But Rob Ford is facing the voters. These are just going to be people on a list that half the voters won't look at anyways. Will there be rules about how much campaigning they have to do?
In STV they all campaign. In MMP they all campaign as well because the only way they guarantee getting in in the next election is to win locally. If they don't win locally the only way they get in is if
1. Their party gets enough votes to go over a threshold
2. Their party does well enough in the party vote to deserve seats
3. Their party DIDN'T do well enough locally to get those deserved seats and so get top ups
4. They are high enough on their party's list to get one of those top ups(their ranking can even change in an open party list).
Every candidate that wants to get elected or re-elected wants to win locally as the other route is a roulette wheel. In this election for example no Liberal list only candidate would have made it in at all and only very few Conservative list candidates would have made it in. That's why in MMP places like Germany, NZ, Scotland etc. there's no difference in how 'list' MPs and 'local' MPs behave either in parliament or in a campaign. They all play towards a locality where they hope to get in the next time around.
A side benefit is that if you need help from an MP then in both STV and MMP you've got a choice of people to go to. You're not bound to the one guy who won your riding.