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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2


being watched
Cockles, it's like that image has finally COME HOME.

Wait, no, its true purpose will be realized when the "Gamespot: Nintendo announces third-party software for PS3" thread is created and hits page 20 in less than 15 minutes.


I guess that each year, it's probably becoming harder and harder for Nintendrones to stay loyal. It seems everytime there's a good news about Nintendo, there's a huge backlash afterwards.
Such drama over a port? It's not like the GC version got cancelled.

DISCLAIMER: I haven't read entirely through this bloated thread
Like Sega fans, they'll soon snap. Gahiggidy will become Nintendo's isamu (or worse: Dural), living in the fondly remembered past and loathing anything new. Many of them will become fans of whatever platform receives the most "hardcore" Nintendo games, transferring their system loyalty to the new hardware. Many will become virulently anti-Sony, eventually abandoning serious gaming in despair. ALL of them will be totally insane.

KUTARAGI: Drinky Crow, what is best in life?

DRINKY CROW: To have Nintendo crushed before you; to see its software driven to other platforms; and to hear the lamentation of its fanboys.

KUTARAGI: *grunt*

Kon Tiki

Drinky Crow said:
Like Sega fans, they'll soon snap. Gahiggidy will become Nintendo's isamu (or worse: Dural), living in the fondly remembered past and loathing anything new. Many of them will become fans of whatever platform receives the most "hardcore" Nintendo games, transferring their system loyalty to the new hardware. They'll also all be totally insane.
Oli the new Opa?


I'm guessing this was probably lost in all the pages before this, but I'll just state that Matt C. from IGN states that Capcom USA told him it was indeed a very recent executive decision on Capcom Japan's part and that they also wouldn't rule out a port to the XBox. Though Matt says that should be treated as heavy fiction until stated otherwise.

Deku Tree

Eric-GCA said:
I'm guessing this was probably lost in all the pages before this, but I'll just state that Matt C. from IGN states that Capcom USA told him it was indeed a very recent executive decision on Capcom Japan's part and that they also wouldn't rule out a port to the XBox. Though Matt says that should be treated as heavy fiction until stated otherwise.

Did anyone expect them to say "well we've been planning this for a long time and lying to you about it but now we've decided to come clean"?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Fuck Capcom
-1 sale of RE4

I'm saving my money for real exclusives.

Why I lose:

If I buy GC version:

Ps2 version will come out later, probably cheaper and contain more extras
The gamecube version will feel incomplete to me

If I buy PS2 version:

I would have to deal with a lot shittier graphics and a lot more slowdown
I would have to wait a year longer
I just hate the PS2 load times

So the only choice for me is to not buy any version and save up for other things, I might put the money I was saving for RE4 on a DS.


Drinky Crow said:
Many of them will become fans of whatever platform receives the most "hardcore" Nintendo games, transferring their system loyalty to the new hardware.
You mean Game Boy Evolution?


GSG Flash said:
So the only choice for me is to not buy any version and save up for other things, I might put the money I was saving for RE4 on a DS.

You lose then to... buy a NDS and then boom a much better piece of hardware comes out (PSP) and kills it.

I feel bad for N-fans. :(

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Razoric said:
You lose then to... buy a NDS and then boom a much better piece of hardware comes out (PSP) and kills it.

I feel bad for N-fans. :(

No, I will buy a PSP too so a winner will be me


Razoric said:
You lose then to... buy a NDS and then boom a much better piece of hardware comes out (PSP) and kills it.

I feel bad for N-fans. :(

PSP lacks Advance Wars. Therefore DS > PSP
GSG Flash said:
If I buy PS2 version:

I would have to deal with a lot shittier graphics and a lot more slowdown


PS2 shites all over the GC graphically. There are only a handful of truly beautiful GC games.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Mr_Furious said:
Such drama over a port? It's not like the GC version got cancelled.

DISCLAIMER: I haven't read entirely through this bloated thread
No no, you don't understand. The next obvious step from losing RE4 exclusivity is that Nintendo is going third party. The GAF has spoken.
What's interesting is the acknowledgement of the western market. If all of the Japanese makers are coming to this same conclusion then I think the PS2 may lose a pretty substantial advantage it held this generation over the Xbox. The Japanese Devs.

Japanses Devs need the west more than the west needs Japanese Devs.


sonycowboy said:
No. PS2 is teh shitter, GC is teh shitty.
If GameCube (or Xbox for that matter) was given the same effort and resources from the development community as PlayStation 2 enjoys, I think people would be shocked at what's really doable.

As is though it really can't be argued, GameCube is a (slightly) more capable machine compared to PS2. Though I do think PS2 could handle a decent version of RE4, I also think GC could handle a decent version of any PS2 release if given the same resources.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, the GC is a very nice piece of hardware that has gone mostly un-utilized...

It's a shame, really.


dark10x said:
Yeah, the GC is a very nice piece of hardware that has gone mostly un-utilized...

