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Christianity |OT| The official thread of hope, faith and infinite love.

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AceBandage said:
I'll admit, it's been a long time since I've read through the entire Bible, but I'm not sure if any part actually says people will go to Hell, rather they will not receive salvation.
There's also the belief that after the rapture, everyone will go to Heaven regardless.

Multiple places talk about people going into hell and then the Lake of Fire.

The rapture is for believers only.
JohnTinker said:
southern baptist checking in.

to stir the pot further, ideas on megachurches?
Most of my high school Bible teachers expressed dissatisfaction with megachurches for two major reasons:
1. Pastors of these churches are getting super rich off of their congregation and they spend their money on material possessions that do not further the Kingdom of God.
2. Even though these churches do have small group meetings, fellowship with the believers of that church as a whole is hindered because there are just too many people. When you are one person amongst thousands you basically don't exist.
SonnyBoy said:
I don't think you're comprehending what I'm saying. I did not say that you need God to be charitable.

I don't believe that people are capable of loving truly and absolutely. Biblical principles work to bring the Love of God into our lives, a love which is perfect and absolute. As humans, outside of God, we are not capable of that. We judge, we divide, we hate.
So you don't believe that people can love truly, yet you believe in God? Interesting. You believe in nothing, then. What do you think Heaven is, exactly?
SonnyBoy said:
I expected nothing less. But this is GAF and there's no consistency to how it's moderated.

God help you though if you go into the Android thread and post a news article with scientific polling data that questions their faith that Android will be the dominant mobile OS. You'll have a mod right up your ass.


Game Analyst said:
Multiple places talk about people going into hell and then the Lake of Fire.

The rapture is for believers only.
So humans aren't owners of their own souls?
God chooses what happens to the soul at death?


erotic butter maelstrom
I mean, do some of you who hate hockey crawl into the hockey thread and go "Why do you like this sport? It's so boring." And then start debating with people (who CLEARLY COULD CARE LESS ABOUT DEFENDING THEIR ENJOYMENT OF HOCKEY) about how baseball is 100x better, even when the people there just want to talk about hockey and discuss how badly the Leafs are playing (sigh) and ... you know, NOT want to debate?

...because Hockey is simply not comparable to religion, which is something that impacts all of our lives whether or not we try to ignore it. Of course there is no excuse for throwing around personal insults or trolling for attention, but I think this is a great venue for discussion and debate. It's really just a matter of people being mature enough to have a conversation without being insulting.


Atramental said:
Most of my high school Bible teachers expressed dissatisfaction with megachurches for two major reasons:
1. Pastors of these churches are getting super rich off of their congregation and they spend their money on material possessions that do not further the Kingdom of God.
2. Even though these churches do have small group meetings, fellowship with the believers of that church as a whole is hindered because there are just too many people. When you are one person amongst thousands you basically don't exist.

Agreed. A good way to know if a church is guided by God is to see if the Pastor puts himself above the people or if he is among the people. There should be no difference from the pastor to the usher with the exception one has been called to teach and one has been called to serve people in the pews. Ff the pastor is never among people they are not a true Shepard.
Shanadeus said:
So humans aren't owners of their own souls?
God chooses what happens to the soul at death?

Well, God did give you life, so why wouldn't he decide your ultimate fate based on how you treated what he gave you?


Shanadeus said:
So humans aren't owners of their own souls?
God chooses what happens to the soul at death?

God gives each human their soul. Each person decides what to do with their soul living in this life.

God offers each person a way out of being separated from Him. We continue on the road we are on (headed for hell) or we accept His way out (repentance from sinning and accepting His Son).
SonnyBoy said:
The intent and reasoning behind his jealousy is what makes it pure. Being jealous of someone having a better car than you is far different than being jealous that your child is putting items that are detrimental to their "health" before their father.
He's GOD! Why should he be jealous? If he loved us so much, why would he send them to eternal damnation? Does that sound like love to you? How the hell can you rationalize that?

"Hey I love you guys!"
"But I don't believe in you"
Shanadeus said:
So humans aren't owners of their own souls?
God chooses what happens to the soul at death?
ah, the semantics of free will.

ps-any christian can chime in on this but what's your take on the definition of soul?


