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Civilization V Brave New World |OT| More than Content Tourism


Has anyone ever actually seen archeological sites depicting battles that you actually participated on? Every time I find a war relic from my empire, it's a made up encounter with barbarians or a Civ that was never at war with me. They hyped this element of archeology but it turned out to be faked.

The game fakes it if there wasn't enough battles in the old time periods to meet the minimum number of sites. I've seen plenty sites on old barbarian encampments I've cleared throughout a game.
Has anyone ever actually seen archeological sites depicting battles that you actually participated on? Every time I find a war relic from my empire, it's a made up encounter with barbarians or a Civ that was never at war with me. They hyped this element of archeology but it turned out to be faked.

I've honestly never found a relic that was associated with me that I didn't directly create. Although I play super aggressively so they have plenty of battles to choose from.


Has anyone ever actually seen archeological sites depicting battles that you actually participated on? Every time I find a war relic from my empire, it's a made up encounter with barbarians or a Civ that was never at war with me. They hyped this element of archeology but it turned out to be faked.

I remember as Venice I discovered an artifact from the ruins of a city that I founded...


Has anyone ever actually seen archeological sites depicting battles that you actually participated on? Every time I find a war relic from my empire, it's a made up encounter with barbarians or a Civ that was never at war with me. They hyped this element of archeology but it turned out to be faked.

Yes, I'm more of a turtle/defensive fighter and my lands are often invaded since I keep a small empire. It's kind of cool.


It's not completely related to the thread (for now), but for those of you who subscribe to the Mod of Ice and Fire, I just made this survey to gather some feedback. Any gaffer input via PM or this thread is more than welcome as well.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I guess they needed to make fake artifacts when you are pacifist, sorta.

With that said, I did encounter barbarian/own civ artifacts on the barbarian encampment spots I razed.
I think I'm over my Civ addiction for now!

See you all in Civ 6 :p

Well, maybe I'll get Babylon and play one more game.......

And the cycle continues?


You know what really bothers me about diplomacy/city states? You have to click so many times, you have to scroll and go through many menus over and over again for all sorts of stuff. As an example, donating units for influence is fantastic, but it can really get annoying if you do it over and over again.

Shame you can't just donate a custom amount of gold and have the influence scale accordingly.
What are the chances of a new expansion for 5?

Pretty small. They made BNW expecting it would be the last big expansion for Civ V. We'll continue to see some patches going forward at least through the Fall. Honestly there is only so much system-level stuff you can add to the game and the number of Civs represented in the game is very robust at this point. What's really needed at this point is tuning of units and reworking of older Civs like France and Arabia got.


But there's so much room for improvement!

They could add diseases, negative technologies such as alcohol, weed, rap music, lindsay Lohan etc.

Great celebrities. Each time this person is consumed your empire will lose half of its culture

I kid

But seriously, civ 5 still has a long way it can go. I'd like to see the possibility of a religious victory or a commercial victory even.
Went back to my Brazil/culture victory attempt for a little bit this weekend. Isabella, who's got a thin string of cities along the side of my peninsula, has been regularly betraying me for most of the game. Thankfully, she consistently undervalues the defense of my mountain fortress, Fortaleza, that's next to Madrid, and batters her units against it until she's defenseless.

I took Barcelona, then nearby Ribe from attacking Danes, so now our part of the continent looks like the Iberian Peninsula, with me as Spain and she as little Portugal. Still, she'll probably try to mount another failed attack, soon. Persistent little bugger.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'm properly conditioned to do a cultural victory. I got overzealous in my conquests, and I've been combating rampant unhappiness for a while now - not exactly how one is supposed to play Brazil. And though I'm pumping out culture, I haven't exactly translated it to any meaningful tourism. Also, it seems like 3/4 of the civs here are going for cultural victory, as well.

Alternatives may need to be devised. Will see if adopting any particular order will shake things up.


