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Ubisoft director blames gamers, says they've been exposed as 'non-decent humans'



I don't care much about the moral posturing because everyone does it to some degree. But this part set me off a bit.

"No dollar is too cheaply gained" is what I read from this. These are really fancy words for 'squeezing the customer' and it reads like someone who targets grandmas at casinos and pretends it's for a greater cause.


Couple of reasons in my experience as someone in communications and marketing:

1. Executive level employees rarely have much in common with the audience for the product they are making.
2. The increasing necessity of pleasing shareholders (most of whom are equally ignorant of the audience).

I have torn my hair out in the past over campaign directives that fundamentally do not understand the people they are trying to sell to.
Thats why we should never feel sorry when companies like those get humbled, let those executive fucks suffer a bit, let them get cuts, its ok if they dont buy their 4th yacht and only got 3 of those for a while =D

Hawk The Slayer

Neo Member
Good thing I never liked any of their games anyway so won't give a crap if the company goes under and with how they're reacting to all this, they totally deserve it lol.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
It isn't a tidal wave of hatred causing these games to fail; it's a deafening wall of apathy.

Debates about woke or problematic games are a niche hobby and campaigns to bring down them barely move the needle.

People trashing Concord achieved about as much as the boycotts against Hogwarts Legacy achieved - nothing.

Concord was always destined to fail and Hogwarts Legacy was always going to sell gangbusters - the silent majority subconsciously decided that before the chuds, incels or snowflakes even opened thier mouths.

This guy is just looking to export blame elsewhere. Your game underperformed - whether people are laughing at you or rooting for you, it doesn't matter, you've either got to learn from your mistakes or find a new career.

You deserve GAF Gold for this post, because it's so true. Ultimately, many of these games are bad. Or at the very least stale, but charging $70 now from Ubisoft. And there's just solidly too many new games releasing these days.


I don't agree with everything he said, but there is some truth. There are people that have constructive criticism, and that's fine, and then there are the ones who go out of their way to attack others.


I don't agree with everything he said, but there is some truth. There are people that have constructive criticism, and that's fine, and then there are the ones who go out of their way to attack others.
If you do questionable stuff - be ready that some people will be dissatisfied and even will tell it straight to your face.
"We are trying" as a weak excuse when they clearly stop listening to their playerbase and just went with "we know better than you do" arrogant attitude. It's a little too late to cry "why do you not like our genius vision"


He's not wrong in what he's saying, but he's wrong for saying it in the position he has.
I think he’s wrong both he’s basically saying you don’t buy our games and I don’t like you for it and you have negative opinions about us and I don’t like you for it.

The guys a petulant arsehole with zero credibility calling people out because his bottom line is at risk, he can suck a cock.

If people want to talk shit they will they always have and always will it will never change the sooner these goblins realise it the better learn to ignore it focus on games not change.
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Boss Mog

"How can you wish a company to fail simply because they do not cater to you or that the produce does not please you is beyond me."
You're a company that makes games, you're supposed to cater to gamers.

Videogames are meant to be a moment's respite from life, they are supposed to provide a bit of fun and entertainment, but these companies now only see them as vessels to push evil ideologies and extract money from gamers.

Making games used to be an art, something special brought to life by talents designers, artists and coders. Now you have activists and "monetization directors" like this clown making soulless games that are only meant to push the message and generate revenue. And then these people have the nerve to act all indignant when we don't want to buy their slop.

I used to like Ubisoft. I enjoyed playing earlier Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed games but for me there's no need for current Ubisoft to exist, nor for their employees to be working in the videogame industry.


If you do questionable stuff - be ready that some people will be dissatisfied and even will tell it straight to your face.
"We are trying" as a weak excuse when they clearly stop listening to their playerbase and just went with "we know better than you do" arrogant attitude. It's a little too late to cry "why do you not like our genius vision"
Which part of constructive criticism did you not get? Of course there will be people telling them they don't like it and are vocal about it. Duh...
They never did to us, core gamers, basically till late 90s/early 2ks(and in many countries, like mine-poland- to this day) gaming is treated as kids/nerds fun activity, its literally looked down upon- we- boys/teens/young males still loved the hell of it xD

I’m guessing this is due to gaming taking off in Poland later than other western countries?


