I don't actually have a problem with bill 94 and I fail to see the "issue". Guess this makes me a typical Québec bigot for wanting government employees to show their faces. *rolls eyes*
The requirement to take off the niqab to even
get service is the really horrible part of the bill.
And I would totally understand if an employee felt uncomfortable serving a person with a hidden face as well.
So anybody wearing a face covering should be fine with not getting served anywhere by anyone because some people are made 'ucomfortable'? Plenty of people are 'uncomfortable' about the kirpan and the hijab as well. The horrible videos of women getting harassed in Qeuebec were wearing the hijab not the niqab after all. Turban wearing Sikhs get caught in the crossfire as well. Saying it's okay to discriminate because of discomfort over a visible display of diversity in manner of clothing is a
bad idea.
Morrigan Stark said:
I agree it probably was not worth making a law over, since it's not a big deal, and I'm not going to staunchly defend that law or whatever, but it's not rooted in racism or bigotry like you keep insisting.
it's an imposition on a person's right to wear what they wish based on nothing more than 'discomfort'. That
is a problem. A society should only restrict freedoms if there's a damn good reason for it and that good reason just has not been demonstrated here.
Morrigan Stark said:
It's also funny that earlier you said women didn't even actually care (FYI I am a woman) and that it was only about old white men, yet your own link quotes a woman from a feminist group saying she thought the law was a good thing for women's equality. Oops.
Telling a woman that if she wears what she wants she's gonna get denied service by the state seems like a bizarre way of achieving equality.
All I'll say is that Quebec seems to be much closer to the idea that a minority has to be assimilate to be considered equal to everyone whereas English Canada is closer to the idea that a minority has to demonstrate a willingness to get along with everyone else to be considered equal. The latter is far more open to diversity and to my mind understands far better what it takes to live with harmony in a diverse world. This is getting incredibly OT so I'm not going to say anything more about the niqab in this thread other than shame on the BQ and the Cons for playing on fears of and attacking a disadvantaged minority group in this country in a crass attempt to get votes from some members of the scared majority. That's not Canadian.
Justin Trudeau has announced that if elected, the 2015 election would be the last under a FPTP system. While they haven't committed to one system over another since they still want to 'study the issue' they're now flat out stating the system will change no matter what.
Yeah but will it change to a better system or a system that doesn't really address the problem that we have.
Cue Azih ranting about AV in 3...2...1...
Look you can be as snarky as you want. It doesn't change the fact that what happened in 2011 is that Stephen Harper was able to get full majority power to do whatever the hell he wanted even though he only got 39% of the vote. This is bullshit. What seems to be the preferred alternate system from the Trudeau inner trust is a system that can create the same levels of distortion and false majorities. That will continue to suppress small parties such as the Greens and continue to exaggerate the power of big parties and regional parties.
Take a look at this really in depth blog that shows why Trudeau's preferred system isn't any better than FPTP.
In many ways, it can lead to even more distorted results than FPTP currently does, e.g. a single party winning even more seats than it might have under FPTP. It is not at all proportional, so it won’t put an end to majority governments formed by a party with much less than majority support, meaning many voters will continue to feel as if their votes don’t count.
and more here:
In the vast majority of cases, based on the Australian experience, the candidate with the plurality of the vote (how you win in FPTP) ends up winning the riding anyway under AV.
What we should be voting for in this election isn't just kicking Harper out. It can also be to prevent something like Harper ever happening again. That's what you need PR for and the Liberals to their discredit just refuse to commit to it under Trudeau unlike the NDP and the Greens.
And gutter. By far the best Liberal PM of the 20th century was Lester B. Pearson and a large reason for that was that he engaged with Tommy Douglas and the NDP in a non majority situation.