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Chain Chronicle |OT| Funding Valkyria Chronicles 4 One IAP At A Time


Looking forward to getting the bug fixes after the event is done, don't worry, we are getting 100 gold and 200 arcana to make up for this.
I might as well start grinding, I doubt they'll give us the urgent quest. They can't make things too easy for us, after all!

I pulled another seven times, hoping for Claudia...

- Chantel
- Aracne
- Aida
- Cadil
- Bella
- Leaho
- Amelia

I give up. I have just under 1500 Prysma, but I'm saving those for future units, such as Oletta, Shauna, etc. I'll make do with Shara and Bella...


Is the bonus time supposed to last only 4 minutes and 15 seconds?

I'm getting a feeling that Gumi doesn't give a dam anymore. Just look at how long it took them to fix the ring loop.

I'll stick to one copy from completing the tower event and won't be stressing out over this mess lol.


Sketchbook Picasso
With the stupid amount of rings we have from the recent exploits, getting 5 mil is pretty easy, ESPECIALLY If you have Claudia.

My brother had no Claudia, Shara, or Bella, got his 5 mil yesterday.

I have Claudia, went from like 500k to 3 mil pretty quick, and then the 3 mil to 5 mil over a few hours. With days left to go.

Since you can get Super Stam fruit easily, just use it to extend when you hit the magical 3x points. If you have an anniversairy or rate up chara, this makes it more comfortable.

In the Tower mission 3, the final chest would give near 30k points by itself, and all 4 chest dropped every time.

Even if there is a lot of FUBAR stuff here, I've found it much less stressful than Selene's event, and the fact I'm not competing against anyone is worlds better.

The inability to use a friends character for a bonus is pretty dumb, though.


Yes its easy. I'm nearly done with this event too.

But still its unacceptable to release an event full of game breaking bugs.


Assuming no other changes (no Urgent quests, 200k compensation comes after event ends, etc.) it's going to take me between 60-70 stamina fruit to hit 5 mil...after factoring in energy recharges, friend refills, level ups, and Super Stamina Fruit.

Note: Super Stamina Fruit EXPIRE after the event ends, per a note buried in the "How to Play" information page that no one reads!

I'm going to try for MLB, since I've stashed over 200 stamina fruit thanks to gauntlet....but Gumi has royally messed this up for most players.


What's this about us not getting urgent quests?

No official announcement, just an assumption I made to figure out how many SF I will have to burn to reach 5 mil.

(Plus, they've done everything else wrong at this point...so why expect them to get something right at this point?)


I might as well start grinding, I doubt they'll give us the urgent quest. They can't make things too easy for us, after all!
I pulled another seven times, hoping for Claudia...

That sucks :(. My aim was 500k pts in this event for those 2 Prem tix and clear tower for one Barkeeper. Got them and used tix for 2 pulls: Killie & Claudia.

^^ Too bad friend loans wont work. Thus Iam not going to level Claudia now & definetly not going to grind more Barkeepers, since I do have very good warrior team already.

Btw. Hilarious picture :D.


I made 10 pulls in the last couple of days (including 6 tickets, one from the event and 5 from the 500x rainbow party mission) and I got:

Shara x2

I think that's pretty much the luckiest I've ever been with the CC gacha. I actually pulled Morgan/Claudia/Shara back-to-back-to-back.
That sucks :(. My aim was 500k pts in this event for those 2 Prem tix and clear tower for one Barkeeper. Got them and used tix for 2 pulls: Killie & Claudia.

^^ Too bad friend loans wont work. Thus Iam not going to level Claudia now & definetly not going to grind more Barkeepers, since I do have very good warrior team already.

Btw. Hilarious picture :D.

I also got a Claudia on some random roll, will probably farm the points to MLB Monette though, with SSF being removed after the event it's not like it'd be wasting any resources to do it. Don't know how her Kizuna is gonna be but Monette probably won't be completely useless. At least compared to the random 12 five star mages (including Claudia) that the game threw on me these last months.

Thanks btw :p


With the stupid amount of rings we have from the recent exploits, getting 5 mil is pretty easy, ESPECIALLY If you have Claudia.

My brother had no Claudia, Shara, or Bella, got his 5 mil yesterday.