I’m guessing this is due to gaming taking off in Poland later than other western countries?
It got crazy popular and cheap in early 90 here with even very poor kids families being able to afford cheap NES copy console(called pegasus) and pirated games,
It even had officiall tv commercials:

then in late 90s first playstation got pirated so again even actuall poor ppl could afford it, i was so happy coz i could finally play games that never came out in europe like xenogears or final fantasy tactics, and for basically peanuts xD



Non Decent Human Beings? I don't give two fucks if gamers are hurting your poor little feelings about you guys releasing dumpster trash DEI garbage over and over and failing downwards. It isn't the consumers job to make you feel good about your terrible life choices, it's your job to provide a product that will sell to the most people. "Your" best and delivering incredible experiences is fucking laughable, UBI hasn't released a game that was widely liked in many years and even then it's been 1 to 2 semi hits for a dozen misses every other year. We can wish for you to go under because you don't learn from misfire after misfire and just blame white male gamers and the incels (Are they in the room right now?), so you leave us no choice but to hope you fail and you all lose your jobs and some company that isn't focusing solely on hiring strictly women and minorities for your "mentorships of hatred" can scoop up the small handful of actually talented developers that might just be laying low hoping not to catch a stray for being to white adjacent. We are not in the same boat, and I have absolutely no reason to care about people bringing you up. You want that kind of treatment ask your shrink to call you a good little boy and give you a candy. You have 1 fucking job, make a game that we want to play and purchase, not a game you want to make that has no customer base....but I guess it's just us that are wrong, clearly the modern audience is doing wonders for propping up all the current trash.


You're a company that makes games, you're supposed to cater to gamers.

Videogames are meant to be a moment's respite from life, they are supposed to provide a bit of fun and entertainment, but these companies now only see them as vessels to push evil ideologies and extract money from gamers.

Making games used to be an art, something special brought to life by talents designers, artists and coders. Now you have activists and "monetization directors" like this clown making soulless games that are only meant to push the message and generate revenue. And then these people have the nerve to act all indignant when we don't want to buy their slop.

I used to like Ubisoft. I enjoyed playing earlier Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed games but for me there's no need for current Ubisoft to exist, nor for their employees to be working in the videogame industry.
Keep crying more. It's a naïve and weak statement. The reality is that companies don't cater to gamers. Gamers don't draw the line on how the game is being made. There are many stakeholders influencing company decisions that can make or break a company far worse than some butthurt gamer complaining about ideologies..


"exposing yourself as a clearly non-decent human being"

Hmm...that sounds like something a reptilian trying to shift blame would say.

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Golden Boy
I wonder what those people would say if there was no outcry or any vocal backlash, but just bad sales.

„We don’t know why it didn’t sell, nobody communicated with us…“?
Patrick Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


Neo Member
If the desire to enjoy good games, that hook me up and give me emotions i like, and not being fed with politics while doing it, means i am not decent, then so be it, i don't care. But make good games, not stereotypical soulless grindy pile, with forced diversce characters that does not feel natural
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Which part of constructive criticism did you not get? Of course there will be people telling them they don't like it and are vocal about it. Duh...
"You are making shit and should fail and go bankrupt" is as constructive as possible. It's exactly fair statement pointing out that, literally, your game sucks and you should spend time reflecting as to why it sucks or otherwise your company financials will continue to deteorate and you might see a risk of bunkrupcy. The exact type of comments devs crying about.
They are not 5yo, they should clearly understand that if they follow "popular trends" that go against audience preferencies, they will suffer.
Devs just try to defend their "progressive" ideas no one really wants and blame customers when they get less then desirable feedback.


So if hes seeing the same comments from linkedin from people within the gaming industry then surely it's not isolated to a bunch of incels online.

