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Charalanazard: Starfield Direct: Did They Lie?


Expect an email from HR later today.
Email from HR :


Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs

Two of her videos popped up on my YouTube feed recently (the other is here and covers whether or not she thinks women are getting uglier in games; worth a watch), and I think she presents a fair argument over whether or not Bethesda lied about Starfield in this summers Direct.

Having finally put in around 8 hours into the game, I'm inclined to agree with her.

Of course they are uglier.........apparently have to not 'objectify' women in games. I guess pretty/ hot women cannot be strong or kick-ass. It's their way of showing that there are a lot of lesbians too I guess. (see...Last of Us)
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Staying on topic,

are they real or fake?
I gotta say real. There's so many D cups out there nowadays. Seems like a lot more than in the 90s or early aughts.

This thread... I'm glad I was able to participate before the lock. Plus I had no idea alahan had chronic fatigue syndrome. That sounds super shitty.
Well....first, 96% of this thread has nothing to do with Starfield lol

Second...no. I don't believe they lied about Starfield. Anyone looking to turn this into a whole CP2077 situation will be disappointed lol

Nothing in the walkthrough is lying about any of the elements of the game. It is, as they have described it to be. Being about 20 or so hours in, I don't see anything from that walkthrough, that I feel is missing or was mislead about or lied about etc.

I simply didn't see enough to make a claim of lies. We just don't have some long list of claims or something

Walkthrough shows

Factions, that exist as you can join them
Space battles, that exist
Ship building, you can do that
Base building, you can build whole ass towns lol
Zero G
Planet conditions
Space Pirates (like stealing ships)
Boarding ships and space stations

and many more.

I don't see much if any claim of any feature that isn't in the final game or something.
I don't think they outright lied, but let's not pretend they didn't lean on their "long tradition" of RPG mechanics and storytelling with rich worlds, and we barely got that. Like, by the technical def. I guess we did, but it's not what everyone who's ever played a previous BGS game of the last 20+ years expected in this way. I don't hate it, but it feels like it's a skeleton with a lot of things cut from the frame. A lot of it doesn't make sense or is useless.


Gold Member
Don't know what you're talking about, we're having a discussion about games and stuff.



I’d give her permission to hug me.

In all seriousness though- she seems like a level-headed girl with some of the videos i’ve seen. Rare in today’s day and age.
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Writes a lot, says very little
let's not pretend they didn't lean on their "long tradition" of RPG mechanics and storytelling with rich worlds, and we barely got that

Ok, but none of that would be considered a lie, they are marketing a game and I want you to consider everyone on here that even likes what they did with those mechanics and story as well as the world they created. This is a subjective opinion.

Someone saying the story will be good like our others or some shit, can't really be a lie or truth as this is based on something that can differ from person to person.

What I'm saying is, nothing they objectively stated, that we can measure, that we can factually actually account for was lied about or claims made that are not true etc.

So their RPG mechanics, 100% there ie picking a "perk" , leveling up based on traits selected etc all that shit is there lol

I'm not saying you need to love it, merely that objectively, I don't see what the lie would be as you not liking it is a subjective view, it would be like McDonalds running an ad about having great food and you suing and claiming they lied cause you hate McDonalds food lol
Ok, but none of that would be considered a lie, they are marketing a game and I want you to consider everyone on here that even likes what they did with those mechanics and story as well as the world they created. This is a subjective opinion.

Someone saying the story will be good like our others or some shit, can't really be a lie or truth as this is based on something that can differ from person to person.

What I'm saying is, nothing they objectively stated, that we can measure, that we can factually actually account for was lied about or claims made that are not true etc.

So their RPG mechanics, 100% there ie picking a "perk" , leveling up based on traits selected etc all that shit is there lol

I'm not saying you need to love it, merely that objectively, I don't see what the lie would be as you not liking it is a subjective view, it would be like McDonalds running an ad about having great food and you suing and claiming they lied cause you hate McDonalds food lol
I fundamentally agree. I just think it feels scummy by Bethesda. They knew. It's all good though, I'm not upset by it, I do think given time, Starfield is gonna be a really great "Space Scoundrel" experience that I'm sure I'll enjoy once modders have put some meat on the bones. But as it stands, I put 10 hours into Starfield, uninstalled and reinstalled FO4 and put 25 hours into it. Much better time.

Starfield is like the least interesting parts of Fallout 4 with most of the character and flavor stripped out and half the style. It's a back-step and downgrade from almost all of the things they've built and learnt before.


Writes a lot, says very little
I just think it feels scummy by Bethesda. They knew.

They knew what? lol

Look, enough like this game to show what they were going for resonates. I simply don't have any evdience that Bethesda "knew" you personally would dislike their game or something as if its some secret conspiracy.

I just don't subscribe to this idea that someone's opinion of a game, now counts as a conspiracy of sorts by the developer and that they "knew" lol They think they have great RPG mechanics, many agreed. They think they have a good story, many agreed, all of that is a subjective idea.

I think they could have went deeper with RPG stuff, like having a kid or something for new game plus lol but that is my opinion, they never promised something like that.

I wish the story was deeper into how humans would live in Space and all the social issues that would occur in the future and how man would deal with them, but there is no claim THAT is what the story is for me to say they lied about anything.

So a massive difference of not liking a game and a company lying, making a false objective claim etc. That would be scummy, not merely someone disliking the outcome.

I do think given time, Starfield is gonna be a really great "Space Scoundrel" experience

I mean, it already is for many, I'm having fun robbing, killing and stealing ships like the piece of shit that I am lol Could it be better? Sure, but currently...it is as they have marketed it to be by the facts. Anything anyone thought or assumed is merely just that, a assumption of vs a claim.

EDIT. I do feel they can make you a bigger bitch as a space pirate lol So I agree on that lol

reinstalled FO4 and put 25 hours into it. Much better time.

Great game, but different concepts.

Thats like me saying i hate both and I put in Elder Scrolls "much better time" lol I don't disagree if you feel that way, but I don't know if the view is enough to say someone was scummy or lied or made a claim etc.

Starfield is like the least interesting parts of Fallout 4

I don't know if I can say all that.

I think its story could be better, I think they can have more choices and options

I think the shooting is better by miles in Starfield

I think the RPG stuff by default is more cause you have a ship to factor for. They have similar things going, like perks, but fallout doesn't have trait type stuff like Starfield does. I think they both do those mechanics well for my liking.

I think they both do dungeon stuff well, like Fallout has the vaults and Starfield has caves, space stations, abandoned ships etc

They both do their core concepts well. When I play Fallout, I feel like i'm really in some wasteland type world. When I play Starfield, I feel like I'm doing space and planet to planet type shit lol

The more I play Starfield, the more I understand what they are going for and for better or worse, it very much is their core RPG type stuff, simply with space battles, ships and in space.
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As said in the OT, Bethesda should’ve hired this lady. She obviously love the game and is fascinated by the possibilities and scale and systems and want to lower the hate, and she could learn the Bethesda devs that never go outside that it’s possible for a woman to look great and be proud of it and still be strong and competent.


Chronic fatigue syndrome is bullshit. It is depression hiding behind a fancy name. Depression is not that cool like it used to be.

Sad Girl Winter GIF by Dylan McKeever

I searched for depression gifs and this one popped up. It's not related but its kinda funny:messenger_grinning:
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