Pretty small. They made BNW expecting it would be the last big expansion for Civ V. We'll continue to see some patches going forward at least through the Fall. Honestly there is only so much system-level stuff you can add to the game and the number of Civs represented in the game is very robust at this point. What's really needed at this point is tuning of units and reworking of older Civs like France and Arabia got.

I don't know if anyone listened to the Polycast with Dennis Shirk and Ed Beach, but they mentioned specifically Germany and Japan for tweaks with the Fall Patch and possibly "something else" alongside it.

Wouldn't be surprised to see a handful of additional DLC Civs down the line.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh there's a major patch coming soon? Neat.

I take it that the specific French and Arabia updates are only for BNW tho?
Now that we have XCOM in Civ we need more Civ in XCOM

Dr. Shen's quip in the alien base assualt at the Alien Entertainment was pretty awesome.

Playing through as the Netherlands in BNW for the first time. They seem unspectacular overall but their UA and UI incrementally do make a big difference for wider empires.
I normally play pacifist style, but I must say that I'm really enjoying Carthage for their early war potential. Quinquereme's are cheap, fast, and under the right situations, a small group of them can take coastal cities without any ground support whatsoever. As far as pantheons go, Messenger of the Gods is obviously nice (basically +2 Science for each additional coastal city since you get free Harbors), but I'm also really liking Faith Healers since it lets you heal your quinquereme's in 2 turns (for a steady stream of naval assaults on a city either to capture it or just to steal gold with the Coastal Raiders promotions).
I hope they're willing to redo the Honor tree somewhat.

Warrior Code is okay for an instant Great General and Military Tradition is fantastic for faster promotions.

Discipline is dumb since having excess melee units blocking each other is something one would want to avoid, Military Caste is really dumb since it involves leaving units on your cities to act as pricey Monuments, and Professional Army is great but not really worth going through Discipline and Military Caste for :(

The finisher for the Honor tree is pretty cool but it's hardly worth going through 2 good policies, 1 okay policy, and 2 bad policies for.

I usually get 1 point into Honor so I get the damage bonus against barbarians and culture boost from killing barbarians, but I often don't invest any further.

Edit: Hmm, Professional Army used to give +1 local happiness per defensive building. I guess that was too good and got moved into Autocracy as its own tenet, which is unfortunate because that would've made going through the other 2 social policies worth it imo.
Warrior Code isn't great but you don't have to have 2 melee units next to each other to get the bonus. An archer or siege unit will still give the bonus to adjacent melee units. Pretty sure, naval units will as well.

And Military Caste is great. It basically lets you buy a second Monument in each city that also doubles as defense AND more importantly, gives you bonus Happiness or alternatively, gives you something to do with your units when you're not actively fighting something. The potential +1 Happiness/city is really the key here.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So yeah, this game is more addicting than ever since BNW came out. The expansion sure did flesh out areas of the game that were lacking. I used to love the first half of the game but the end usually dragged on for me. Now, I honestly not only love the start of every game but I look forward to (and enjoy the hell out of) the end game as well. It's rounded the game out very nicely.

I just played my third game to victory since buying BNW, this time I took the Zulu out with a domination victory as the goal. What I expected to be a fairly straightforward quick game turned out to be a very long 20+ hours of real life time game.

At the start I quickly settled a five city empire and then went full production to build an army capable of clearing off my continent. Montezuma went down first as he settled a city right next to me (and he can be a pain if left alone too long), then Germany went under my heel, and finally Japan lost their empire to me. With my continent cleared I settled a few more cities to claim the land (all in good high production spots), I had puppetted all of the conquered cities except for the capitals. I was already on great terms with all of the city states on my landmass due to me slaughtering barb camps everywhere, so my continent was under control and secured.

Next I teched up for awhile and roamed the seas looking for the rest of the world. During the time I was cleansing my continent of all the infidels, I received notifications that an two unmet civs had lost their capitals in a far away land, so I knew that part of my work had already been done for me. In time I discovered another continent that was much larger then my own. This one had four empires sitting on it: Ghandi of Inida, Indonesia, Brazil, and Rome. I was much larger than India, Indonesia, and Brazil, and I outclassed them good enough, but Rome was another story. Caeser had an empire that was not only larger than mine, had a larger army than mine, but also had a tech advantage, although just barely.