It's a shame, really.
Yeah... for once Nintendo did almost everything right in terms of system architecture (though maybe a little more main RAM would've helped). Considering how they skimped on every past console (SNES dropping the 3D instructions chip and slow ass CPU, N64 dropping any sound chip and crap RAM structure) it's really a shame that everybody ignores the one they did really well. :/

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
jarrod said:
Yeah... for once Nintendo did almost everything right in terms of system architecture (though maybe a little more main RAM would've helped). Considering how they skimped on every past console (SNES dropping the 3D instructions chip and slow ass CPU, N64 dropping any sound chip and crap RAM structure) it's really a shame that everybody ignores the one they did really well. :/

You really can't blame anyone but Nintendo. A DVD player, while a novelty, would've been nice. Maybe Nintendo should've released the Panasonic Q as the main console, it's more appealing to the casual crowd plus then the other consoles wouldn't have had any advantages over the cube.

But according to Nintendo, nobody wants a dvd player in their gaming console, which is bullshit.


dark10x said:
Yeah, the GC is a very nice piece of hardware that has gone mostly un-utilized...

It's a shame, really.

Agreed. I think the DC even got a better shake than the GC. Nintendo made an excellent console and its potential was squander by a whole mess things.


GSG Flash said:
You really can't blame anyone but Nintendo. A DVD player, while a novelty, would've been nice. Maybe Nintendo should've released the Panasonic Q as the main console, it's more appealing to the casual crowd plus then the other consoles wouldn't have had any advantages over the cube.

But according to Nintendo, nobody wants a dvd player in their gaming console, which is bullshit.

DVD would've done dick. There problems were all about the games. They got hammered on the quality of their own software while they failed to secure anything like GTA or Halo. Software killed the console.


I feel sorry for whoever at G4's Pulse is going to have to sift through this huge thread to find a sensational quote. Has Wario said anything they could use?


jarrod said:
Yeah... for once Nintendo did almost everything right in terms of system architecture (though maybe a little more main RAM would've helped). Considering how they skimped on every past console (SNES dropping the 3D instructions chip and slow ass CPU, N64 dropping any sound chip and crap RAM structure) it's really a shame that everybody ignores the one they did really well. :/
You can't blame developers for not pushing the envelope on GC.
Nintendo on the first place didn't show the way, they didn't raise the bar, nor set the standards high enough on their own games (Graphically speaking).


vysez said:
You can't blame developers for not pushing the envelope on GC.
Nintendo on the first place didn't show the way, they didn't raise the bar, nor set the standards high enough on their own games (Graphically speaking).

Luigi's Mansion was a very impressive 1st gen title IMO, and I'm still fond of the look of Wind Waker, Pikmin, and SSBM. The reality is the GC had to take the back seat as the cost of development has made multiplatform creation harder. There was nothing stoping deveoplers from making an impressive title outside of their own assumptions about their potential sales on the GC.
ge-man said:
DVD would've done dick. There problems were all about the games. They got hammered on the quality of their own software while they failed to secure anything like GTA or Halo. Software killed the console.
It's easy to say that now but maybe, just maybe, if Nintendo had released the Panasonic Q in the states as their main console, there might've been more interest by the casuals, leading to more sales, leading to more support. Believe it or not, DVD playback is/was a significant factor for the first couple years of the current generation.

At this point it doesn't really matter but I don't think it's fair to state that DVD wouldn't have mattered.


Nintendo should've tried alot harder to get 3rd party support, undercut Sony on the license fees, do whatever it took, even MS knew that and they were the n00b, but Nintendo wasn't willing to make those kind of sacrifices and now they're paying for it with Sony & MS getting most of the 3rd party support, maybe Nintendo will finally learn from this and do things right with the Revolution even though they didn't learn anything from the N64


vysez said:
You can't blame developers for not pushing the envelope on GC.
Nintendo on the first place didn't show the way, they didn't raise the bar, nor set the standards high enough on their own games (Graphically speaking).
Well, not every game can be Mario 64. Still, Nintendo made it pretty apparent their development priorities changed with GameCube (they even announced it iirc). I'd agree both Sony (GT3) and Microsoft (Halo) have done a better job at setting the bar early on at least, but Nintendo still has some nice looking inhouse games (Pikmin, Metroid, etc).

And handfull of other developers (Amusment Vision, Factor 5, Capcom Studio 4) have done great work on GameCube also... but that's nothing compared to the list of superstar PS2 and even Xbox developers pushing those platforms.
Link316 said:
Nintendo should've tried alot harder to get 3rd party support, undercut Sony on the license fees, do whatever it took, even MS knew that and they were the n00b, but Nintendo wasn't willing to make those kind of sacrifices and now they're paying for it with Sony & MS getting most of the 3rd party support, maybe Nintendo will finally learn from this and do things right with the Revolution even though they didn't learn anything from the N64
Nintendo did try really hard but in the end companies care more about software sales numbers and Nintendo can't guarantee anything in that department.
Here's an interesting question:

After everything is said and done, Do you think the Gamecube had more of a negative or positive affect on the Nintendo brand?



