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This literally made my day. This is why I’ll never subscribe to Judaism. Why would our divine creator say “hey to prove you’re good with me cut off that piece of your dick that I DESIGNED.”

Hey, not only that...he made man in his own image. Which means god is rocking out with a full on anteater himself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Hey, not only that...he made man in his own image. Which means god is rocking out with a full on anteater himself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think he had an accident with a scythe while doing his creation bit, and now he's just really pissy about it. "If I can't have it, no one will!"


As a non Jewish person who has never met a jew and lives in a country without Jews.

I think it's utterly retarded.

I mean prove me wrong. Why in god's name is this necessary and if the answer is tradition then I won't listen.

Perhaps I'm just ignorant here but it's never made sense to me.


It’s not about tradition, it’s about having a better dick.

Chicks dig helmets.


Women’s preferences generally favor the circumcised penis for sexual activity, hygiene, and lower risk of infection. The findings add to the already well-established health benefits favoring MC and provide important sociosexual information on an issue of widespread interest.

Morris BJ, Hankins CA, Lumbers ER, et al. Sex and Male Circumcision: Women’s Preferences Across Different Cultures and Countries: A Systematic Review. Sex Med 2019;7:145–161.

Read the full peer Reviewed study here

While data suggests that circumcision may confer a protective effect against HIV, and it's fine if an adult elects to have that procedure done to themselves, I'm not convinced that it is worth allowing parents to make that decision for their kids, especially since it involves the physical trauma of cutting the kid's dick.
Its not traumatic at all. You are so young you don't know a thing and it's done at the hospital by doctors. I'd rather be circumsized than have ugly foreskin hanging over the tip trapping dirt, dust, and grime.


It’s not about tradition, it’s about having a better dick.

Chicks dig helmets.


Women’s preferences generally favor the circumcised penis for sexual activity, hygiene, and lower risk of infection. The findings add to the already well-established health benefits favoring MC and provide important sociosexual information on an issue of widespread interest.

Morris BJ, Hankins CA, Lumbers ER, et al. Sex and Male Circumcision: Women’s Preferences Across Different Cultures and Countries: A Systematic Review. Sex Med 2019;7:145–161.

Read the full peer Reviewed study here

Whatever helps you sleep at night bro.


everyone thinks they’re clean



ITT: Atheists coming up with their own interpretations of verses as opposed to the 3-millennia old traditions. Those posts should be ignored.

Also, it's hilarious that the religious person who believes in a perfect Creator seeks to perfect their body, while the atheists who supposedly believe in evolution, think we come out of the womb perfect, in no need of any change.

How ridiculously ignorant. Evolution works on a principle of "good enough", not "as good as it gets."

Here's Neil Degrasse Tyson explaining how vision on land is worse than in water due to the slow, unfeeling process of evolution. Eyes are not perfect, but good enough.

Educate yourself.
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Rodent Whores
Yes it does.
No it does not. They never said the body was perfect and never in need of modification. They're saying that the newborn baby form is the default appearance and that it should not be harmed unless there is a good reason for doing so. The traditional reasons for circumcision do not rise to that level of validity to justify the operation given the risks involved and the forced application of body modification surgery to a non-consenting individual.


No it does not. They never said the body was perfect and never in need of modification. They're saying that the newborn baby form is the default appearance and that it should not be harmed unless there is a good reason for doing so. The traditional reasons for circumcision do not rise to that level of validity to justify the operation given the risks involved and the forced application of body modification surgery to a non-consenting individual.

Look at all the idiots in this thread and their friends that got phimosis.

"But I can keep muh dick clean."

Anyways, for me personally, it's a spiritual matter that only concerns Jews.

However, I keep seeing these anti-circumcision arguments by foreskinned folk pop up in all kinds of forums and channels. It reads as an insecurity.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
ITT: Atheists coming up with their own interpretations of verses as opposed to the 3-millennia old traditions. Those posts should be ignored.

