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I didn't make that assumption. I said it's the default state. There is no reason to perform surgery on the default state of a human baby

Bruh, what I said and what you said, it is the same thing. "Default state"... "Out of the womb". You're just fussing that I'm not using the exact order of words you put together and I'm sure if I did, you'd find a problem with that.

without proper justification.

It's not justifiable to you. Boohoo. It is to others.

Make your own choice.


Rodent Whores
Bruh, what I said and what you said, it is the same thing. "Default state"... "Out of the womb". You're just fussing that I'm not using the exact order of words you put together and I'm sure if I did, you'd find a problem with that.
It's not the same thing. "Perfect" implies that any change would lead to imperfection and would be undesirable. "Default' means just that. It's the default state. It can be altered for better or for worse, depending on the circumstance.

It's not justifiable to you. Boohoo. It is to others.

Make your own choice.
That's the crux though. It is not a choice. Babies aren't making the choice as an individual. Those choices are being imposed on them by an authority whose reasoning is flawed.


ITT: Atheists coming up with their own interpretations of verses as opposed to the 3-millennia old traditions. Those posts should be ignored.

Also, it's hilarious that the religious person who believes in a perfect Creator seeks to perfect their body, while the atheists who supposedly believe in evolution, think we come out of the womb perfect, in no need of any change.

How ridiculously ignorant. Evolution works on a principle of "good enough", not "as good as it gets."

Here's Neil Degrasse Tyson explaining how vision on land is worse than in water due to the slow, unfeeling process of evolution. Eyes are not perfect, but good enough.

Educate yourself.

There's an inherent problem in trying to hold up the Bible/Torah as a gold standard in word and deed and then run to science to argue otherwise when it suits your needs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

According to the scriptures, God made man in his image.

The whole circumcision ritual isn't about making anyone 'perfect' either. It's the biblical equivalent of Walt Disney saying you can work for him, as long as you follow these rules, first and foremost of which is you've gotta lose that facial hair.



It's not the same thing. "Perfect" implies that any change would lead to imperfection and would be undesirable. "Default' means just that. It's the default state. It can be altered for better or for worse, depending on the circumstance.

Ok, a baby is born, with foreskin and no current notable health problem.

That's the default state of most babies. Could anything justify a modification "for better" in your eyes?

That's the crux though. It is not a choice. Babies aren't making the choice as an individual. Those choices are being imposed on them by an authority whose reasoning is flawed.

There's a lot of choices babies don't make. They rely on their guardians to do that for them. Physically and spiritually.

I understand concern if the decision consistently leads to some actual, permanent harm to the functioning of the body, but it doesn't.

Seriously. Your problem is that you think, maybe, the penis of the child won't be tingly enough? It won't reverberate from head to toe in a magnificent crescendo?

Like what are you fighting for? None of these concerns are even close to being proven fact and many of us have tremendous, beautiful tinglies. Orgasms you can use for shooting practice.

Calm down. It's all good.

According to the scriptures, God made man in his image.

Exactly what I mean about bringing verses in here and interpreting them without the use of the literally thousands of years of passed down practical knowledge. You're doing it wrong. The Torah was given to the Jews and was meant for the Jews. If you want to know what it means, google what the most traditional Jewish authorities think about that verse.

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Rodent Whores
Ok, a baby is born, with foreskin and no current notable health problem.

That's the default state of most babies. Could anything justify a modification "for better" in your eyes?
Like I said, it depends on the circumstance.

If the baby is born with an irregular heart and it requires surgery to fix, that's a justifiable reason.

If the baby is born completely normal, and the parents want to cut off a piece of his dick because they think it's religiously proper, than that's not a justifiable reason.

There's a lot of choices babies don't make. They rely on their guardians to do that for them. Physically and spiritually.
Of course there's a lot of choices babies don't make. But that's because they are justified choices with valid reasons behind those choices. "Because it looks nice" does not justify cutting a baby penis. "Because God said so" does not justify cutting a baby penis. "Because it is currently causing severe harm to his body" does justify cutting a baby penis. It depends on the reason. Individual freedom is important.

understand concern if the decision consistently leads to some actual, permanent harm to the functioning of the body, but it doesn't.

