Shiny!Cornballer said:- On set pic of Summer Glau's appearance on Chuck *minor spoiler as to her role on the show*
Shiny!Cornballer said:- On set pic of Summer Glau's appearance on Chuck *minor spoiler as to her role on the show*
Cornballer said:"Chuck versus the Leftovers"
Medalion said:I know they have had always tried to show Sarah as a sexy spy girlfriend for Chuck, but is it my imagination, they are sexualising her or giving her more cheese cake shots than previous times?
Sarah is now having a good time and enjoying herself, so she has no reason to be stiff and cold.Medalion said:I know they have had always tried to show Sarah as a sexy spy girlfriend for Chuck, but is it my imagination, they are sexualising her or giving her more cheese cake shots than previous times?
Not that I'm complaining, just seems that way to me
Sadly I am in the same boat. Except instead of having to work Chuck is getting vetoed by my buddy due to Monday Night football. It is times like this that not having cable hits the hardest. :lolPhoncipleBone said:Sadly, I am working tonight, so no Chuck for me.
But Chuck on Hulu tomorrow morning! And maybe then NBC will get my numbers for watching it since I am not a Nielsen house!
Someone made a gif out of the Sarah part of the promo. Wowsa.Cornballer said:
*Has terrible naughty thoughts*Cornballer said:
Cornballer said:Chuck Day!
Viva Buy Moria!
NotTheGuyYouKill said:I always feel happy when I see that gif.
So minus three people?aswedc said:WTF US Senate Debate at 8PM nooooooooooo. Plus now Chuck won't have any Indiana viewers in tomorrow's ratings =(
czartim said:Chuck's other neighbors must be so confused.
Screaming_Gremlin said:I for one really enjoyed the episode, especially after thinking last week's episode was very average at best. It really seemed like everything was clicking again. The relationship felt somewhat natural and not ridiculously forced like last weeks, even if it was sort of a continuation.
- I like how Morgan was at least able to get a few jokes in about horribleness of the ending last week.
- Gratuitous shots of Sarah in a bikini are always welcome.
- Bit of a blatant Toyota and Subway promotion, but at least the Subway one was funny. Good to see that their fast food restaurant is a sign of stability.
- Awesome's statue was amazing. Especially the several scenes of him admiring it. A shame the head had to be shot off.
- The awkwardness in the scene between Morgan, Alex, and Casey was fantastic. I look forward to more of it in the future, especially if Morgan continues to go to Big Mike for love advice.
- I am glad out of any of the guest stars they brought back from last season it was Generalissimo since that was the one early season episode that I thought was awesome. The story about how he knew Casey was hiding in the walls for the week while he was somewhere else was hilarious.
- I couldn't help but notice that while crawling through the tunnel, Casey and Chuck are wearing full fatigues while Sarah wears a tank top so we can see her cleavage.
- Chuck at least tells Ellie that he is searching for their mom. Thankfully he won't be fully having to lie to her the entire season.
Juice said:Love this show so damn much, but it sounds like this season's ratings are so horrible that it's even more doomed than usual. Consensus?
Juice said:Tonight's episode was the first I watched initial broadcast of. Just caught up from season 1 in the last three weeks. Love this show so damn much, but it sounds like this season's ratings are so horrible that it's even more doomed than usual. Consensus?
I'm digging that after three seasons of character story arcs and social awkwardness the characters can finally fall into a comfortable episodic rhythm. That more than anything is making me feel like they're going to wrap it up soon--finding his mom & proposing to sarah or some such.Screaming_Gremlin said:The ratings are pretty bad, although it is slightly higher than what it ended last season on. On the positive side, the ratings are steady and NBC does the most minimal advertising as possible so it doesn't cost them much. That and the rest of their dramas besides L&O and to a lesser extent The Event are falling quickly and might end up below Chuck in the ratings if they haven't already. Personally I am expecting this to be the last season, but I thought the same thing going into season 3 so who knows.