Also, it's hilarious that the religious person who believes in a perfect Creator seeks to perfect their body, while the atheists who supposedly believe in evolution, think we come out of the womb perfect, in no need of any change.

How ridiculously ignorant. Evolution works on a principle of "good enough", not "as good as it gets."

Here's Neil Degrasse Tyson explaining how vision on land is worse than in water due to the slow, unfeeling process of evolution. Eyes are not perfect, but good enough.

Educate yourself.

And more.
Yes it does.

Now rebut with something of substance.
Look at all the idiots in this thread and their friends that got phimosis.

"But I can keep muh dick clean."

Anyways, for me personally, it's a spiritual matter that only concerns Jews.

However, I keep seeing these anti-circumcision arguments by foreskinned folk pop up in all kinds of forums and channels. It reads as an insecurity.
This quality (and quantity) of pseudo-intellectualism is quite a sight to behold. I'm glad it made its way into the circumcision thread. :pie_grinning:


Rodent Whores
Look at all the idiots in this thread and their friends that got phimosis.

"But I can keep muh dick clean."
Cherry picking. It's not a big deal statistically, especially if you have proper hygiene.

Anyways, for me personally, it's a spiritual matter that only concerns Jews.
Which is perfectly fine. I don't think it's such a big deal, but I do find the orthodox method where the rabbi sucks the blood off with his mouth, unsettling. However, that is the exception, not the norm.

However, I keep seeing these anti-circumcision arguments by foreskinned folk pop up in all kinds of forums and channels. It reads as an insecurity.
You don't know if it's actually insecurity or your own projection. You're not a mind reader. What you should focus on, is if they have a good reason for their objection.

Is it okay for a parent to unilaterally impose a medically unnecessary procedure on their child that involves cutting off a piece of their dick without their consent?

That's the issue.


Which is perfectly fine. I don't think it's such a big deal, but I do find the orthodox method where the rabbi sucks the blood off with his mouth, unsettling. However, that is the exception, not the norm.

The reasoning behind this practice was medical, in order to not put the child in danger and enforce correct blood flow. This was the best method they had back then. Like you said, the practice is much rarer nowadays. Some still do it, but not the vast majority.

No need to worry your head over it.


Rodent Whores
The reasoning behind this practice was medical, in order to not put the child in danger and enforce correct blood flow. This was the best method they had back then. Like you said, the practice is much rarer nowadays. Some still do it, but not the vast majority.

No need to worry your head over it.
The rarity of it eases my worry, but the fact that it ever existed makes me uneasy.

Any thoughts on the rest of my post?


Any thoughts on the rest of my post?

Yeah, I think it's perfectly fine for the foreskin to be cut off. Especially as a young infant.

Sexual function remains good and healthy. It's clean. Fulfills one of the most important mitzvot (Jewish laws).


Your parents aren't making you lame or ineffective in any way. It's pretty cool.


Rodent Whores
Yeah, I think it's perfectly fine for the foreskin to be cut off. Especially as a young infant.

Sexual function remains good and healthy. It's clean. Fulfills one of the most important mitzvot (Jewish laws).


Your parents aren't making you lame or ineffective in any way. It's pretty cool.
That's not the point though. You can do all sorts of body modifications without impeding overall function. And sexual function is indeed impaired. You're cutting off lots of nerve endings. It's not enough to keep you from getting a boner or jizzing, but there is a difference.

The point is:

Is it okay for a parent to unilaterally impose a medically unnecessary procedure on their child that involves cutting off a piece of their dick without their consent?

That's the issue.


That's not the point though. You can do all sorts of body modifications without impeding overall function. And sexual function is indeed impaired. You're cutting off lots of nerve endings. It's not enough to keep you from getting a boner or jizzing, but there is a difference.

The point is:

Is it okay for a parent to unilaterally impose a medically unnecessary procedure on their child that involves cutting off a piece of their dick without their consent?

That's the issue.

