Some reviews (especially by African American reviewers) point out that its too preachy and message driven. I guess just another movie that has social justice themes so will get super good reviews but might not actually be good.
Yeah I've been worried about this given Jordan Peele is involved, and his Twilight Zone series had some apparently very preachy stuff in there. I liked Get Out even if it's a little outlandish a concept, and might've actually enjoyed Us more as a film even if it was weaker in ways than Get Out.
I hope this new Candyman isn't some overly socially preachy, pretentious type of thing but again, feels like that's where Peele has been trending since his film debut and you never know these days. We'll see. And FWIW, I know there will be BS arguments on both sides with this, so I'm coming at this like with everything these days: a born-again normie.
Racism is a very important component to the story of Candyman. I assume it will also be addressed in this new film. You shouldn't worry about it being woke.. just enjoy the movie!
This is a good point and it's something I've noticed with some claimed anti-SJW types where they try retroactively saying things with diversity in the past (well before current-era culture war BS) was also "woke"; sorry but you can't retroactively apply a modern buzzword to things of the past when the context of those things are wildly different.
Sometimes it feels like the Overton window has shifted so much that if some folks see even a single person who's not white, male or straight in something they're ready to call it "woke" or SJW trash and that's just the complete flip side of extreme stupidity as things SJWs believe. It's still extreme stupidity either way.
That said there's always a right and wrong way to go about things like diversification and making it so that it isn't denigrating other groups, or taking over the fun factor of a story or plot. Up until a few years ago it seemed like Hollywood, games, comics etc. had a pretty good balance on doing that, and had so for at least a couple decades tbh. But I think insincere types saw the opportunity where some of that could be respectfully improved, and they've leeched on that as a chance to screw everything up.