Chuck Day!
Enjoy the episode!

Enjoy the episode!
Apoc29 said:I'm not sure how Ellie's making so much progress with the computer; either she's suddenly become smarter than the CIA hackers or her father has tailor-made it to be easier for just her.
Eh. Could have been better. Could have been worse.Cornballer said:What in the dang? Strahovski on with "Three Pop Stars, One Song". *marginally NSFW*
Incendiary said:Dalton made this episode, aside from him the best part was the Uno game. I really expected it to be a throwaway gag and then seeing the two playing high-stakes Uno afterwards was awesome.
I'm still hoping to have Timothy Dalton and Ray Wise on the same screen either facing off or being super evil together. I don't know if Ray Wise is scheduled to be in any more episodes, but I really hope so.
I hope Agent X is a new character. If we go into a season 5, it would be cool to add another recurring character to the mix. The only other acceptable Agent X in my opinion would be Zombie Bryce.
Yeah, I got a good laugh out of that. Such a Chuck response to that scene, too.Captain Blood said:The SOIAF reference in the beginning made the episode for me. haha
Rokam said:Clearly Morgan is Agent X and they're going to give us a Morgan and Casey spin off.
The SOIAF reference in the beginning made the episode for me. haha
Dooraven said:Song of Ice and Fire reference? Must have completely missed that, what was it?
NotTheGuyYouKill said:Ray Wise planning a hostile takeover and running into an escaped Volkoff would be awesome.
Fedak discusses it here. Note: there are a few spoilers for this season in the article.WascallyWabbit said:I thought i read in an interview (most likely linked from this thread) somewhere with Fedak that mama Walker wouldn't be showing up this season, can anyone else confirm, or am i remembering wrong?
Cornballer said:Fedak discusses it here. Note: there are a few spoilers for this season in the article.
Josh Schwartz says:TVbtN said:NBCs Chuck fell to a series low 1.3 adults 18-49 rating on Monday night, and the re-premiere of Law & Order: Los Angeles stumbled badly, drawing just a 1.5 rating for its two hour special.
Sepinwall's take from yesterday's review:So maybe you didn't know it was a new episode... Right?
Very simple: 4 more episodes left. You all watch em = good things happen. You don't and... Well you all will.
If the show can ge back close to a 2.0 rating among adults 18-49, I imagine it'll come back for a fifth (and presumably final) year. If the numbers keep hovering around a 1.7 or, God forbid, a 1.5, then it'll be hard for NBC to justify renewal, even at the reduced post-season 2 price.
PhoncipleBone said:Terrible numbers are not surprising. I saw almost no advertising for the show, and no one I knew had any clue it was back last night. I expect Fringe to be down this week as well. These hiatuses kill ratings.
Cornballer said:
Solo said:Im fine with it ending. We've gotten 3 more seasons then we ever should have from a ratings standpoint, and creatively, the show peaked long ago. 4 more episodes works for me.
Screaming_Gremlin said:I am sort of in agreement with this and weirdly this isn't bugging me as much as I thought it would. Still, when this season ends on a cliffhanger it is really going to bug me. Although I will blame Fedak and Schwartz for that more than NBC. They have gone through 2 seasons in a row of barely scraping by yet they still insist on ending the season without any sort of closure.
Screaming_Gremlin said:I am sort of in agreement with this and weirdly this isn't bugging me as much as I thought it would. Still, ending on a cliffhanger is going to annoy me. Although I will blame Fedak and Schwartz for that more than NBC. They have gone through 2 seasons in a row of barely scraping by yet they still insist on ending the season without any sort of closure.