Outside of religious reasons (again, not really my concern, but you're asking), there are proven health benefits (that you can wave off) and the organ being modified is the penis, the function of which is procreation and waste excretion. The intent of the parents and procedure is not to deform / disfigure / lame / render ineffective / disadvantageous the organ in any way.

It's fine.

Man you guys are wound-up all kinds of ways on something so simple.

Just pull the foreskin back, and then it looks like a cut one anyway.
Since when is it worse to have options?

(on a side note, I love how the middle east is just one big neverending war between circumsized people. Jews, Arabs and Americans duking it out. What does make you circumsized people so angry you have to shoot at each other all the time?)


Rodent Whores
there are proven health benefits (that you can wave off)
I'm not waving any of it off. I acknowledged its possibility in my first post in the thread. It's not such a proven fact that it is a recommended procedure worldwide. It is not. I also tempered that acknowledgement with the reasoning that it is not such an overwhelmingly positive benefit to justify a non-consensual cutting of an infant penis. These are valid reasons.

and the organ being modified is the penis, the function of which is procreation and waste excretion.
The function is irrelevant to the point. Is it okay to cut off a piece of a newborn baby? It's a simple question, really. Would you be okay removing an infant's tonsils because it would prevent tonsillitis? Or removing an infant's appendix because it would prevent appendicitis? What's the difference?

The intent of the parents and procedure is not to deform / disfigure / lame / render ineffective / disadvantageous the organ in any way.
I know that's not their intent, but that is also irrelevant to the end consequence of body modification. Parents might not intend to do those things, but it is happening in reality regardless. It is possible to be both well intentioned but also misguided, wouldn't you agree?


I know that's not their intent, but that is also irrelevant to the end consequence of body modification. Parents might not intend to do those things, but it is happening in reality regardless. It is possible to be both well intentioned but also misguided, wouldn't you agree?

Yes, I agree. In this case, I see the intent and the actions lining up.


Rodent Whores
Yes, I agree. In this case, I see the intent and the actions lining up.
That is not reality though.

deform / disfigure
Cutting the penis is deforming and disfiguring it from its natural, God-given state. That you prefer that look is your subjective preference which is unrelated.

lame / render ineffective
It is a fact that circumcision has a risk of being botched to the point of disfigurement, and even death.

Though uncommon, complications of circumcision do represent a significant percentage of cases seen by pediatric urologists. Often they require surgical correction that results in a significant cost to the health care system. Severe complications are quite rare, but death has been reported as a result in some cases.

render ineffective / disadvantageous
It can happen to a large extent if the operation is botched. Even under successful circumcisions, you remove a large erogenous zone from the male, which is objectively disadvantageous in terms of pleasure.


if if if if if if

Ok, pal.

Like I said, you and your foreskin thumpers consider it unnecessary. For others, it is necessary because they see it as an imperfection / health issue / religious obligation. It comes back to my "pointless" point. You make the assumption that evolution has brought you to the optimal state out of the womb (i didn't use "perfect" for the sake of your semantic sensibility). Other people don't make that assumption...


Stop making an issue out of a non-issue.
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Golden Boy
Pro: Less risk of hygene based issues
Contra: chance of complications during the procedure; potentially reduced sexual sensitivity

No Circumcision
Pro: No risk of complications casued by operations; no loss of sexual sensitivity
Contra: higher risk of hygiene based issues if hygiene is low

Decisions decisions...
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Rodent Whores
Like I said, you and your foreskin thumpers consider it unnecessary, for others, it is necessary because they see it as an imperfection / health issue / religious obligation.
Well yeah, that's because it is unnecessary, given the well documented reasons I've stated. I acknowledge your reasons for doing it, but in my view, individual freedom and bodily autonomy override weakly substantiated claims of health and other non-medical preferences.

You make the assumption that evolution has brought you to the optimal state out of the womb (i didn't use "perfect" for the sake of your semantic sensibility).
I didn't make that assumption. I said it's the default state. There is no reason to perform surgery on the default state of a human baby without proper justification.
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