Any chance the 36-> 184 seats meaning political instability in Canada?
no, the Liberals lost their mojo post Sponsorship Scandal and many of their supporters either stayed home for while or flirted with the the two other parties for a decade.
Now, Justin Trudeau brought the Liberals back to their big scores not seen since 1968. Justin out performed Jean Chrétien's 1993 win. Trudeau has slowly rebuilt the base that was fractured.
Older voters who use to like big L in the name Liberals of they old days of Pierre Trudeau are happy to vote Liberal again.
Young voters who grew disdain of the negativity from Conservatives have found a voice in Justin's message.
+ the most important factor is that Jason Kenny's work in 2011 of masterfully creating winning conditions among ethnic minorities to vote Conservative andnot Liberal have been completely burnt to the ground with Harper's choice in 2015 to make a big deal about identiy politics. This turned off many Canadians but mostly it push ethnic minorties back into the arms of the Liberals.
Harper adopted Marois' loser strategy of using identity poltiics which has been proven twice in to make them lose.
and finally, Prime Ministers rarely last over a decade, almost never pull off a 4th mandate. Change of regime is always the norm after such a long rule by one PM or party