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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


So wait... Halo fans are "fanwanking" for using the books (which ARE canon), and yet fans of CA which fanwank just how awesome, stupdenous, godly-like he is, are just fine...

Okay, I'm walking out now.

I think you are making the mistake of assuming that I am involved in this MC versus Cap debate in any way. I really do not care. I have been commenting on how the expanded Halo Universe books are generally inconsistent garbage and should be treated as the glorified fanfiction that they are, given how absurdly the games (and what number are we on now?) make no attempts to bridge the twos interpretations.


They've pulled elements from the approaches of both universes in making the MCU. They've done a very good job taking the better modernizations from the newer material.


I think you are making the mistake of assuming that I am involved in this MC versus Cap debate in any way. I really do not care. I have been commenting on how the expanded Halo Universe books are generally inconsistent garbage and should be treated as the glorified fanfiction that they are, given how absurdly the games (and what number are we on now?) make no attempts to bridge the twos interpretations.

The only inconsistentcy between the games and books is the gameplay, everything else is one to one.

Also stop treating your own words as fact, because no. Most of the Halo EU books are not inconsistent garbage. Yes, some are better than others, the Kilo-Five trilogy isn't up to the standards of previous trilogies like the Forerunner Saga or Eric Nylunds books. But it's hardly "gerbage."

And no it shouldn't be treated as glorified fanfiction, now how about you get off of that high horse you're upon right now?


The only inconsistentcy between the games and books is the gameplay, everything else is one to one.

Also stop treating your own words as fact, because no. Most of the Halo EU books are not inconsistent garbage. Yes, some are better than others, the Kilo-Five trilogy isn't up to the standards of previous trilogies like the Forerunner Saga or Eric Nylunds books. But it's hardly "gerbage."

And no it shouldn't be treated as glorified fanfiction, now how about you get off of that high horse you're upon right now?

Stop treating your own words as facts ~ Korten


Well feel free to think that.


I'm on my phone, so I'll have to be more brief than I would like.

That particular arc was really good for a number of reasons, but one thing that it did was establish that Thor for whatever reason was the most powerful god
there was. Thor has always been powerful, but marvel has never quite come out and demonstrated that Thor is top dog in QUITE that way before.

When I get home, scans for everyone! Because Godbomb is just so fun

Oh boy!


Stop treating your own words as facts ~ Korten


Well feel free to think that.

Ha ha, you're soooooooooo funny, and wow, that horse is really tall isn't it? Tell me, can you touch the clouds?

The only case of games and books clashing is really Halo Fall of Reach and Halo Reach, to which the latter is the one that made issues with the former, before there was no issues. They had to retcon stuff later to actually make them work.


EDIT: Got your pm, lets just drop this since it is wholly off topic and belongs in the Halo thread more than anywhere else.


I thought the movie made it explicitly clear that the Winter Solider had his name, star, and Soviet gun/ammo because HYDRA wanted people to think he was Soviet to throw everyone off the trail. TWS speaking a line or two of Russian is part of that. That discussion a page or two back made me wonder what movie was being watch because the movie explicitly made the point.
I thought the movie made it explicitly clear that the Winter Solider had his name, star, and Soviet gun/ammo because HYDRA wanted people to think he was Soviet to throw everyone off the trail. TWS speaking a line or two of Russian is part of that. That discussion a page or two back made me wonder what movie was being watch because the movie explicitly made the point.

I don't recall this ever coming up in the movie.


I don't know why I do. Maybe I'm making it up, but that was definitely what I got from the movie and the character and was never confused about it.
The Winter Soldier being Russian was only ever brought up by Natasha and Hill I think. We know Zola was involved, but it was likely under some Russian arm of HYDRA as the flashback made it pretty clear that he was found by the Russians just like in the comics.


Well, how the fuck did I come to that conclusion? I'm now questioning my life. It seems obvious, I guess. TWS was a HYDRA experiment from the start, controlled by HYDRA as SHIELD for decades. He really had nothing to do with the USSR. He was HYDRA the whole time. The Soviet part was a cover to create more world chaos and keep any hints of HYDRA covered. That's how I saw it.

I want to play LEGO Marvel again.


Well, how the fuck did I come to that conclusion? I'm now questioning my life. It seems obvious, I guess. TWS was a HYDRA experiment from the start, controlled by HYDRA as SHIELD for decades. He really had nothing to do with the USSR. He was HYDRA the whole time. The Soviet part was a cover to create more world chaos and keep any hints of HYDRA covered. That's how I saw it.