TacticalFox88 said:
He's GOD! Why should he be jealous? If he loved us so much, why would he send them to eternal damnation? Does that sound like love to you? How the hell can you rationalize that?

"Hey I love you guys!"
"But I don't believe in you"

God does not want anyone to go to hell. God offers everyone a way out through His Son. A pardon works the same way. The person who is offered the pardon is free to reject it or accept it. God pardoned you and I. The problem then becomes that people do not feel they have to be pardoned for anything and continue on the death sentence they have always been on.


foodtaster said:
So you don't believe that people can love truly, yet you believe in God? Interesting. You believe in nothing, then. What do you think Heaven is, exactly?

No, I don't believe that we can love perfectly. Believers and non-believers struggle with it. I look at threads on GAF and I see nothing but hatred and an inability to forgive. It's everywhere and we are all guilty of doing it. Do me a favor and show me a human that is 100% consistent in their love for the duration of their life. Nobody can claim that.

You don't really want to discuss, you're just here to attack. I have no problem explaining myself or what I believe but telling someone that they believe nothing, that's pretty offensive. I'm not upset at all, I expected it.
racooon said:
I'd rather have not been burdened with a soul than be given one, and then be sent to hell.
This is bullshit.



racooon said:
I'd rather have not been burdened with a soul than be given one, and then be sent to hell.
This is bullshit.

Your pardon has been offered by God. It is up to you what you will do with it.


TacticalFox88 said:
He's GOD! Why should he be jealous?
He wants what he feels is best for you.

TacticalFox88 said:
If he loved us so much, why would he send them to eternal damnation?
It's purely your choice.

TacticalFox88 said:
Does that sound like love to you? How the hell can you rationalize that?
I believe that my relationship with God is awesome and extremely loving.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Dear honest queries,
Sorry about the abundant cheap answers being given in this thread. Be assured that Christianity is far more rational, profound, robust, and consistent than you will find in this thread.


P.S. It's past my bedtime. Goodnight. I'm sure if this thread isn't locked I'll wake up 50 pages later. Who could hope to do such a thread any good?
racooon said:
I'd rather have not been burdened with a soul than be given one, and then be sent to hell.
This is bullshit.
then leave bro. i wager you can spend far better time then subjugating yourself to debates on topics you will never sway a faithful christian on.


AceBandage said:
Well, God did give you life, so why wouldn't he decide your ultimate fate based on how you treated what he gave you?
Because then it was never truly given to you.
It was lent to you, or given to you with special conditions that you need to fulfill or risk lose ownership over your soul.
Or it was never truly owned by you but remained God's property throughout your entire life.

GameAnalyst said:
God gives each human their soul. Each person decides what to do with their soul living in this life.

God offers each person a way out of being separated from Him. We continue on the road we are on (headed for hell) or we accept His way out (repentance from sinning and accepting His Son).
Do we lose our free will at death then?


racooon said:
I'd rather have not been burdened with a soul than be given one, and then be sent to hell.
This is bullshit.

It's my opinion that your soul is what separates you from being a hamster. lol

In leiu of the simpsons pic, if I had a choice, I'd pick to be a butter fly. Nobody suspects the butterfly.


erotic butter maelstrom
Alright, one more question for the night:

Do you believe that a homosexual is condemned to hell, even if he is a Christian?

*and this is based on the premise that he does not beg for forgiveness to God about being a homosexual in his final moments, he dies as he is*
SonnyBoy said:
No, I don't believe that we can love perfectly. Believers and non-believers struggle with it. I look at threads on GAF and I see nothing but hatred and an inability to forgive. It's everywhere and we are all guilty of doing it. Do me a favor and show me a human that is 100% consistent in their love for the duration of their life. Nobody can claim that.

You don't really want to discuss, you're just here to attack. I have no problem explaining myself or what I believe but telling someone that they believe nothing, that's pretty offensive. I'm not upset at all, I expected it.
In what way have I attacked you? You see hatred, which is why you believe that no one can love. And laughable that you would cite neogaf of all places. Finally, when you expect hatred, you will never get anywhere.