Seriously. Your problem is that you think, maybe, the penis of the child won't be tingly enough? It won't reverberate from head to toe in a magnificent crescendo?

Like what are you fighting for? None of these concerns are even close to being proven fact and many of us have tremendous, beautiful tinglies. Orgasms you can use for shooting practice.
That's not the biggest problem. My problem is that it literally causes physical trauma and pain to a child when you cut off a piece of their dick. How much more obvious can it get? You are forcing physical trauma on a newborn baby boy for an unnecessary reason. That's not cool.

Calm down. It's all good.
I am calm. I don't believe I've typed in all caps, used any exclamation points, or called you any insults in this entire thread.


That's not the biggest problem. My problem is that it literally causes physical trauma and pain to a child when you cut off a piece of their dick. How much more obvious can it get? You are forcing physical trauma on a newborn baby boy for an unnecessary reason. That's not cool.

:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Being born is traumatic.


Exactly what I mean about bringing verses in here and interpreting them without the use of the literally thousands of years of passed down practical knowledge. You're doing it wrong. The Torah was given to the Jews and was meant for the Jews. If you want to know what it means, google what the most traditional Jewish authorities think about that verse.

26 And God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and they shall rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heaven and over the animals and over all the earth and over all the creeping things that creep upon the earth."

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Yeah, that's the verse.

What does it mean?

We can all read the Torah and come up with our own conclusions, but it was being taught thousands of years before we were born.

You see, you don't understand the basics of this topic, and it's not my job to proselytize or teach you this stuff. At every turn and corner I'd have to correct you on your misunderstanding and point you to a source of how the law / word has been seen for generations upon generations. It's not worth my time. You can just google it instead of just posting the verse and expecting something out of me.
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Yeah, that's the verse.

What does it mean?

We can all read the Torah and come up with our own conclusions, but it was being taught thousands of years before we were born.

You see, you don't understand the basics of this topic, and it's not my job to proselytize or teach you this stuff. At every turn and corner I'd have to correct you on your misunderstanding and point you to a source of how the law / word has been seen for generations upon generations. It's not worth my time. You can just google it instead of just posting the verse and expecting something out of me.

Won't sure sounds like can't to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Won't sure sounds like can't to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'll make it clear.

I can and I won't.

Don't be lazy. Don't come in misinformed. Read the actual sources or don't post the verses with some dumb as-nails takes.

I'll give you a hint with that particular verse though. No more help from me as google is your best friend...
"In our image" and "rule over" all animals. Those are connected.


You don't want to be informed. Don't want to put effort into it... and it's so easy with biblical verses. Not a monumental task, yet still...you just can't.

Because you're not actually interested in knowing it, only mocking.

A lot of stone-throwing in this thread.

I'll leave you guys to your foreskin braiding party.


Anecdotally I was chatting to a super hot guy on Friday night. A total 10/10.

Until that is he sent a pic of his cut dick. It had a lot of scaring and really it just looked like someone butchered it.

Such a horrible practice that really has no justification outside of a medical issue.

People need to wise up.


Anecdotally I was chatting to a super hot guy on Friday night. A total 10/10.

Until that is he sent a pic of his cut dick. It had a lot of scaring and really it just looked like someone butchered it.

Such a horrible practice that really has no justification outside of a medical issue.

People need to wise up.

It's "interesting" how casual you make this whole experience sound.

Like "ho-hum I was having a chat with guy & then he sent me some pics of his butchered dick".

Ok, a baby is born, with foreskin and no current notable health problem.

That's the default state of most babies. Could anything justify a modification "for better" in your eyes?

There's a lot of choices babies don't make. They rely on their guardians to do that for them. Physically and spiritually.

I understand concern if the decision consistently leads to some actual, permanent harm to the functioning of the body, but it doesn't.

Seriously. Your problem is that you think, maybe, the penis of the child won't be tingly enough? It won't reverberate from head to toe in a magnificent crescendo?

Like what are you fighting for? None of these concerns are even close to being proven fact and many of us have tremendous, beautiful tinglies. Orgasms you can use for shooting practice.

Calm down. It's all good.