I have Claudia, went from like 500k to 3 mil pretty quick, and then the 3 mil to 5 mil over a few hours. With days left to go.

Since you can get Super Stam fruit easily, just use it to extend when you hit the magical 3x points. If you have an anniversairy or rate up chara, this makes it more comfortable.

In the Tower mission 3, the final chest would give near 30k points by itself, and all 4 chest dropped every time.

Even if there is a lot of FUBAR stuff here, I've found it much less stressful than Selene's event, and the fact I'm not competing against anyone is worlds better.

The inability to use a friends character for a bonus is pretty dumb, though.
It's not that bad IF you used the ring loop or IF you managed to pull a Claudia, but you have to remember that not everyone did. I pulled around 15 times and didn't get a single Claudia, but I did manage Shara and Bella so they help out a bit. If it weren't for the ring loop, I'd be in a bad situation.

The thing is, newer players [who don't really know any better] probably didn't abuse the ring loop, and now they can't even gain help from people on their friend list who managed to pull the Claudia that they didn't. The friend list is supposed to foster a community where you receive help as well as assist others, especially during events such as this. What Gumi essentially did was take out the team aspect and made it so it's a solo effort and not one of a group. Personally, I look forward to pulling an event unit so I can help out the people on my friend list just as much as them pulling a unit that can help me, so seeing that not be possible here is disappointing [even though I personally wasn't able to pull Claudia].

It's not hard to see why Gumi made it so you can't benefit from your friends event leaders. Pull for that unit yourself or don't get the bonus, more $$$ for them. That upsets me. This is supposed to be a one-year anniversary celebration too, what a way to end the year. :/

Oh, and "increased fever time" is definitely a lie. I've burned through 3 bars of AP and it didn't proc once. Honestly, I was getting it more frequently before the supposed "fix".


The 'H' stands for hentai.
If you have Claudia, Anniversary Weapon, and 3x fever time you pull a crazy amount of points.

I went from 1,000,000 points to 2,450,000 points in 45 minutes. Unless you get that crazy perfect storm, good luck getting MLB :/


Oh, we were also supposed to get a Fortune Ring --> Premium Ticket exchange with this tower, and we didn't. I know Gumi might be worried about giving us an uncapped amount with all of the Fortune Ring-farming that went on, but there's no reason they couldn't have given us the option with a limit of 5-10. Once again, something they didn't adapt/bring over from JPCC --> GCC, since it might hurt their financial bottom line.

Spoilers, Gumi? Disrespecting your players and being outwardly greedy will do more to hurt your business than offering a few "free" tickets here-and-there.


I used 5 ssf during regular fever time and couldn't get super fever time.
This is why I'm currently grinding the 7AP quest with standard fruit until I hit 3x and then I'll use my super stamina fruit. It's not proc'ing much, that's for sure. I sometimes get 2x, but then it runs out before I can get the 3x version.


I'm at 2.85 mil. Got super fever time on my fourth ssf (out of 5) so I burned as much fruits as I can before time run out.

Still have 85 stamina fruits so I should be good.


Sketchbook Picasso
Yes its easy. I'm nearly done with this event too.

But still its unacceptable to release an event full of game breaking bugs.

The bugs are stupid, but "game breaking"? They didn't keep me from logging in, or crash matches upon every completion.

It's funny to me, because I never felt GUMI did a bad job at Brave Frontier compensation, but they seem to suck at it on CC. I'll not pretend things like Ring Loop didn't exist though, or that Nicholas is a bad Global exclusive. But the way things are now, the game pushes me away from purchases (even from using "free" credit earned from surveys) more than most other games, because I don't feel like my coin is well rewarded. There's so much chance to get crap out of paid pulls. The VIP system kinda helps, but I feel as if I'd have to spend way too much to get more consistent rewards from it.

It's not that bad IF you used the ring loop or IF you managed to pull a Claudia, but you have to remember that not everyone did. I pulled around 15 times and didn't get a single Claudia, but I did manage Shara and Bella so they help out a bit. If it weren't for the ring loop, I'd be in a bad situation.