Also, the notion that you believe in nothing only is true if you believe in the first condition truly. If you do, then no God will change that. For you would be admitting that God, the creator, had created us with the idea that we could never love Him to begin with. Hence, you believe in nothing.


Everything is tsundere to me
SonnyBoy said:
No, I don't believe that we can love perfectly. Believers and non-believers struggle with it. I look at threads on GAF and I see nothing but hatred and an inability to forgive. It's everywhere and we are all guilty of doing it. Do me a favor and show me a human that is 100% consistent in their love for the duration of their life. Nobody can claim that.

You don't really want to discuss, you're just here to attack. I have no problem explaining myself or what I believe but telling someone that they believe nothing, that's pretty offensive. I'm not upset at all, I expected it.
No, no, this is just something that won't do. You're looking at it from the other end. We are COMPLETELY capable of God's perfect love, in fact, that's what we're MADE for. However, we fear, we fear, we hide, we justify, because we're afraid we won't get loved back. We're not perfect in our expression of such love because we're imperfect, but I cannot believe that humankind was made for anything BUT to love. This "hatred" and "inability to forgive" is based on our fears, insecurities, and inabilities. Sure, no one's THAT consistent, but we still strive for it, even if we fail.

You see, even if he IS here to just attack, your position deserves it. As a practicing Catholic and academic, that perspective is just bad theology.


SonnyBoy said:
It's my opinion that your soul is what separates you from being a hamster. lol

In leiu of the simpsons pic, if I had a choice, I'd pick to be a butter fly. Nobody suspects the butterfly.
The whole concept of a separate and actual soul is very interesting.

Does chimpanzees, dolphins, elephants and many other animals with human traits have souls?
Shanadeus said:
The whole concept of a separate and actual soul is very interesting.

Does chimpanzees, dolphins, elephants and many other animals with human traits have souls?

Dolphins might.
The rest... probably not.
Maybe mice... but they aren't really mice.


Everything is tsundere to me
Snuggler said:
Alright, one more question for the night:

Do you believe that a homosexual is condemned to hell, even if he is a Christian?

*and this is based on the premise that he does not beg for forgiveness to God about being a homosexual in his final moments, he dies as he is*


doomed1 said:
No, no, this is just something that won't do. You're looking at it from the other end. We are COMPLETELY capable of God's perfect love, in fact, that's what we're MADE for. However, we fear, we fear, we hide, we justify, because we're afraid we won't get loved back. We're not perfect in our expression of such love because we're imperfect, but I cannot believe that humankind was made for anything BUT to love. This "hatred" and "inability to forgive" is based on our fears, insecurities, and inabilities. Sure, no one's THAT consistent, but we still strive for it, even if we fail.

You see, even if he IS here to just attack, your position deserves it. As a practicing Catholic and academic, that perspective is just bad theology.

I don't disagree with what you've said, I guess I'm just not that good at expressing myself. You agree with me that we aren't THAT consistent and because of that IMO our ability to love is not perfect. But yes I agree, we are here to show the love of God which is perfect.

So if I have in my explanation come of differently, I apologize to anyone offended.
Game Analyst said:
You lose your ability to accept Jesus in hell. Your decision is cemented in this life about where you will spend eternity.
Now, is this really true? Isn't the idea that if you were sent to hell then you wouldn't remorse, but if you somehow were able you could still be saved?
SonnyBoy said:
It's my opinion that your soul is what separates you from being a hamster. lol

In leiu of the simpsons pic, if I had a choice, I'd pick to be a butter fly. Nobody suspects the butterfly.
KJV said:
then The Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a Soul
a soul isn't what you think it is. :)


Snuggler said:
Alright, one more question for the night:

Do you believe that a homosexual is condemned to hell, even if he is a Christian?

*and this is based on the premise that he does not beg for forgiveness to God about being a homosexual in his final moments, he dies as he is*

I believe that a person who continues to practice infidelity or theft, after they have been saved by God, can lose their salvation if they continue to live a sinful life.

A person who is saved should have no enjoyment in things that God says is evil and against his character.