I want to play LEGO Marvel again.
What makes you think HYDRA didn't have a cell in Russia?


Online Ho Champ
Well, how the fuck did I come to that conclusion? I'm now questioning my life. It seems obvious, I guess. TWS was a HYDRA experiment from the start, controlled by HYDRA as SHIELD for decades. He really had nothing to do with the USSR. He was HYDRA the whole time. The Soviet part was a cover to create more world chaos and keep any hints of HYDRA covered. That's how I saw it.

I want to play LEGO Marvel again.

well remember shield came about after the war when starks dad helped found it. None of them knew about TWS , its entirely possible that TWS was under soviet russia's control for some time and was later acquired by Hydra through shield. Just because Zola knows about him well thats obvious he was both shield and hydra. Shield could've gotten TWS post USSR when things were destabilized and everything/one was on sale.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
It's established that Hydra has cells around the globe. Baron Strucker is in Eastern Europe. So it's not inconceivable that there is a Russian/Soviet branch of Hydra and they created the Winter Soldier.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Master Chief wouldn't even beat Cap in a t-shirt wearing contest.




I fell asleep during Coraline and Cidade de Deus and a few others, but because I went late and I was fucking tired :p

The first is a cute movie and the second is a fucking masterpiece, but this is the internet so what that really means is both sucked and are overrated and I literally can't believe anyone liked them.


Is this a serious question? Willful ignorance? I mean, of course people like it. It's the movie that is singularly responsible for RDJ's renaissance, making him one of the biggest movie stars on the planet, it legitimized Marvel Studios and its success is the reason that six years later we are posting in a thread about a highly successful, critically well received sequel to a Captain America movie. None of that happened because people didn't like Iron Man.

I had a brainfart. I posted when I was sleepy and for some reson IM1 in my mind was Captain America 1. I like Iron Man quite a bit myself. But either way, no need to get in such a tizzy.
I liked IronMan 1 and 3. 2 was a bit weaker to me.

My fav in the franchise is Thor though. Dat bod, dat voice, dat facial hair. RAWRRRRRRR

Yes, ok, i admit i am superficial ;__;

my list would be

1. The Avengers
2. Thor 2
3. Thor 1
4. Iron Man 1
5. Cap America 2
6. Iron Man 3
7. Iron Man 2
8. Cap America 1
9. Hulk

... I also think the Thor arc brings a very interesting villain / antagonist into the bigger picture. Im not a Loki fangirl, but Hiddleston's Loki is really entertaining to watch.

When we saw The Avengers, me and my dudefriend came out and talked about our favs, and his was the hulk, and i said I liked Thor, and he laughed and said lol your fav got shoved out of a scene by hulk. And I can see how he loves Hulk for his OP strength. I love the Hulk too, but more because he's so interesting and adorable and his inner struggle against the other guy is very fascinating.

But I told him, ya, that's ok. My guy can take it. And then some.

I know Thor is tricky to write in the universe, he's a deity and he has unwieldy powers. But, yeah, I love the Shakespearian angle, the family focus, and the friction between brothers and father, and the fantastical setting of Asgard.

Anyway, I was not into Cap America after this first movie, but I fell for him in the Avenger. He was the only one in the bunch that was not sassy or full with ego, he was a straightshooter and the contrast between him and Tony really brought out the Captain's virtues. After that, I was in Team CapnAmerica : D

And Im very very very pleased that Winter Soldier is doing as well as it is. Very well deserved. More, pls


Thor and Loki were both much more interesting in The Avengers than Thor. Thor 2 was just...Idk. Compared to IM3 and Cap 2, it looks super weak. And cheap. And dumb. It's only saved by how well the actors are for the roles of Thor and Loki. People shit on IM2 all the time, but Thor 2 was super, super weak. And then it's followed by The Winter Solider, which makes it look even worse. Thor 2 is probably the weakest of the whole MCU. I think it went too weird with space elves and shit, but wouldn't commit fully like GOTG seems to be. It ended up feeling like some weird mesh of the Star Trek reboot and the Star Wars prequels, but with Thor.


wat, Thor 2 was about a million billion times better than Thor.

