Capcom Is 'Aware' of Dragon's Dogma 2 Frame Rate Issues on PC, Looking Into Fixes

Meanwhile, Hogwarts Legacy runs a stable 120 FPS within Hogwarts Castle with NPC density on High and RT on.
All Ultra settings with DLSS on Quality.

It shits on DD2 graphics and performance wise.

Hard pass till they fix this. Lazy ass bastards.

A 4070 Super paired with an i9 10900K should easily reach 60fps stable on 1440P.
Anything less is shitty programming on Capcom's side.
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PC? It would be nice to improve FPS in console too, at least achieving steady 40fps and putting them on a 120Hz container.

Seems like the FPS problems are mostly in the cities.

So if you remove the city, problem solved. :messenger_sunglasses:
This is basically what the average gamedev running out of time does.
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One of the green rats
Meanwhile, Hogwarts Legacy runs a stable 120 FPS within Hogwarts Castle with NPC density on High and RT on.
All Ultra settings with DLSS on Quality.

It shits on DD2 graphics and performance wise.

Hard pass till they fix this. Lazy ass bastards.

A 4070 Super paired with an i9 10900K should easily reach 60fps stable on 1440P.
Anything less is shitty programming on Capcom's side.

Hogwarts ran like shit on pc at launch as well. But it eventually got fixed. Same thing will happen here.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Man they just keep justifying my decision to wait for a Dark Arisen equivalent expansion before I buy this game.

What a mess.

Bert Big Balls

Gold Member
Not sure if this ever gets fixed on consoles, but I'm just gonna hold off for now. Still playing through FFVII Remake then got Granblue Fantasy to try and a whole list of other stuff to play on PS5.


You might not, but its not just about you.
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