The a spot is different than the g spot.
If your dick is too long get an Ohnut
The Pelvic People - We're on a mission to end painful sex
Creators of Ohnut, the revolutionary wearable that allows couples to explore comfortable penetration depths, and Kiwi, the vibrating device that makes relieving entry pain feel good—really
That's some interesting product. Thought it was a typo first when you said a-spot. Yes, according to feedback, that's a good spot to hit cautiously. But you could combine both thighs as well. Always listen to feedback though and never go selfish and painful.
I see this is a Bo_Hazem sex-therapy thread now.
Sorry for the drag. Might surprise you, but I kept myself virgin until marriage, so first hand experience is pretty limited.
That's what I meant that going longer isn't always the best. Nutting your pants as soon as she pulls up in the driveway is of course not optimal but 10minutes of the ol' in-n-out game has so far been sufficient given other things tend to transpire before and after proper shafting.
Yup, people just need to focus on the final product. As long as you deliver, don't bother too much with the teraflops.
Same goes with someone who thinks that he has a problem because he nuts quickly, yet he can go several rounds without a problem. It's pretty rare to get a complete partner, because we all are not.
Anyway, speaking of circumcision, this was a very interesting thread to read different views on the matter. For female thingy though it's forbidden by the government here (unless she's adult and wants to) and parents along with the surgeon would get into real trouble.
In Islam it's been let as an "option" as it's been there before the religion by pagan Arab tribes, shaving very small parts of the outer labia. Cutting the clit or parts of it though would cause the surgeon/parent to pay "blood money" to the girl/female as if they killed her according to the judge in Islam. It's only a man who needs to cut the foreskin. Most families used to cut female labias back in the day, very few still do it without the government knowing it. I refused that for my daughter, my mother and family are against it, but the tribe I married my wife from have that being common. But my mother-in-law is with us but lies to her relatives that my daughter done it. I won't give a fuck though if someone asked me directly would simply say no and fuck off.
Hope this gives a new perspective to the thread, and I'm not forcing anything on anyone or saying someone should or should not do any of these practices.
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