(I've tried to answer in some detail, so apology for the long post).Why should you want more women or POC to apply for a specific job? Should we want more men to work at nurseries? More women to work at construction jobs? Many delivery drivers here are black and brown men should we push for more white and Asian representation?
If not, why not?
First of all DEI is about much more than skin colour or gender.
But in general, we want our company to cast as wide a net as possible. For the factory jobs, why target 50% of the population (men) when we could target 100%?
And yet for a long time we were restricting our potential talent pool to just 50% of the population. Just because of the habit/bias that "blue collor jobs are men's jobs."
There was some sense in that when all the work was manual labour. But in the age of automation that logic doesn't hold up.
To give an example in the opposite example, nursing has tradionally been seen as a "women's job". That can be offputting for the other 50% of the population, so some hospitals are targeting adverts are getting more men interested. This helps broaden their talent pool.
Are white collar/tech/creative jobs not evenly distributed because of system racism/sexism?
We did a review at my company some years and, while we did find examples of direct racism/sexism, by far the main issue was unconscious bias.
When I joined my company, the entire leadership team in Europe were white men. Even for the business in India, Africa and the Middle East, the leadership team was mostly white men.
We were stuck in a cycle where, by and large, the senior leaders were mentoring, training and promoting people who looked like them / played golf with them / had gone to the same business school as them.
On top of that, there's the issue that having children tends to negatively affect women's careers but not men's careers.
This is not limited to one company.
Its not true anymore, but at one point the biggest UK companies had more CEOs called Peter than CEOs who were women. That doesn't happen if everyone has equal access to development opportunities.
Thank you for being genuine. I hope I've answered your questions.I am genuinely asking and I'm not trying to hit you with gotchas or being an asshole. As someone who works in tech, who has friends in tech and lives with a woman who works in tech, I'm really trying to
understand your point of view.