just confused.
I am kinda curious, has there been any push to implement a ranked voting system in Canada? Or is there ranked voting at a few localities?
I am curious because some cities in the states have adopted ranked voting, and it seems like it would solve your Harper problem without needed to do any major reform. It was implemented in Minneapolis last election and I thought it was fantastic. I would love to see it implemented much more widely.
There was a referendum in BC to replace the provincial FPTP system with a form of ranked voting system, but the public voted to keep FPTP. There was also a referendum in Ontario, though I don't know if that was for ranked voting or not, and people voted to keep FPTP there too.
Well, we voted to replace it but we didn't hit 60%. For some reason people voted against it that I still don't understand. We then voted to also get rid of the HST. Then we voted against transit.
Voting doesn't seem to work out very well for the public good in BC.
Yeah, the reason people voted against it was because they didn't understand it. And it wasn't their fault they didn't understand it. Most of the people who voted for it probably didn't understand it either.I think the issue was they chose STV. It wasn't a well thought out choice, simple proportional representation is a better sell and easy to explain to the public.
Both the Liberals and the NDP have vowed to reform the voting system. The NDP doesn't actually have a platform yet (beyond a one-page costing document called "Tom's Plan"), but the Liberal proposal for electoral reform is here. They say that they'll "convene an all-party Parliamentary committee to review a wide variety of reforms, such as ranked ballots, proportional representation, mandatory voting, and online voting.", and it's widely believed that they'd implement ranked ballots. Personally, I'm a fan of it, though I'm sure Azih will be along shortly to explain why it's exactly the same as FPTP.
The NDP's plan is, afaik, to implement the proposal of the Law Commission of Canada, which produced a very detailed description of what their system would be. Also afaik, this commission was asked to do so by the Liberals while they were in power.
Yeah, east Asians, from my experience, are just very fiscally conservative, but couldn't give a rats ass about any social issues. Whatever lowers dem taxes.
This isn't surprising to me. Most East Asian families heavily lean towards conservative values, and oddly enough don't seem to be bothered by a lot of the anti-immigration talk because they don't see themselves as such in some ways.
Even my family leans conservative, and I get odd stares from them when I say that I voted NDP during the provincial election here o_o
The Ontario referendum is complicated. It was called out of nowhere and barely advertised by anyone other than the pro-FPTP side. Top this with the fact that it was the most complicated version of MMP, with closed lists and regional proportionality instead of total proportionality. Attempts of informing were pretty much put to the last week and by the end no-body even knew there was a referendum, or what it was about other than that they should probably vote 'No'.Both the Liberals and the NDP have vowed to reform the voting system. The NDP doesn't actually have a platform yet (beyond a one-page costing document called "Tom's Plan"), but the Liberal proposal for electoral reform is here. They say that they'll "convene an all-party Parliamentary committee to review a wide variety of reforms, such as ranked ballots, proportional representation, mandatory voting, and online voting.", and it's widely believed that they'd implement ranked ballots. Personally, I'm a fan of it, though I'm sure Azih will be along shortly to explain why it's exactly the same as FPTP.
The Ontario referendum was just for MMP, and it was defeated overwhelmingly.
I think we are doomed with more Harper. just a gut feeling.
Edit: And I was a volunteer for Fair Vote on the Ontario referendum. I was manning the phones and, seriously, two people called in. Barely anyone knew what the hell the referendum was even about.
When asked how she’d get young people to vote, she said: “I tell them that I’m here to champion research and innovation. Again, teaching science and teaching biology and chemistry in high school, this is a natural for me.” Later on in the segment, she talked about pipeline spills. “Oil is a natural substance,” she said. “So spilling into the environment, the land will absorb it because that’s what oil is.”
Full Quote
A lot of people would like to see the pipeline get going and go through because it is a safer method than putting them on trains, for instance. And I come back to my interest in technology and innovation. We have the technology and — to keep the pipeline safe, to cut off if anything is going to spill. Oil is a natural substance. So spilling into the environment, the land will absorb it because that’s what oil is. It’s just when there is too much at once, that’s when the difficulty comes in.
*Zuniga is running against the Liberals’ Adam Vaughan and the NDP’s Olivia Chow in Spadina—Fort York.
either Nanos is looking to go out of business with their daily polls or else they are master of polling
Ispsos, Eikos and Abacus seem to contradict Nanos, only on October 19th will we find out who was right or wrong
Léger so far is the only one that matched Nanos' results while all the rest have the Cons in a solid lead
I think we're going to be reaching the point where the anti-Harper strategy is going to have to shift from 'vote strategically to keep the CPC out' to 'It's Liberals or nothing'.
