After all is said and done, what a night it had been! The NDP loss isn't as bad to me now, considering the Liberals in 2011 and heck, even the Conservatives lost MORE seats than the NDP this election. The concession speeches IMO were all great. Mulcair almost made me cry, felt like giving him a hug or something
I also thought, despite his bad rep, Harper was respectful in his speech and honorably stepped down as leader of the CPC.
That's the most amount of respect I have managed to muster for him ever, so its got to mean something. Its weird, after all the (admittedly toxic) hate we had harbored towards him, I don't think I actually hate him at all now. I think Mulcair said it best that while he does not agree with his politics and policies, he thanks him for his service to Canada.
I'm glad Mulcair is staying on as leader, I think the in-and-out style Leadership of the LPC should be avoided.
Good luck to our new Prime Minister though, and I hope he can make Canada whole again.