I always find it weird how delusional these people really are when given feedback from multiple different sources. if it was just X then fine, disregard it, but when its everywhere from gaf to reddit and youtube AND fucking linkedin then surely you should be paying attention.

there is no way the focus groups didnt tell them this in advance. Unless the focus groups are not picked from the gaming community which is almost exclusively male. at which point, focus groups are no longer representative of the gaming audience and probably should be fixed as well.
What I find more delusional are people hate posting on LinkedIn: if I were a hiring manager or recruiter that would be a huge turn off. I hardly ever post there but use it as a resume and the last 3 jobs I’ve had have all been recruiters poaching me so it works out well for that. Keep the social commentary to Facebook and X.


I'm waiting to hear from the director of NFTs next.

Is this a common position across video game companies, or is it called something else? This explains Ubisoft's business decisions and game design.


Junior Member
Decent humans are charging extra 💸 for a few days undelayed access to games that aren’t properly finished until weeks or months after launching to everybody.

If there’s no respect from the publisher, how can they expect it back?


Star Wars Outlaws isn’t even out on Steam yet and they’re already calling people names. Great strategy. Lots of the excitement is gone but they’ll sell some more and just have to learn from it and start doing day 1 releases. Plus, do some worldwide focus testing, what if targetting a minority isn’t the best way to reach the majority? 🤔



I’m trying my hardest to-not hop in there and literally spell it for these niggas.

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Gold Member
The funny part is that this guy is responsible for making gamers pay more money for micro-transactions and dlcs.
He is little more than a glorified scammer, manipulating people into wasting money in-game.
Yet, he has the nerve to claim that gamers are the ones that are morally in the wrong.
The hypocrisy of this guy is trough the roof.


This dumbass really thinks he is entitled to our money, just because he wants it.
Sod off. If you want gamers to buy your game, then make something worth it.
Problem is, as long as there are so many individuals that spread hate, he has a point. Vote with your wallets but don't threaten other people.
So if those people would act a bit more intelligent and stop threatening people, this man wouldn't have a point he could put the blame on.
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Fuck off you moron! Calling gamers bigots, racists and now non decent human beings???
TBF, he didn't actually direct any of those words to "gamers", that's just how the site linked incorrectly reported on it and led the discussion.
He’s not wrong.


What he's all upset about ("sad") and what seemingly everyone is saying he's upset about are two different things. He's accepted that times are tough in the industry (true, but no more so than many other industries) and a portion of the audience post hateful things on social media (also true - but again, same for literally every subject discussed via the same toxic medium - nothing special or unique about the games industry in this regard). But the thing that's more revolting to him is seeing this same sentiment from other industry types on linkedin - these are his supposed "non decent humans", not Teh Gamers™. This is the main focus and the motivator for his post... seeing the same kinds of negative discourse witnessed around regular social media by end users, but on the professional's choice (lol) social media platform from his peers. That's why he's all in his feels and pointing fingers.

I get why he might be upset, but maybe he should consider that if others in the same industry have what he sees as the same kinds of negative attitudes and commentary in regards to the current landscape in the industry - just maybe - there's something of substance fuelling that negativity. I can see why that might feel revolting and hurtful to someone whose livelihood depends on thase things, but, as as one of Ubisoft's Game Monetization Directors, I feel he can absolutely go fucking whistle when he's coming out with this "affecting thousands of employees... doing their best to deliver incredible experiences" when the whole reason his position even exists is to maximise leeching every last penny from every one of their customers. Hypocrisy levels off the chart. BTW, good luck with your company's next batch of 10K limited edition NFT sales next week, Stevy 🙄

To be absolutely fair, obviously it isn't cool to wish failure on people. So I'm with him to that degree.

Lots of big buts, but agreed - it's not cool. Yet zero sympathy for Chief Money Milker In Charge Of Fleecing Every Last Sucker Who Buys Our Games crying about any of this on social media - the lack of awareness is astounding.

It isn't a tidal wave of hatred causing these games to fail; it's a deafening wall of apathy.

💯 Apathy is the killer of many things. People need a reason to care, take note and raise interest. Modern Ubisoft is vanilla as they come working to an aging recipe where all they got is a plan to chuck in more and more of the same bland ingredients. Products created this with super-safe design choices taken by mutual back-patters based on what went before infused with back-firing check-box tickers who believe their input widens appeal when the net result is often quite the opposite. A lack of real forward thinking with an increasing reliance on people who bring the end user nothing of worth like the box tickers and positions like Stevy's.