Scalemail Ted said:
Here's an interesting question:

After everthing is said and done, Do you think the Gamecube had more of a negative or positive affect on the Nintendo brand?


It sorted the quantity problem but the child side of things remain the same. Easy.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Scalemail Ted said:
Here's an interesting question:

After everything is said and done, Do you think the Gamecube had more of a negative or positive affect on the Nintendo brand?


Neutral to mildly positive, perhaps. Depends on your viewpoint, I guess. They did some things better, some things the same. There remains hope for the future.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Can't speak for consumers on the whole, but the GC has had a POSITIVE effect on me. I absolutely detest the Nintendo 64. It is, without a doubt, one of the least appealing mainstream systems of all time. Outside of a precious few games, the library just did nothing for me and completely turned me away from everything Nintendo...

The Gamecube has been an enjoyable system to own, however...

My library is rather small in comparison to the other consoles I own, but what's there is all quality.
Scalemail Ted said:
Here's an interesting question:

After everything is said and done, Do you think the Gamecube had more of a negative or positive affect on the Nintendo brand?


Negative. Brand value of key titles diminished (lackluster Mario game, offbeat Zelda game), no online plan established to complete with next generation of consoles which will already have several years experience, continued lukewarm support from third parties for exclusive games (case in point: RE4! :lol), forced to drop hardware price before competitors and take small loss on hardware for a short period. The only highlights are a modestly successful reintroduction of a brand left stagnant during the 64-bit era (Metroid) and the iPod of wireless controllers, the Wavebird.

Bob White

"Mario 128 at E3 2004" - Shigeru Miyamoto

Fuck Nintendo, fuck DS, fuck everything about gamecube! All I fucking WANTED was a new PROPER Mario game. What do they show? Another fucking zelda game that, though it looks GREAT, will most likely be ANOTHER FUCKING CAKE WALK!

Fuck you, Nintendo! I hope you all fucking BURN for lying about Mario 128!

Good move Capcom. Those old japanese men from Nintendo are STILL out of touch and I hope more and more bad hit happen to them.

"Mario 128 at E3 2004" - Shigeru Miyamoto

Lying motherfucker.
Bob White said:
"Mario 128 at E3 2004" - Shigeru Miyamoto

Fuck Nintendo, fuck DS, fuck everything about gamecube! All I fucking WANTED was a new PROPER Mario game. What do they show? Another fucking zelda game that, though it looks GREAT, will most likely be ANOTHER FUCKING CAKE WALK!

Fuck you, Nintendo! I hope you all fucking BURN for lying about Mario 128!

Good move Capcom. Those old japanese men from Nintendo are STILL out of touch and I hope more and more bad hit happen to them.

"Mario 128 at E3 2004" - Shigeru Miyamoto

Lying motherfucker.


Bob White said:
"Mario 128 at E3 2004" - Shigeru Miyamoto

Fuck Nintendo, fuck DS, fuck everything about gamecube! All I fucking WANTED was a new PROPER Mario game. What do they show? Another fucking zelda game that, though it looks GREAT, will most likely be ANOTHER FUCKING CAKE WALK!

Fuck you, Nintendo! I hope you all fucking BURN for lying about Mario 128!

Good move Capcom. Those old japanese men from Nintendo are STILL out of touch and I hope more and more bad hit happen to them.

"Mario 128 at E3 2004" - Shigeru Miyamoto

Lying motherfucker.

Calm down Bob, how can you blame Nintendo? They've only got so much resources, they needed to address Sony's extremely well-kept secret after they found out (as did the rest of the world) at E32003. Since they had no plans but to continue to sell GBASP for a few more years, they had to rush development on DS to try and compete with the technologically superior (and much longer developed) PSP. The end result? You're still getting a new Mario game! Mario 64x4, which was shown at E32004. Miyamoto didn't lie, in fact, he overdelivered! 64x4=256, that's twice 128!


Scalemail Ted said:
Here's an interesting question:

After everything is said and done, Do you think the Gamecube had more of a negative or positive affect on the Nintendo brand?

In the indusrty itself, I think GameCube was considered a step in the right direction (elegant architecture, quailty dev suite/tools, mended 3rd party relations, optical media, etc) but for consumers it's definitely less popular than N64 was and has tarnished the Nintendo brand quite a bit too.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
DJ Demon J said:
Miyamoto didn't lie, in fact, he overdelivered! 64x4=256, that's twice 128!

LOL that's actually funny.

It's all over for the cube now, i'm a fan of Nintendo but I sadly have to say if there was no new Zelda games, an Xbox would be in the place of the cube right now.
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