I'm curious if all the other polls will jump on the nanos bandwagon eventually. Sometimes one poll or model may be right while the others are wrong and eventually the wrong polls and models start following the one that looks like it may be right. We may see something like that happen soon.
they are the only ones doing dailies, if Nanos ends up being wrong then that means they were wrong every day LOL
Which is depressing, because that failed attempt at a referendum, if you can even call it one, means the province wont see the question talked about for another decade at most. Like seriously, if you are going to buck traditional norms on a referendum, at least make an attempt to half-ass it
Edit: Warning, Buzzfeed + CPAC (stole off reddit, because absurdity)
Conservative Says The Ground Absorbs The Oil From Pipeline Spills ... although here is the Cpac episode it's sourced from
Basically, she's making the insinuation that Oil spills are no problem because Oil is natural, and thus being natural it wont hurt the environment because the ground will just absorb the spills again
I think we're going to be reaching the point where the anti-Harper strategy is going to have to shift from 'vote strategically to keep the CPC out' to 'It's Liberals or nothing'.
Yes. In Ontario, parts of the prairies/Alberta, BC(maybe) and Atlantic Canada, but people should be still voting strategically for the NDP in the areas they are strong in like Quebec.
That doesn't make sense though. Take Saskatoon, where the NDP might win 3 seats and the Liberals are far behind (with CPC in 2nd). If half of the NDP voters switched to Liberal, then the CPC would win all 3.
Wow this is pretty disgusting.
You know what's scary about her, this (https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/sabrina-faust-zuniga-phd/61/a30/13b) look at her education and job experience and then try to put together that with this stupid statement of hers.
You know what's scary about her, this (https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/sabrina-faust-zuniga-phd/61/a30/13b) look at her education and job experience and then try to put together that with this stupid statement of hers.
There was a referendum in BC to replace the provincial FPTP system with a form of ranked voting system, but the public voted to keep FPTP. There was also a referendum in Ontario, though I don't know if that was for ranked voting or not, and people voted to keep FPTP there too.
In other news it looks like the bloc is lower than 2011 in every single poll released recently. That must not be good for their campaign.I don't think they will win many seats in this election anymore(<5 is possible now)
It's a bandwagon effect. The problem with strategic voting is that it's very complicated for people to follow. Riding-level polling is not always sufficient and requires voters to pay constant attention to be sure which horse they need to back.
Much easier to just look at National picture and say 'X party is leading and has the best chance of beating Y, so vote for X'.
The Ontario referendum was a joke. It offered us the option of FPTP or MMP, which is barely an improvement. If we had adopted MMP, it would have been years before we moved forward with an actual solution.
I was listening to The Current this morning, and they said that the Liberals were the current forerunners with momentum, which I was skeptical about (unless of course the recent poll data was incorrect). One thing they touched upon was that the Quebec vote was actually split against Le Bloc and the NDP, so the main beneficiaries was actually the Liberals.
Any comments?
In other news it looks like the bloc is lower than 2011 in every single poll released recently. That must not be good for their campaign.I don't think they will win many seats in this election anymore(<5 is possible now)
I was listening to The Current this morning, and they said that the Liberals were the current forerunners with momentum, which I was skeptical about (unless of course the recent poll data was incorrect). One thing they touched upon was that the Quebec vote was actually split against Le Bloc and the NDP, so the main beneficiaries was actually the Liberals.
Any comments?
Excellent news. With a weak Bloc the Liberals and NDP should be able to easy make a coalition work if the Conservatives win a Minority.
multiple polls show the Bloc simmering down, like i said, Flash in the Pan
hopefully the Cons and the Niqab thing simmers down
it is all up to the press of they want to let it go and/or not address other more serious matters
hopefully the Cons and the Niqab thing simmers down
it is all up to the press of they want to let it go and/or not address other more serious matters
Indeed blame that Australian Marketeer who was hired to make people hate muslimsHarper is trying to make C-24 an issue now.
Seriously Muslims are like pinatas this election cycle. Bash us and votes come out.
It's especially weird watching CBC and Radio-Can digging their own grave by talking about the niqab non-stop day after day.
I guess the Liberals will now destroy the conservatives in the Edmonton Centre riding because of this.
Where does the CPC get these people?
hopefully the Cons and the Niqab thing simmers down
it is all up to the press of they want to let it go and/or not address other more serious matters
Nah, they're doubling down.
That was pretty much expected to be the case anyhow.I guess the Liberals will now destroy the conservatives in the Edmonton Centre riding because of this.
That would certainly be a play out of Lynton Crosby's playbook.the joke is there probably isn't any actually employed in the civil service.
Stephen Harper = Pauline Marois
That was pretty much expected to be the case anyhow.
Liberals are likely to take that riding.
NDP are likely to take Edmonton Strathcona.
Conservatives should handily take down the rest.