I’ve said it before, but simply switching from pandering to side A instead of side B is putting a bandaid on a larger issue.
We went from too many macho shooters to diversity for the sake of diversity. Hopefully that pendulum swings back somewhere in-between.
Trouble with pendulum sings is they spend very little time is a state of equilibrium, it's mostly rushing from, and resting in, one extreme or the other. Chasing it will only leave them lagging behind.
The people that run this company are complete fucking idiots:

- get the Star Wars licence and use it to make a game that has none of the characters the fans love in it which is anti-fun to play in the most part, then blame fans for being unenthused.

- make a fucking murder simulator no less, the latest iteration of which lets you slaughter Japanese people as an African guy that alienates fans, then blame fans for being ‘non-decent’.

The dickheads who run this company are the ones putting thousands of jobs in jeopardy - they should do the decent thing and own that - starting with the Chief Monetisation (financial exploitation) Officer.
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Gold Member
Problem is, as long as there are so many individuals that spread hate, he has a point. Vote with your wallets but don't threaten other people.
So if those people would act a bit more intelligent and stop threatening people, thus man wouldn't have a point he could put the blame on.

There are over 2 Billion gamers in the world. This means there are people of all types playing videogames. And this includes good and bad people.
But he is not complaining about people that are threatening devs. He is complaining about people not buying Ubisoft's games and micro-transactions.
He thinks that he is entitled to our money, just because.


There are over 2 Billion gamers in the world. This means there are people of all types playing videogames. And this includes good and bad people.
But he is not complaining about people that are threatening devs. He is complaining about people not buying Ubisoft's games and micro-transactions.
He thinks that he is entitled to our money, just because.
Actually he is complaining about people that threaten him and developers. He mixes those topics and this way seems to be the good guy.


Neo Member
The "Bold strategy Cotton" gif must be down for maintenance as it's getting used so often, is there something in the water at gaming companies?

I cant think of a time this "attack people" marketing strategy has ever worked.


"You are making shit and should fail and go bankrupt" is as constructive as possible. It's exactly fair statement pointing out that, literally, your game sucks and you should spend time reflecting as to why it sucks or otherwise your company financials will continue to deteorate and you might see a risk of bunkrupcy. The exact type of comments devs crying about.
They are not 5yo, they should clearly understand that if they follow "popular trends" that go against audience preferencies, they will suffer.
Devs just try to defend their "progressive" ideas no one really wants and blame customers when they get less then desirable feedback.
I think you misunderstood what I meant and went on some gamer vs woke dev rant. That's all I need to know about you.



Ubisoft's continuous downward spiral is seemingly only gaining speed, with the latest speed boost coming from the company Monetization Director for Ubisoft, who took to LinkedIn to call gamers critiquing the company and its products "non-decent human".

Now, in the heat of what could be considered the most tumultuous time for Ubisoft, the company's director for monetization, Stevy Chassard, has taken to LinkedIn to voice his opinion on the public's reaction to Ubisoft and its recent decisions.

- Chassard

via Tweaktown
He has a good point. A lot of people wish companies to fail and even harass game devs when they make games that don't appeal to a determined target audience. See the announcement of any mobile game as an example.


He has a good point. A lot of people wish companies to fail and even harass game devs when they make games that don't appeal to a determined target audience. See the announcement of any mobile game as an example.
I am one of them, I wish some companies to fail hard, and if someone work on those companies they deserve to loose the job.

I don't harass devs in any way tho except not buying their products.

Gaming has been my hobby for a lot of time and seeing the companies that are trumping to destroy it fail feels so good.


It's almost as if these people don't understand that a few people on X do not represent everyone. That's the real SAD reality.
Nah ... its a common tactic by this people... he compartmentalized the complaint/name calling because he knows calling out everyone is just too bad.... so you choose a fantasy/virtual group like "incels" or linkdin users or any smaller group ... but in fact what he really wants to say is "fuck you all who didnt buy our games you are all ists/phobes/non humans".
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