Exactly what I mean about bringing verses in here and interpreting them without the use of the literally thousands of years of passed down practical knowledge. You're doing it wrong. The Torah was given to the Jews and was meant for the Jews. If you want to know what it means, google what the most traditional Jewish authorities think about that verse.

Dude, most of that shit had it's use in ancient times when people were not able to wash their dicks.
Same with kosher/halal food.

Now it's just some retarded practice that completely backwards 3rd world shit hole country stuff for anyone who has a fridge and washes his penis everyday.
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It was a choice between the face or a picture of my own non-butchered dick. I just didn't want to make the cut guys sadder than they already are.

And there I was thinking you were #Teamcut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As someone who got swapped midseason during the playoffs. I'd say keep your Dobermans ears unclipped for sure.


And there I was thinking you were #Teamcut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As someone who got swapped midseason during the playoffs. I'd say keep your Dobermans ears unclipped for sure.

In all seriousness, circumcision is a horrible thing. I get some guys who never had the choice (how fucked up is that?) can get all defensive & find xyz reasons why they're happier, but honestly, nope.

To #teamcut



In all seriousness, circumcision is a horrible thing. I get some guys who never had the choice (how fucked up is that?) can get all defensive & find xyz reasons why they're happier, but honestly, nope.

To #teamcut


Funny you should post that. I was laughing a bit at our mutual friend running to '3 thousand years of beautiful tradition' and thinking about how albeit Muslims practice circumcision (as unnecessary as it is), they at least, for the most part, get it done in hospitals these days. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I mean it's like, imagine 10K years from now when mankind has hopefully spread to other worlds and gotten off this extinction event waiting to happen and people are still trotting out '13 thousand years of beautiful tradition' to explain why they're still letting an old man with no medical training mangle their child genitals using a sharpened fingernail as part of the process versus using a qualified medical facility. :messenger_dizzy:
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Anyways, for me personally, it's a spiritual matter that only concerns Jews.

I don't care about you or your feelings or your beliefs. What I care about is the children who you're arrogant enough to think you have the right to impose your religious beliefs on. Not just to indoctrinate them into your faith, but to make permanent bodily change on them that can never be reversed.

Everyone has the right to their own beliefs, it's a fundamental human right. You strip children of this right, and their entire lives they will be marked by your religion.

What if it wasn't foreskin. What if your religion commanded you to perform scarification on newborns, brand them with an iron? How about cut of their middle finger because that's where the sin is born?

So you're mutilated by your religion as a child, grow up and distance yourself from said religion because you don't believe in it. Then what? Are you supposed to just say oh well and be fine with having a religious body mod?

Deleted member 801069

Unconfirmed Member
I can’t believe this thread is still going

y’all weird


In all seriousness, circumcision is a horrible thing. I get some guys who never had the choice (how fucked up is that?) can get all defensive & find xyz reasons why they're happier, but honestly, nope.

To #teamcut


lol “Defensive.” Someone’s projecting.


So I saw a locked medical thread on another forum about getting circumcision in later life and it made me wonder what GAF's views on non-medical circumcision are?

Personally I'm not circumcised and would never want to be, and I think it's a completely backward and unnecessary tradition.

The arguments pro-circumcision say that it has health and hygiene benefits, but I think these are largely myths or are insignificant at best. If you have access to soap and clean water then there is no hygiene issue whatsoever. The religious arguments to me are just a joke; if you honestly think you won't get into heaven unless you chop bits of your knob off, you're a mental case, in my opinion.

Personally I find any stimulation to the glans when not aroused to be very painful, so to have it rubbing against my pants all the time wouldn't be very nice, unless it gradually becomes less sensitive, but then that would surely mean that it reduces sexual sensitivity as well?

There are certain medical conditions such as phimosis where circumcision obviously makes sense, but for a normal male I can't see any logical reason for it.


Well, all people here done it, whether at a later age like back in the day, when they are older like me and my nephews, and some right after birth which heals insanely fast and seems like the vast majority if not all don't really feel a thing as they don't cry or show symptoms of pain.

I've done it when I was 10 years old, 5th grader. The operation is near painless besides the initial syringes that penetrate your penis. I went out laughing at how painless it was, but the surgeon was a clown and over done it (cut more skin than needed).

