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Capcom is seeing a sharp increase in sales on Steam


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
So as many Capcom games as I own on PC, I'll admit, Dragon's Dogma is not one of those games. Is it still worth playing in 2022?

I know, potentially silly question, but it's a game often mentioned that I've never played.
Ah don't worry! And yes I think it's still worth playing, mainly because there's nothing quite like it out there.

Games's weak on the RPG aspects like story and such, but the combat and exploration are quite nice.

Some people get bored soon as the start might be a bit slow. That wasn't what I felt but, in any case, try playing at least until you reach the big city, which is where the game really opens up.
Yeah PC is treating Capcom good. This is why they're making PC their main platform and expect PC to make up 50% of their sales at some point.

Went to my Steam library just now to check, and, just a sampler....


So, yup, as far as Capcom on PC goes....



Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Capcom has risen a lot since Resident evil VII and RE-Engine was released, Before in the PS3 era, Capcom was at the bottom of quality in his works... the worst was marvel vs capcom infinite.

I think that at that time, he realized the mistakes and people raised the company a lot, the staff that is at Capcom right now or who raised the company, deserves a big round of applause.


Sounds like we'll be getting Dragon's Dogma 2 on day 1 bros. :lollipop_content:
Oh for sure. You'd have to believe that PC is the platform that kept it in people's minds past the rereleases for a month or two. The UR dragon is up to some ridiculous number on PC.

I'm really glad to hear this, and I hope other JP companies take notice. After inconsistent censorship bullshit with Sony and Nintendo's 1-2 gen behind hardware, PC is the best option for JP games moving forward, I feel.

Is there any stat of regional active Steam users for JP?
The westernization (Bionic Commando, Dark Void, DMC Devil May Cry, Lost Planet 3, Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, Resident Evil 6 almost killing the mainline franchise) of their games and locking substantial content behind "keys" of content already in the games (Dragon's Dogma BitterBlack Isle was locked content inside the game files when it launched; Asura's Wrath true ending was locked behind a pay-wall day 1 as well) was their lowest indeed.
This is a really excellent point, and honestly I didn't think about it this way until you said it.

I have no beef with Western games -- I love me some Uncharted, neo-Tomb Raider, Witcher, etc -- and think there's a place for both Western and Japanese games. But Capcom is a Japanese company, and they have a certain design approach to their games that has always struck an amazing balance between being inherently Japanese, and yet having a huge appeal to Western audiences. But when they tried to change their game design to be Western, they started faltering. Because that's not their specialty, and people saw through that.
Capcom Stadium 2 being listed before Stadium 1 triggered the OCD that I didn't know I had.
Dude! You have no idea. I simply listed it as "Alphabetical" and the end result had me all


Not only (as you mentioned) Stadium 2 being listed before Stadium 1. But you have DMC4 and 5 before 1, 2, and 3; you have REmake before RE0; etc etc etc. It's a goddamned mess :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:

EDIT: TintoConCasera TintoConCasera I have all the same Yakuza games, and the order of their listing has me... well, refer to the picture of the triggered chick above :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Capcom has risen a lot since Resident evil VII and RE-Engine was released, Before in the PS3 era, Capcom was at the bottom of quality in his works... the worst was marvel vs capcom infinite.
Can't agree with this even slightly, MTF is what made capcom the PC juggernaut they are and that was the 360 era.
Also MVCI is PS4 era, not 360/ps3 (it's also an awesome fighting game).
Can't agree with this even slightly, MTF is what made capcom the PC juggernaut they are and that was the 360 era.
Also MVCI is PS4 era, not 360/ps3 (it's also an awesome fighting game).
This is what people fail to see. The weird, parroted attacks against MVCI and SF5. Yes, those games have their issues. But as fighting games, mechanically, they're actually pretty damn good.
"aLeX" from DF can critique Capcom PC ports for all he wants

he is unable to see fully fledged taa destroying precious and valuable texture detail and valuable subpixel details to destroy "flickering" and "shimmering". he refuses to understand that majority of PC players are playing on a monitor, where we can see all details up close, whereas most console users are playing on a TV where they won't notice much of the subpixel details. Capcom has a perfect approach, using only 1 frame of temporal anti aliasing, so that the image can be clear and sharp on a monitor. It can be all blurry on a TV, its not going to matter for console folk

take a good look. half of this video is about bitching about how taa works bad on pc and how shimmery and flickery it is.



their ports are fine. they knowingly tweak and tune TAA so that their games look clear, clean and sharp on a monitor. Alex fails to understand this. every PC port review of their video is ramblings about taa not being so aggresive.

he's delusional to a point where he uses GHOSTING, a bad side effect, as a way to gauge and determine that PC TAA differs from console TAA:

look at his cringe graphics:


here him, fully admits in full glory that "moAr GhOSTing" is a telltale sign for a better TAA. How joyful. but lets completely DISREGARD the phenomenon of ghosting itself for convenience.

This are frozen images, that game is not image novel that you notice these details. Only trolls search for this things everyone else enjoys the awesome game. My girlfriend played it at Xbox one and it had not the best graphical fidelity but she did not care because she was enjoying the gameplay.
Ah don't worry! And yes I think it's still worth playing, mainly because there's nothing quite like it out there.

Games's weak on the RPG aspects like story and such, but the combat and exploration are quite nice.

Some people get bored soon as the start might be a bit slow. That wasn't what I felt but, in any case, try playing at least until you reach the big city, which is where the game really opens up.
Thanks for the recommendation dude.

I actually bought it today. Looking forward to playing it in the (hopefully near) future! 👍🏾

Ryu Kaiba

They will do the maths and figure out if it works for them or not regarding taking these deals.
They'd better. I think Sony and Epic are harming them more than helping unless the amount they're getting paid is Insane. Final Fantasy 16 can be a console launch exclusive for PS5 but they've lost their minds if they also keep it from PC.
I am so happy they are seeing great success. Ever since the 90s they have always made the games I love, generation after generation, after generation.


Gold Member
The early numbers of the MHR PC launch are pretty smaller than the MHW ones.

Monster Hunter World:

Monster Hunter Rise:
Yeah I don’t think anyone was expecting MHR to outperform MHW. MHW was made to appeal to westerners and had a much larger budget. Rise is still performing well for a late Switch port.


Yeah I don’t think anyone was expecting MHR to outperform MHW. MHW was made to appeal to westerners and had a much larger budget. Rise is still performing well for a late Switch port.
Source of the budget of both games and MHR not being made to appeal westeners?
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Gold Member
Source of the budget of both games and MHR not being made to appeal westeners?
Are you serious? It’s obvious that World had a way bigger budget. Just compare the graphics and production values between the two games.

There’s also this
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