See it all the time.
"PC port sucks guess I'll get PS5/Xbox version which runs even worse...for reasons"
runs worse or not but console versions are usually trouble free. Get day early or on release, install, play. That's it.
HDR works, game graphics and performance is what it is, you are not changing anything about it and accept it.
And on ps5, you get dualsense haptics, 3d audio in some games and so on.... AND THE DISC ! OF COURSE
I like that with console gaming. Even if I can get better fps on pc with tweaking, I am kinda done with tweaking. I did it for years, decades.
Buy a game, tweak it for hours since usually I can't just put everything to max and I don't want to go too low either... or there are problems. Usually it's just fine but I just want to get the game and go.
Obviously the newer the system, the better the experience but I've wasted hours on crashes and comparing settings in re4 remake for example and I would be half way finished with the game on ps5 by that time to be honest.
Even with the game runs perfectly on pc, Just because the options are there, I like tweaking them. I feel the need to compare settings. How this looks, how that looks etc.
It is a part of pc experience I like and cherish... just not recently. Recently I like palying on console. And that's years "recently"
So yeah, good luck seeing what setting you can forgo to get better cpu performance while I will just be playing.
Maybe it's my OCD because I MUST know the settings. Same reason I dont really like modes on console games.
That's what life as a pcmr gamer made of me. Pc created that monster