The Apostle John goes into further details:

"Dear children, don’t let anyone deceive you about this: When people do what is right, it shows that they are righteous, even as Christ is righteous. But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God. So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God."


Which parts of the bible to you take to be literally true? All of it? Some of it? None of it?

(Emphasis on "literally true").


viakado said:
then leave bro. i wager you can spend far better time then subjugating yourself to debates on topics you will never sway a faithful christian on.
I don't think that sentence means what you think it means.


Snuggler said:
Alright, one more question, since I appreciate a different perspective:

Do you believe that someone who is a non-believer/atheist will go to hell, even if they strive to do what is 'right' with their life? Does denial of God, despite following the ten commandants and trying to good a good person, mean that they are worthy of hell?
Unfortunately, yes, everyone is worthy of hell. When Adam sinned, he cut himself off from God and was exiled from paradise. It doesn't matter how "good" you live your life, you will never earn salvation by being a "good person." But I also believe God will save whoever he chooses to, meaning, that He may make exceptions in special cases. Such cases would be babies that were miscarried or retarded people who would obviously be unable to understand such concepts. Man cannot save himself, but it is God's grace that allows him to believe in God, which God predestined.


foodtaster said:
Now, is this really true? Isn't the idea that if you were sent to hell then you wouldn't remorse, but if you somehow were able you could still be saved?

Repentance and remorse are not the same thing.
justin.au said:
Which parts of the bible to you take to be literally true? All of it? Some of it? None of it?

(Emphasis on "literally true").

I've posted my answer to this just a bit up, already.
The stories are likely not literal, but the teachings probably are.


Everything is tsundere to me
Game Analyst said:
I believe that a person who continues to practice infidelity or theft, after they have been saved by God, can lose their salvation if they continue to live a sinful life.

A person who is saved should have no enjoyment in things that God says is evil and against his character.
I have a slightly-loaded question to gauge how protestant you are. I'll answer it too afterwards so you can see how pants-shittingly Catholic I am lol.

Anyway, here goes: Are you saved?


The Skater said:
Unfortunately, yes, everyone is worthy of hell. When Adam sinned, he cut himself off from God and was exiled from paradise. It doesn't matter how "good" you live your life, you will never earn salvation by being a "good person." But I also believe God will save whoever he chooses to, meaning, that He may make exceptions in special cases. Such cases would be babies that were miscarried or retarded people who would obviously be unable to understand such concepts. Man cannot save himself, but it is God's grace that allows him to believe in God, which God predestined.

The Bible is clear that all children go to heaven (until they have reached the age of accountability).


doomed1 said:
I have a slightly-loaded question to gauge how protestant you are. I'll answer it too afterwards so you can see how pants-shittingly Catholic I am lol.

Anyway, here goes: Are you saved?

If you read the book of 1 John, I will answer your loaded question. It should take you no more than 10 minutes to read it.

funkmasterb said:
Is Ghandi going to hell?

If yes, your religion is bogus.

Read what Jesus said:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father (God) except through me."


erotic butter maelstrom
Game Analyst said:
The Apostle John goes into further details:

"Dear children, don’t let anyone deceive you about this: When people do what is right, it shows that they are righteous, even as Christ is righteous. But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God. So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God."

Do you really believe this condemnation is the word of God, or just the word of those who attempted to interpret it many years ago? This is basically why I initially asked if anyone took the word of the Bible literally, because it holds some words that I personally find condemnable, to be almost a sin themselves in the fact that they're so rooted in hate and ignorance towards human beings that they clearly have no understanding of. How can one be wrong in finding who they really are? Should it not be sinful to live our lives as a lie, and denying who you are because some ancient text tells you it's the wrong way to live?

Why wouldn't God want you to pursue happiness, as long as it doesn't harm others?


racooon said:
Dammit, should have thrown myself under a bus as a wean.

I'm sure God would have found an exception so that he could send you to hell.

Sorry, I had to come back. I calmed down, and I think you guys deserve a second chance.
funkmasterb said:
Is Ghandi going to hell?

If yes, your religion is bogus.

Gandhi accepted Christ. He did not accept Christianity (or really any religion).

" I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

God has no religion.
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