I didn't like it. Thor surprised me because I had zero expectations going in. I had higher ones going into 2 based off of how much I enjoyed Thor and Thor/Loki in The Avengers. And then I got an evil space elves with space ship gun battles movie. It never grabbed me besides Hiddleston and his interactions with everyone.
I didn't like it. Thor surprised me because I had zero expectations going in. I had higher ones going into 2 based off of how much I enjoyed Thor and Thor/Loki in The Avengers. And then I got an evil space elves with space ship gun battles movie. It never grabbed me besides Hiddleston and his interactions with everyone.

hey hey hey

it also has intern romance hey?

the cute intern was given an intern !!!

also that bod ........... of dr erik selvic at the stonehenge !

Nelo Ice

Finally saw this today and damn MCU just continues to be awesome. Totally marked out when they name dropped Dr. Strange. Took me by complete surprise.
I did not like this movie at all. As an individual movie it was good, but as a part of the avenger universe it was utter shit and did not make sense. The matter of the fact that the situation was COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION, and not confined to a city make the whole suspension of belief shatter.

1- Stark already hacked shield in the avengers, so how come he did not know about this? Yeah yeah, not every info is on the ship just only one of the most sensitive is in the headquarters is a crap excuse and very unrealistic. All info gather at headquarters.It´s like saying that not all CIA info are at Langley.
2- COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION, how come the rest of the avengers did not do anything?
3- I know this is Cap´s film but when the stake are so high and no other avenger show up, it ruins the illusion that these movies are in the same universe.

Like i said, as an individual movie, it was good. But as a part of a bigger universe it sucked. I could not help feeling when i was watching the movie that the plot of COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION was to big for Cap America movie without other avengers show up, since they are in the same universe. Not that Cap can´t save the world but as the other avengers would have known about the situation especially Stark.


I just watched First Avenger again just now and realized that Howard Stark's levitating car at the beginning of the movie is a precursor to Coulson's ridiculous flying car Lola.

Completely forgot about that reference.


I did not like this movie at all. As an individual movie it was good, but as a part of the avenger universe it was utter shit and did not make sense. The matter of the fact that the situation was COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION, and not confined to a city make the whole suspension of belief shatter.

1- Stark already hacked shield in the avengers, so how come he did not know about this? Yeah yeah, not every info is on the ship just only one of the most sensitive is in the headquarters is a crap excuse and very unrealistic. All info gather at headquarters.It´s like saying that not all CIA info are at Langley.
2- COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION, how come the rest of the avengers did not do anything?
3- I know this is Cap´s film but when the stake are so high and no other avenger show up, it ruins the illusion that these movies are in the same universe.

Like i said, as an individual movie, it was good. But as a part of a bigger universe it sucked. I could not help feeling when i was watching the movie that the plot of COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION was to big for Cap America movie without other avengers show up, since they are in the same universe. Not that Cap can´t save the world but as the other avengers would have known about the situation especially Stark.
They were busy
These secret 'world council' bits always come off as a bit goofy, but this movie was great despite that.

I wish they elaborated on how Zola spread the Hydra message in Shield. It seems a bit odd that a premier intelligence unit would fall prey to the ideas of a captive like Strucko.

But man. That scene with Fury on the run. Fucking amazing.
I did not like this movie at all. As an individual movie it was good, but as a part of the avenger universe it was utter shit and did not make sense. The matter of the fact that the situation was COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION, and not confined to a city make the whole suspension of belief shatter.

1- Stark already hacked shield in the avengers, so how come he did not know about this? Yeah yeah, not every info is on the ship just only one of the most sensitive is in the headquarters is a crap excuse and very unrealistic. All info gather at headquarters.It´s like saying that not all CIA info are at Langley.
2- COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION, how come the rest of the avengers did not do anything?
3- I know this is Cap´s film but when the stake are so high and no other avenger show up, it ruins the illusion that these movies are in the same universe.

Like i said, as an individual movie, it was good. But as a part of a bigger universe it sucked. I could not help feeling when i was watching the movie that the plot of COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION was to big for Cap America movie without other avengers show up, since they are in the same universe. Not that Cap can´t save the world but as the other avengers would have known about the situation especially Stark.