I know that, but the rates seem high for this game anywho (I got 2 Claudia's out of freebies), and like I said, my brother didn't get any special pulls, but still managed to MLB Monette even before me. I'm kinda surprised they left so many options in to profit with Rings, after the weeks of abuse. I'm thankful for that, even though I didn't spam rings nearly enough it seems, haha.

I never got a Shara or Bella, shouldn't they together give a solid buff when used with Anniversary, too?

The thing is, newer players [who don't really know any better] probably didn't abuse the ring loop, and now they can't even gain help from people on their friend list who managed to pull the Claudia that they didn't. The friend list is supposed to foster a community where you receive help as well as assist others, especially during events such as this. What Gumi essentially did was take out the team aspect and made it so it's a solo effort and not one of a group. Personally, I look forward to pulling an event unit so I can help out the people on my friend list just as much as them pulling a unit that can help me, so seeing that not be possible here is disappointing [even though I personally wasn't able to pull Claudia].

I agree, they should never damage the team aspect. I was so happy to get Claudia, primarily because I had few free pulls left, and I thought it'd help my brother and I instantly. It's one of the best aspects of the game. That's a huge misstep, and I think that direction is a bigger fault than the glitches, really. Even if friend units had to be capped at 1 tier lower than ownership, and there was a max cap (like max 4x rather than 7.4 or something), should never completely sever the usefulness. The "Chain" shouldn't be broken!

New players always have it bad in these games. Teammates should always be abel to ease them in to the higher stuff, but they diminished that with this tower. Bad Gumi!

It's not hard to see why Gumi made it so you can't benefit from your friends event leaders. Pull for that unit yourself or don't get the bonus, more $$$ for them. That upsets me. This is supposed to be a one-year anniversary celebration too, what a way to end the year. :/

I do find the "Gimu Greed" stuff to be a bit overblown, though. We heard this game isn't as popular as they'd like it, and I'm mostly glad it's not suddenly dying like Million Arthur Global just did.

The worse part is that the methods they keep seeking make me LESS likely to give them money. They need to increase the team rate aspect, give away more guaranteed freebies in some form (more guaranteed 5* for 10 pulls, that should be a standard on a monthly rotation or something), and make rare pulling less of a potential crapshoot. Considering how big MLB is for this game, they really shouldn't worry about giving out 1 easy-to-obtain copy of a rare each update. (I guess that's what Ring characters are, but I mean beyond that.)

Oh, and "increased fever time" is definitely a lie. I've burned through 3 bars of AP and it didn't proc once. Honestly, I was getting it more frequently before the supposed "fix".
There should be a meter, or some way to know when fever has an increased chance. Or the Super Stams should just let you start a fever upon use. I thought they did during Selena's time.


I know that, but the rates seem high for this game anywho (I got 2 Claudia's out of freebies), and like I said, my brother didn't get any special pulls, but still managed to MLB Monette even before me. I'm kinda surprised they left so many options in to profit with Rings, after the weeks of abuse. I'm thankful for that, even though I didn't spam rings nearly enough it seems, haha.

I never got a Shara or Bella, shouldn't they together give a solid buff when used with Anniversary, too?
I wish I got a Claudia. I pulled a lot for her too. :(

And yeah, with Shara, Bella, and Anniversary, I believe I get a 3.9 multiplier [1.5x for Shara, and 1.2x each for Bella and Anniversary]. It's decent, for sure. I just need to get lucky with fever time. >_<


Well, I got lucky and got a 3x fever time, so I blew through my 9 stored Super Stamina Fruit [purchased another 3 during the fever to keep it going] and around...7 or so Stamina Fruit. I went from around 1,200,000 --> 4,931,455, playing "Cleanse Tower Three". I was tempted to grab another Super Stamina Fruit and finish the job, but I should be able to easily do that just through standard play with AP regeneration and the urgent quest (if we get it). I figured it wasn't worth the 15 Fortune Ring cost for another Super Stamina Fruit.

They sure didn't make it easy, though.


lol im still at 800k.

Never even seen a 3x fever.

I feel this is the worst event i've experienced in CC. Selene was tiring because i wake up at 3am, but atleast the goal is reachable.


Next week Holy Night Festival. Dat Freya.

Nothing interesting as I see. Just holiday themed units with dmg bonus to the winter event boss.


