Who's the kid from iron man 3?
Hmm, yeah, he's another nobody I think. That might change though.
Who's the kid from iron man 3?
Er............ well ........
Somehow they managed to make him badass.
They even kept the purple and yellow in the movie costume. LolMy God.
Bravo to the MCU costume design people. Again.
Who's the kid from iron man 3?
Hmm, yeah, he's another nobody I think. That might change though.
Fiege: "Bring me only the HOTTEST Chrises."Having the Holy Christianity in the MCU that's not needed
Still don't know if that was Disney/Shane Black shoehorning that as a side show thing or if they actually are serious about making the kid important.
Avengers vs. XMEN. She was roughly about half as powerful as the Phoenix force in that one, though not really the bad guy there.
Fiege: "Bring me only the HOTTEST Chrises."
My God.
Bravo to the MCU costume design people. Again.
Pratt is no slouch either.with Evans and Hemsworth, he certainly got his wish *runs off to google image search*
He signed on for multiple movies though right? At least I thought I heard that. If so, that'd imply that they have a plan for him.Still don't know if that was Disney/Shane Black shoehorning that as a side show thing or if they actually are serious about making the kid important.
Home Alone reboot, set in the MCU.
Directed by the guy who did Skyfall.
Ohhhh, so the capoeira guy is a villain from the comics? That explains why they spent a little extra time on him. Is he a particularly notable Cap villain?
Still don't know if that was Disney/Shane Black shoehorning that as a side show thing or if they actually are serious about making the kid important.
The moment they introduce a kid superhero is the moment I get off this train. It's the reason I stopped watching Power Rangers back in the day. Blue Ranger my ass.Well, he did have a whole sub plot with him being bullied, then saving his bully from death and shit, BUT it also got cut, so who knows.
I didn't mind him in the movie, but I don't really see a fucking kid superhero unless they want to make that its own thing for the super young audience (who already loves the current Avengers anyways).
So other than House of M, has the Scarlet Witch been a major threat?
He isn't a super human but he is a peak physical human in all areas:
"Batroc the Leaper has no superhuman abilities, but is in peak physical condition in every respect. He is an Olympic-level weightlifter and has extraordinary agility and reflexes. His leg muscles are particularly well developed enabling him to leap great distances equal to an Olympic athlete. He is an expert hand-to-hand combatant and specializes in savate (French-style kickboxing). He is also a skilled military tactician, having formerly been in the French Foreign Legion."
Cap has normal strength for a very fit human in the comics, besides slowed aging and the ability to survive frozen he doesn't have any powers.. In the MCU he definitely has super-strength and durability.
The moment they introduce a kid superhero is the moment I get off this train. It's the reason I stopped watching Power Rangers back in the day. Blue Ranger my ass.
Too right! I'll be out for blood if anyone ever tries to make Spider-Man into a movie!
Too right! I'll be out for blood if anyone ever tries to make Spider-Man into a movie!
My man. I think most people forget that one fact about him.
There's a pretty big difference in a teenaged character and a prepubescent child character.
My man. I think most people forget that one fact about him.
Wow, thanks for that explanation. Isn't Captain America a peak physical human also, and not super human? Or is he more powerful than that. Seems like he had more durability than Batroc.
Still incredibly young. He was 15 when he became Spider-Man. Miles is younger.
That guy looks really good in the costume. Definitely one of the better MCU costumes.
My God.
Bravo to the MCU costume design people. Again.
616 (Main Marvel Universe) Cap is peak human. Ultimate Cap can lift 2 tons and run 35 mph.
Movie Cap seems to be clearly above 616 but well below Ultimate in strength levels.
Not correct. 616 cap is exactly as strong as ultimate is, and faster on foot.
There have been a few threads with this topic already. 616 cap is stronger, faster, and more durable than its possible for a human to be, even with crazy amounts of exercise.
Edit: 616 cap also either does not age or does so extremely slowly, and may be effectively immortal.
You're comparing a teenager to a preteen? Come on. Come oooooonnnnn. It's not the same and you know it. You're reaching for the stars on that one.Too right! I'll be out for blood if anyone ever tries to make Spider-Man into a movie!
To be fair, The Winter Soldier arc in the comics made Batroc a decent threat as well. He's still kind of a joke though. Especially outside of that series.
I wonder what movies we'll have leading into the third Avengers movie...
Batroc was great in the movie. His appearance was short but sweet.Batroc is one of those guys that yeah he is seen as a joke, but him and his crew are really dangerous. Like Armless Tiger Man.
Marvel has released rankings before. 616 Cap is peak "human" which most of the the time means anything an Olympic athlete can do Rogers can do. Ult Cap is "enhanced" and that just means he is stronger, faster, and more durable than 616 Cap.
Marvel has released rankings before. 616 Cap is peak "human" which most of the the time means anything an Olympic athlete can do Rogers can do. Ult Cap is "enhanced" and that just means he is stronger, faster, and more durable than 616 Cap.
People not wanting Franklin Richards in a FF movie done by Marvel?
COme on now.
Not correct. 616 cap is exactly as strong as ultimate is, and faster on foot.
There have been a few threads with this topic already. 616 cap is stronger, faster, and more durable than its possible for a human to be, even with crazy amounts of exercise.
Edit: 616 cap also either does not age or does so extremely slowly, and may be effectively immortal.
Yeah this is not true, sorry (again). Cap is described as peak human in most sources, and his feats are not meant to push him past that aside from comic book silliness. At best you can argue for conflicting messaging on this front, at best, but even the movie pretty much went out of its way to not make him appear super human. The super soldier serum made him peak human, and that means the peak of what a human is capable of genetically speaking any feats that he does are merely the result of that status. You could argue superhuman within the realm of his particular level of peak human being pretty much impossible to practically obtain (but still possible in theory), but that is about it.
Olympic level athletes have not perfectly trained their entire lives (which is the equivalent of the super soldier serum) nor received a drug that basically configured them to optimal human potential. So of course (in conjunction with comic book silliness) Cap will have feats that surpass an Olympic athlete.
And honestly, Cap not being a superhuman is a part of what makes the character compelling to a lot of his fans. He is not superhuman, which makes his drive and struggle all the more potent, and better reflects his own accomplishments as our own potential.