1. This movie takes place a year after Avengers. It's not inconceivable that the world's most top secret organization would be able to scrub their system during that time to get rid of Tony Stark's access to it.
2. It wasn't global... yet. The first set of targets were only in New York.
3. I don't think any of the other Avengers knew about it because it was mainly undercover stuff for most of the movie until the helicarriers... and even then the helicarriers weren't something to be immediately worried about until the final battle, which was over in minutes. If they weren't actually in New York at the time (possible) they might not have had time to notice and get over there in time.


Thor and Loki were both much more interesting in The Avengers than Thor. Thor 2 was just...Idk. Compared to IM3 and Cap 2, it looks super weak. And cheap. And dumb. It's only saved by how well the actors are for the roles of Thor and Loki. People shit on IM2 all the time, but Thor 2 was super, super weak. And then it's followed by The Winter Solider, which makes it look even worse. Thor 2 is probably the weakest of the whole MCU. I think it went too weird with space elves and shit, but wouldn't commit fully like GOTG seems to be. It ended up feeling like some weird mesh of the Star Trek reboot and the Star Wars prequels, but with Thor.

The weirdness you talk about is probably the reason why I love Thor 2 so much. Maybe I'm easy to please, but all I want from a Thor film is stuff you won't get to see in the other MCU films. The Kurse/Thor fight perfectly exemplifies that and that's why it's one of my favorite scenes in the series. Watching Thor get manhandled and sent flying miles away by a single punch brought a huge smile to my face.

I'm glad they embraced some of the silliness from the comics into the film.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Thor and Loki were both much more interesting in The Avengers than Thor. Thor 2 was just...Idk. Compared to IM3 and Cap 2, it looks super weak. And cheap. And dumb. It's only saved by how well the actors are for the roles of Thor and Loki. People shit on IM2 all the time, but Thor 2 was super, super weak. And then it's followed by The Winter Solider, which makes it look even worse. Thor 2 is probably the weakest of the whole MCU. I think it went too weird with space elves and shit, but wouldn't commit fully like GOTG seems to be. It ended up feeling like some weird mesh of the Star Trek reboot and the Star Wars prequels, but with Thor.

I left Thor 2 and fifteen minutes later pretty much forgot everything about it except the stinger.


Thor and Loki were both much more interesting in The Avengers than Thor. Thor 2 was just...Idk. Compared to IM3 and Cap 2, it looks super weak. And cheap. And dumb. It's only saved by how well the actors are for the roles of Thor and Loki. People shit on IM2 all the time, but Thor 2 was super, super weak. And then it's followed by The Winter Solider, which makes it look even worse. Thor 2 is probably the weakest of the whole MCU. I think it went too weird with space elves and shit, but wouldn't commit fully like GOTG seems to be. It ended up feeling like some weird mesh of the Star Trek reboot and the Star Wars prequels, but with Thor.

Completely right. Thor 2 was an opportunity for them to embrace the LoTR with norse god style that the trailers seemed to be trying to hint at, and the most visually interesting aspect of the film was in fact the flashback where we got to see Odins father and his troops shimmering in on the rainbow bridge and slaying people with swords etc, but the rest of the film tried to hammer home the technology angle and made asgard boring with AA guns and shield generators.


I don't even remember the ending of Thor 2. Like that evil smoke stuff. What happened to it?

Bad guy was destroyed and the Aether was collected by Asgardians. A post-credits scene showed Sif and Volstagg delivering it to The Collector, who will appear in Guardians of the Galaxy. They were told by Odin to do so saying it was not "safe to keep two infinity stones" in their vaults. They didn't realize that Odin was actually Loki.
Bad guy was destroyed and the Aether was collected by Asgardians. A post-credits scene showed Sif and Volstagg delivering it to The Collector, who will appear in Guardians of the Galaxy. They were told by Odin to do so saying it was not "safe to keep two infinity stones" in their vaults. They didn't realize that Odin was actually Loki.

So excite about Guardians : D

Phoenician Viking, yeah I thought that too, about Stark and stuff, but idk ... I think for SHIELD to call on Stark it must be desperate measure, like Avenger only scale of emergency, because if Stark ever got the idea that he's more important than he really is to SHIELD, it may not actually work to their benefits in the long run. but yeah. idk. I guess in short, I am saying that I will allow (as an audience) the separateness of individual arcs because it's just silly to expect Iron Man to appear in a major way in a Captain America's movie (and vice versa)

I also just want to say I love the costume design of the new Captain's outfit. And I love that lil sound effect everytime the shield latches on to his back

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