When is the urgent quest supposed to start? I also haven't gotten one fever time since they announced the rate up, lol.

Dat Christmas Freya, tho.


I'm at 200k. This is the worst event I've ever had. I started playing CC in the middle of the Coropatillon raid and still feel like that was better.


Managed to get great fever time. Used 8-10 SSF and only got ~2.5-3M points (I have Claudia and Anniversary but not the other 2). Friend lead fuckery and trashy last quest are making this event one of Gumi's worst achievements.

Old Monette isn't even worth this much, shame I could use a MLB soldier.


What is the demon?

Special - Forbidden Stance - 1 mana
Temporarily increase attack power by 100% but take 70% more damage.

Ability 1 - Last-Ditch Effort - Dancing at the edge of death increasing fighting prowess. Attack and defense power rises by 50% when HP is 1/3 or less.
Ability 2 - Undying Spirit - Prevents the user from being K.O.'d the next time it takes damage enough to be K.O.'d, recover 2500 HP.

Max Atk at LB0 - 6400
Max HP at LB0 - 4400

Max Atk at MLB - 10000
Max HP at MLB - 7200

More info here


Managed to get great fever time. Used 8-10 SSF and only got ~2.5-3M points (I have Claudia and Anniversary but not the other 2). Friend lead fuckery and trashy last quest are making this event one of Gumi's worst achievements.

Old Monette isn't even worth this much, shame I could use a MLB soldier.

So you can chain SSF? I guess I should just unload them all if I manage to get another great fever.
Since Gimu forgot about the Emergency Quests I decided to finish the 5 M points today. I got lucky and spent only 7 of my 8 super stamina fruits (I had a few from the Selene) for the last 2.5 M I hope that the last one will get converted to a normal fruit like in JPCC but I don't really care.

This event is over for me at last, for next week I suppose that I will pull a few times to see if I can get Robyn or Freya (new Freya seems ridiculous if she really attacks with the same speed as Ronda as according to the leaks/data extraction).


Next week Holy Night Festival. Dat Freya.

Nothing interesting as I see. Just holiday themed units with dmg bonus to the winter event boss.

Dat Danielle. Extra damage against the demon raid...on a Cleric!?!



So... Objective analysis of new recruit

Freya - looks ok but the abs look a bit like a skinny man
Hannya - looks like a man in mini skirt, worst of the 4 no wonder you can obtain it for "free"
Robyn - her face doesn't really match her body for some reason
Danielle - looks cute enough

Conclusion: first demon raid with friend's weapon that doesn't work coming soon?


Since Gimu forgot about the Emergency Quests I decided to finish the 5 M points today. I got lucky and spent only 7 of my 8 super stamina fruits (I had a few from the Selene) for the last 2.5 M I hope that the last one will get converted to a normal fruit like in JPCC but I don't really care.

This event is over for me at last, for next week I suppose that I will pull a few times to see if I can get Robyn or Freya (new Freya seems ridiculous if she really attacks with the same speed as Ronda as according to the leaks/data extraction).
Congrats! I MLB'd Monette this morning too, I spent 13 Super Stamina Fruit [had 9 already stock-piled] and around 11-13 Stamina Fruit overall. Not terribly bad, but also not an enjoyable event. I'd like to say I'm surprised that we're not getting the Urgent quest, but then this is Gumi. They said they didn't even know what it was. :/

I love how they're coming off of a failed tower event with a demon one. Like we'll forget everything that happened with Monette as we throw more money their way? Yeah, it ain't happening. I doubt I'll pull for any of the event characters. As cute as they are [and they are cute], I just don't see a lot of use in them, aside from Freya who might be useful. I'll probably just grind my way up to Level 80 for the LB1 Hannya [let's be honest, I won't get another as a chest drop/demon recruit], and keep the earned demon coins for the Aggudara raid.


Just clinch 5 million points with 30 minutes remaining fever time and 1 SSF left. Since SSF will be gone I think I will just use it.

Took about 1.5 hours to grind 3 million points. The first 15 minutes is just running the 7AP quest to get normal fever time. Great fever came within 10 minutes afterwards. Have Claudia and Anniversary weapon.

I guess if future event has SSF for rings then it won't be that bad even without event character.
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