Hrmmm... after a very good episode and an all-time classic episode, we've gotten 2 straight mediocre ones. I think we're definitely seeing the results of the gutted writer's room. However, let me go against the grain and say something positive here. Wait, what? This episode was mediocre in all the usual ways Chuck can be mediocre (not particularly engaging mission, not very funny, too much focus on Chuck and Sarah, lack of action), but where others are seeing a negative and Im seeing a positive is with respect to Chuck and Sarah. I DON'T think Relationship Drama (TM) is the new Relationship Angst (TM). It seems quite clear to me that, unlike their 3 year will they/won't they soul-sucking trek, Chuck and Sarah will tie the knot this season. Schwartz and Fedak have to know that this is likely it for the show, and are therefore no longer in the position of having to pad the relationship garbage out. The final scene was an affirmation of this for me. So yeah, mediocre episode, but for once, I'm not leading the relationship hate brigade.
- Costa Gravian Subway shilling :lol
- I wonder if Yvonne ever gets tired of being used as a piece of meat :lol Either way, it goes without saying that she looked incredibly sexy in all those bikinis
- Devon: way to go, Marble-Me! Dude, they blew my head off!
- I enjoyed the scene with Chuck and Sarah talking down the baddies
- nice ass grab by the General :lol