Looking at the domination victory screen I could see that I already possessed four capitals: my own plus the three civs that started with me. Everyone else still had their original capitals, but Rome also owned the capitals of two civs that I had never met and were now gone into history. Two less capitals I would need to take to win, makes my work easier!

The city of Rome was far across the ocean and difficult to get at from my continent, but Indonesia's was just a hop across the water from one of my own coastal cities. So the gameplan I formed was this: I would take the capital of Indonesia first, then using that as a launching point I would march across this continent on a tear taking Delhi from Ghandi and then Brazil's capital after that. It was almost a straight line through the landmass, and Brazil's capital was placed nicely along a medium sized bay, across which just happened to sit Rome itself. I decided I would puppet everything new and only take two other cities along the way that were in my way. I wanted a nice unbroken line of supply. So I ramped up the war machine, ignoring wonders and tourism and culture. I would beeline to military techs whenever possible. I had two science cities back on my continent and one really good gold city, they would stay specialized while everything else churned out units to fuel my path to victory as fast as possible.

It was a good plan.

And it worked pretty much exactly how I envisioned it. Indonesia fell to my coastal assault, the capital put up a good fight but I took it nonetheless and immediately made peace with him, leaving him with only two other small cites. He was no longer a concern. I reinforced the army, and after I positioned it to my liking I declared war on Ghandi taking a city of his in just a few turns that gave me access to Delhi. Delhi took a bit more work than the Indonesia capital did, Ghandi put up a hell of a fight for it. Eventually I took it though, and I ended up annexing Delhi due to just how awesome a city it was (huge food production, lots of wonders, and simply raking in gold). Next I declared war on Brazil and after taking a city of his to get at his capital, I literally steamrolled the Brazilian army in just a matter of a few turns. It was horribly one sided, the capital fell quickly and he gave me another city of his as well in the peace negotiations.

I owned a swath of cities right down the middle of this new continent, and left the empires of Indonesia, Brazil, and India broken. I now set my sights on my final target: the city of Rome, which was just a short hop across a bay from my last conquered city. I made two city states across the bay allies of mine, and using them to harbor my army, I soon waged war on Rome. By this time I had mostly closed the tech gap and our armies were evenly matched. But a good part of his army was up north as he had been picking at Ghandi's leftovers after I crippled him, so I blew through his units down my way, assaulted the capital while dealing with his reinforcements and after a dozen turns or so I finally took Rome in the year 1967!

Only my game didn't end.

I studied the domination victory screen for a bit just to verify that yes every civ had lost it's capital except for me. I'd won domination victories before, was this a bug in the game? I went to Google to see if others had experienced something similar and it was then that I realized the folly of my plan: Brave New World changed the conditions for a domination victory. Now, in order to win you must control all original capitals, even the capitals of civs who were no longer in the game! Somehow, I had missed that change up until right at that moment, lol.

Rome had a huge empire, most of which I had beelined around, and most of which I had not even explored yet. And somewhere in all of that were two more cities that I needed to take.

So the new plan was this: march my armies across the land of Rome and take every city I come across that sounds like it wasn't a Roman city to begin with. I took Thebes, I took Turfan, I took Memphis (which turned out to be one of the capitals I needed), I took city after bloody city in an epic struggle that lasted over 50 years, through many tech changes. Even without the capital of Rome, Caeser was putting up a hell of a fight. He actually had out teched me again and had WWII bombers against my great war bombers, he even started fielding landships. Eventually my relentless onslaught crippled his war machine and I conquered the Roman city of Karakoss, which turned out to the the last capital I was crusading for.

So my domination victory took quite a bit longer than I anticipated. Pretty much played Civ V this entire weekend. And loved every minute of it. Because the entire time I was warmongering against Rome, Brazil was buying off city states and garnering votes for the UN. And India and Indonesia were both scrapping with me along the way, I did my best to simply contain them as my goal was solely on those last two capitals of Rome but they made it more difficult than it had to be.