While feeling no pain, threw all the pills and said I don't need those. Man, that was a fucking mistake. :lollipop_tears_of_joy: It's pretty painful, and you can't laugh, cough without causing pain down there. Compared to all my friends, I was the only one suffered as it seems. Some of my friends just played football (soccer) in the same day.:messenger_fearful:

The new exposed head was sensitive for like 6 months to anything it touches, but you get medical vacation and help from the ministry of education that might count you as passed a semester if you couldn't go to school normally, which is a rarity like my situation.

Religiously, you must do it as a man. The older you get, the more painful it gets, and add stupid surgeons to the mix. Getting a boner isn't recommended.:lollipop_downcast_sweat:
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I'll have to remember to call my parents and thank them for having me cut.

I've actually spent many years asking my father to do it and he delays it up until I became 10. I sincerely know from all the examples I've seen is that the older you get, the more painful. While it sounds horrible to do it for infants, and I was against it, most of them don't show any real symptoms of pain and heal pretty fast. It took me like 6 months until I managed to wear and underwear. But here we have some tradition cloth that you can getaway without underwears.



Same, at 23. I don't care about looks but so much sensitivity is lost, I'd say 30-40%. And lasting longer is not always a good thing.

What if you decide later to raise your son gay?

I remember as I was 10, and sensitivity to me got amplified as before the foreskin was too tight and the head was always hidden and can get painful with boners, so glad I cut it loose.

I can control lasting longer or not, but it's never a problem to me, but to my partner as she can't last more than 5-15 minutes or else it gets painful to the point no sex for 3-4 days even when going gently and slowly. Mostly need to bust another 2-3, 2-3 is the bare minimum. But it's different from one person to another, I believe.


That is definitely not normal.

Well, go deep and you hit the end (painful for her), try being creative (doggy) and it gets too stiff causing too much friction. Yes size/hard doesn't always mean good sex on the other end of it, but you need to be smart and stick with what works best. But people are different (male/female) and there is no standard that should suit all. It became better after birth, but still not optimal.

Extensive foreplay helps minimizing such problems though. :lollipop_downcast_sweat:
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Rodent Whores
Well, go deep and you hit the end (painful for her), try being creative (doggy) and it gets too stiff causing too much friction. Yes size/hard doesn't always mean good sex on the other end of it, but you need to be smart and stick with what works best. But people are different (male/female) and there is no standard that should suit all. It became better after birth, but still not optimal.

Extensive foreplay helps minimizing such problems though. :lollipop_downcast_sweat:
If you're having problems hitting the cervix, aim for the a-spot, the area between the cervix and vaginal wall (Google it)

Alternatively, you could get an Ohnut and try it out (Google it).

If you have too much friction, use lube.


If you're having problems hitting the cervix, aim for the a-spot, the area between the cervix and vaginal wall (Google it)

Alternatively, you could get an Ohnut and try it out (Google it).

If you have too much friction, use lube.

I know ;) Too much googling has been done. And I use lube, even when using lube, or extra virgin coconut oil, friction builds up after like 5min. Actually going for the g-spot adds unnecessary friction :lollipop_tears_of_joy: It's already getting stimulated without pushing towards it.

I'm actually lucky as some have much more worse cases in some of these medical websites. You can get creative though and not cause your partner any discomfort or worse ignoring it and causing inflammation.


Rodent Whores
I know ;) Too much googling has been done. And I use lube, even when using lube, or extra virgin coconut oil, friction builds up after like 5min. Actually going for the g-spot adds unnecessary friction :lollipop_tears_of_joy: It's already getting stimulated without pushing towards it.

I'm actually lucky as some have much more worse cases in some of these medical websites. You can get creative though and not cause your partner any discomfort or worse ignoring it and causing inflammation.
The a spot is different than the g spot.

If your dick is too long get an Ohnut



Gold Member
That is definitely not normal.
That's what I meant that going longer isn't always the best. Nutting your pants as soon as she pulls up in the driveway is of course not optimal but 10minutes of the ol' in-n-out game has so far been sufficient given other things tend to transpire before and after proper shafting.
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