At this point, after a few games of BNW under my belt, I think I finally like Civ V better than Civ IV. For me it's finally taken over the mantle.

Time to start a new game up, maybe I'll try Poland next....


I've really enjoyed playing as Brazil, but I know I'm doing a poor job of it. Is there a way to rush a culture victory in under 200 turns? Playing from the Ancient Age, it seems impossible to make good progress until researching the Internet. Regardless of how many artifacts I snag, the AI culture defense is always a 50000+ wall to my ~10000 tourism.

Because Brazil favors a culture victory, they also seem locked into the Freedom ideology for Universal Suffrage. In general, Order has worked better for my super huge empires, so I may need to scale down. Lord help me if I don't get Chitzen Itza either.

Brazilwood Camps are so awesome though, by endgame they provide everything but production; I can get ahead in the policy game and I'm always loaded with gold. I had a human Autocratic partner with -800 GPT, and I still managed to finance both of our empires. Pracinhas though...not so much. By the time I get them, 20 Golden Age points are nothing. It's on the fast track to being my favorite, but what's the best way to get the most out of this civ?
Don't even build musicians until you get the Internet, get a huge pile of faith, then produce one real quick once you win International games (wait until 8 turns into the bonus before producing the first one) and rush buy two more. Enjoy your cultural nuclear weapons. Beating that annoying civ who spammed a lot of wonders and build Hermitage w/ a lot of great works isn't all that hard once you get down how to abuse musician concert tour calculations in this game. Especially as Brazil.


Don't even build musicians until you get the Internet, get a huge pile of faith, then produce one real quick once you win International games (wait until 8 turns into the bonus before producing the first one) and rush buy two more. Enjoy your cultural nuclear weapons. Beating that annoying civ who spammed a lot of wonders and build Hermitage w/ a lot of great works isn't all that hard once you get down how to abuse musician concert tour calculations in this game. Especially as Brazil.

Sounds like I should read up on that! Because my early musicians only add around 100 tourism with going on tour, I've always neglected them. I should also check up on theme bonuses so I can make the most of those, currently I'm mostly just plopping whatever, where ever; I don't often find great works from other civs. I'm always using my faith to spam cathedrals or prophets/inquisitors and squelch/spread religion, but it sounds like I should relax on that and focus on buying artists. thanks!


Rodent Whores
The AI should try to be more proactive about defending against Great Musicians. I think they should snipe 'em and risk going to war if you leave them undefended, are about to win if you can successfully tourism bomb them, and are at neutral to negative diplomacy modifier.

At this point in time, you can just waltz right in and they don't do shit about it.
I've really enjoyed playing as Brazil, but I know I'm doing a poor job of it. Is there a way to rush a culture victory in under 200 turns? Playing from the Ancient Age, it seems impossible to make good progress until researching the Internet. Regardless of how many artifacts I snag, the AI culture defense is always a 50000+ wall to my ~10000 tourism.

I haven't done it myself, but I've heard of some people winning really early culture victories by doing ICS + the reformation belief that gives you tourism for faith-bought buildings.
I studied the domination victory screen for a bit just to verify that yes every civ had lost it's capital except for me. I'd won domination victories before, was this a bug in the game? I went to Google to see if others had experienced something similar and it was then that I realized the folly of my plan: Brave New World changed the conditions for a domination victory. Now, in order to win you must control all original capitals, even the capitals of civs who were no longer in the game! Somehow, I had missed that change up until right at that moment, lol.

Rome had a huge empire, most of which I had beelined around, and most of which I had not even explored yet. And somewhere in all of that were two more cities that I needed to take.

So the new plan was this: march my armies across the land of Rome and take every city I come across that sounds like it wasn't a Roman city to begin with. I took Thebes, I took Turfan, I took Memphis (which turned out to be one of the capitals I needed), I took city after bloody city in an epic struggle that lasted over 50 years, through many tech changes. Even without the capital of Rome, Caeser was putting up a hell of a fight. He actually had out teched me again and had WWII bombers against my great war bombers, he even started fielding landships. Eventually my relentless onslaught crippled his war machine and I conquered the Roman city of Karakoss, which turned out to the the last capital I was crusading for.

So my domination victory took quite a bit longer than I anticipated. Pretty much played Civ V this entire weekend. And loved every minute of it. Because the entire time I was warmongering against Rome, Brazil was buying off city states and garnering votes for the UN. And India and Indonesia were both scrapping with me along the way, I did my best to simply contain them as my goal was solely on those last two capitals of Rome but they made it more difficult than it had to be.

At this point, after a few games of BNW under my belt, I think I finally like Civ V better than Civ IV. For me it's finally taken over the mantle.

Time to start a new game up, maybe I'll try Poland next....

Yeah the change to Domination makes it take a lot longer. You can no longer just snipe the capital of the main warmonger to win. I guess it makes the victory less cheap. And just for reference, the two capitals you were looking for were Thebes (Egypt) and Karakorum (Mongols)


I've now taken 2 of austria's cities, but i've taken too long in doing it and my previously very powerful army (foreign legion ftw) isnt good enough to take their capital. Fortunately because i have 10 cities now i can still tech faster than them so im off to get bombers so i can start taking cities again.

After i have this continent i plan on doing a domination victory but i might have taken too long, all the other civs are quite close to me in tech and most are not very happy with me. Ill have 4 of the capitals but still need 6 more.

How do people do intercontiental wars? Carriers + bombers + xcom?
Warrior Code isn't great but you don't have to have 2 melee units next to each other to get the bonus. An archer or siege unit will still give the bonus to adjacent melee units. Pretty sure, naval units will as well.

And Military Caste is great. It basically lets you buy a second Monument in each city that also doubles as defense AND more importantly, gives you bonus Happiness or alternatively, gives you something to do with your units when you're not actively fighting something. The potential +1 Happiness/city is really the key here.
Oh, I understand that Discipline (Warrior Code?) doesn't require the partner to be melee also. I suppose it's a matter of playstyle, but I prefer fielding a large number of ranged units with one or two melee units specifically for capturing cities. I know that melee units do more damage and take more damage than ranged units do, but sometimes
more like all the time
there's a terrible shortage of available hexes/terrain to fight from.

Military Caste has a few things I don't like about it. First is that military units generally cost more than Monuments do, both in terms of gold and in terms of hammers. Early game the benefits for the costs are okay, late game this is harder to justify. Second is that a military unit which is garrisoned is a military unit that isn't actively fighting or scouting. If they're being kept around to defend cities, they could better serve that intent by going out and dealing with barbarians and enemy civs before they reach your borders. Leaving units at home should not be a long term plan afaik, particularly since it gets very expensive to have units sitting around doing nothing.


Dr. Shen's quip in the alien base assualt at the Alien Entertainment was pretty awesome.

Playing through as the Netherlands in BNW for the first time. They seem unspectacular overall but their UA and UI incrementally do make a big difference for wider empires.

I want to win XCOM through cultural victory

also, I noticed this yesterday



Just won my First game on Emperor and it seemed a lot tougher than King. It seems like the ai becomes much more aggressive, especially when they found cities in the early game. They also seem to beat me to most of the early wonders as well. When playing on prince it didn't really seem like warfare was necessary, but I'm finding that I often have to take cities just to get access to tiles and luxury goods. This game is so complex but at the same time relatively simple to play. Love it.
Composite bow rushing timed right with Representation's Golden Age is soooo gross. I forward settled into Genghis and rolled over Deity Mongols like they were Egypt going Piety.

Mobius 1

Composite bow rushing timed right with Representation's Golden Age is soooo gross. I forward settled into Genghis and rolled over Deity Mongols like they were Egypt going Piety.

You know that if someone that does not play Civ reads this post, they will have a case to legally lock you up for insanity, right?


Vanilla has some serious bugs with AI regarding peace treaties. I've been at war with Caesar for 70 turns now, and I've taken some cities. I enter talks and he opens with "its time to put down our arms, etc.", yet when I offer a treaty, he rejects it. I ask what would make it work, and he says nothing.

I don't feel like rolling him, he has like 7 cities left.
Was playing the Scramble for Africa Scenario as England on Prince. I was also going for the Rhodes Colossus achievement where you have to build a railroad from Cape town to Cairo, which involved being crazy aggressive. I wiped out both the Zulu and the Boers and declared war on Ethiopia and Egypt as well. The most annoying part was when another European nation would take an unclaimed hex that had a piece of my railroad. It was fine until everybody hated me for being a warmonger and getting open borders required paying tons of luxuries and gpt. But it was fine because I was rich as hell and had a copy of nearly every luxury.


Vanilla has some serious bugs with AI regarding peace treaties. I've been at war with Caesar for 70 turns now, and I've taken some cities. I enter talks and he opens with "its time to put down our arms, etc.", yet when I offer a treaty, he rejects it. I ask what would make it work, and he says nothing.

I don't feel like rolling him, he has like 7 cities left.
Reminds me of a nasty little loophole I inadvertently stumbled across: AI A asks for a war with AI B, agree to it in 10 turns. Declare war immediately, roll over AI B and agree to a quick peace treaty that gives you stuff... 10 turns later when AI A comes back to tell you it's time to make war? Peace treaty instantly voided, and meanwhile you shortened the war with whatever stuff the victim threw at you to get you to stop.


I still think they should've had awesome FMVs for the various endings though. It's kind of anti-climactic to just get a popup. "You win!"

At least there's cool demographics now.


Rodent Whores
Tried out Arabia for the first time in BNW due to their changes. I really wanted to see the double pressure from trade routes. (Immortal).

Pangaea map.

Went for 2 scouts to open in order to meet all the civs as quickly as possible. I kidnapped settlers and workers from Byzantium in the north and Songhai in the west to speed things up and cripple their game. Poor Theodora was pretty much cockblocked the entire game and only ever made 2 cities total. I had a terrain advantage, so I never declared peace with either of them until much much later (like, post turn 200). Until then, they became a nice source of EXP for my troops.

I made 3 cities, opened with Tradition. Beelined for Petra, and got it, along with Hanging Gardens along the way. Desert Folklore, too. I'm pretty lucky that I was able to fuck up Byzantium as much and as early as I did, since they didn't found their religion until much later, and they went full on Piety.

Due to Desert Folklore (1 faith per desert tile), I got loads of faith early, and was the first to found and enhance. I designated my second city the holy city/main trading city, not my capital, since it was on the coast and could reach more civs later in the game.

I was also able to build the Colossus in my second city too, which gave me extra trade routes (Petra too). For the time being, I just sent caravans and cargo ships back and forth amongst all 3 cities to get their food up, and used the rest of the trade routes for money.

After getting the necessary techs for more trade routes, I beelined for printing press so I could found the World Congress as early as possible (which is why it was important to scout as much as possible in the beginning). My first proposal was World Religion: Islam (my religion). I knew this would piss off half the world, so after my spy stole his next tech, I made him a diplomat and sent him to 3 other civs one by one in order to buy their votes.

So, my second city had a bazaar, east india trading company, grand temple, caravanassary, and the colossus, so it was an attractive place to send trade routes to. Given my enhancer belief (+50% pressure), my grand temple (double pressure), my UA (double pressure), and the world religion decree (+50% pressure), each trade route vomits out a massive 44 pressure.

Who needs missionaries? lol.

Needless to say, the entire continent was Islamic fairly quickly.
Rentahamster's game is why I like playing on Immortal from time to time. So much fun stuff you can do when you're not behind 10 techs all the time, can actually make a play for wonders, nd the AI doesn't have religions enhanced and reformed by turn 50.


Going to try for my first Deity victory today. Which Civs/victory conditions will make this less frustrating. I finished an Emperor Diplo victory with Venice yesterday and that was challenging due to all the warmongers attacking me constantly.
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