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Cloverfield Hype & Movie Thread *Spoilers Ahoy!*

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Reilly said:
oh, at the start of the movie, did anyone else think the theater fucked up? Everyone was like "wtf, fuck this theater, it's a piece of shit" :lol

Only some retards in the theater.

If you knew anything about this movie, you knew to expect a faux home video / Blair Witch approach. :\


Reilly said:
I'm guess that the nuke (or whatever) wasn't dropped.

They never intended to nuke Manhattan, just heavily bomb it - likely carpet bomb manner. Or more specifically the movie never said that they would nuke the city, but given the shit they dropped on the creature and that it was still kicking only a nuke would do damage to it.


Nicodimas said:
Very true...but hopefully you know what I meant about the sdcard..7 hrs with all features a possible stretch.
I'm going to see it again tomorrow but I'm starting to wonder if the camcorder really used SD or not. Perhaps the video we're watching from the goverment is on an SD card that has what was on the original camcorder tape. I say this because you can't record over the top of video using an SD card as was done in the movie, leaving gaps behind. That would work with a DV tape but not using an SD card. New recordings on an SD card creates new, independent clips. Or perhaps I'm taking it all to seriously. :lol


The Take Out Bandit said:
Only some retards in the theater.

If you knew anything about this movie, you knew to expect a faux home video / Blair Witch approach. :\

Agreed. There were some idiots doing it in ours but you just had to groan. One guy sitting next to us said something like "Why don't you just sterilize yourself now?" in response to it. :lol


Nicodimas said:
Very true...but hopefully you know what I meant about the sdcard..7 hrs with all features a possible stretch.

Definitely. I was more distracted with the shaky cam. I remember way back when I went to see Blair Witch and I didn't mind it so much. After so many years as an actual camera person my opinion has changed. I wanted to punch Hud in the fucking mouth so bad. Every god damned camcorder has a steady switch for assholes who have wrists made of glass. Turn that shit on or at least make believe they turned it on Mr. Abrams. When I saw Marlena's eyes bleeding I was like "yeah bitch I know just how you feel."


Mike M said:
I kind of liked the fan art that looked like a giant mutant whale with six legs more than the actual monster design...

I got a vibe from that monster in the Gears of War commercial compared to this one.


It's far more unbelievable that someone would continue to videotape the whole ordeal than it is to concede that they may have had a long-lasting camera battery. Complaints about that seem relatively absurd.


Nicodimas said:
If they were dropping these, since it dropped more than two:

From the b-2s at the end...yeah a nuke may have been better

Yeah, when I saw the Stealth unloading a whole payload of LGBs on it and it came out unscathed after in fact they had sent several sorties of F-18s at it, there wasn't shit else they could do but nuke it as all of their conventional weapons were having absolutely no impact which is odd since we can clearly see that it has some soft tissue and considering how much ordinance they were shooting at the thing I can't imagine they didn't hit those soft spots.
Mike M said:
I kind of liked the fan art that looked like a giant mutant whale with six legs more than the actual monster design...


Still wasn't bad, just reminded me of a supersized Signs alien.

The actress that played Marlena strikes me as a next-gen Sigourney Weaver.


ckohler said:
I'm going to see it again tomorrow but I'm starting to wonder if the camcorder really used SD or not. Perhaps the video we're watching from the goverment is on an SD card that has what was on the original camcorder tape. I say this because you can't record over the top of video using an SD card as was done in the movie, leaving gaps behind. That would work with a DV tape but not using an SD card. New recordings on an SD card creates new, independent clips. Or perhaps I'm taking it all to seriously. :lol

Ding ding ding.

Why are you guys debating stuff like this? Who cares?


border said:
It's far more unbelievable that someone would continue to videotape the whole ordeal than it is to concede that they may have had a long-lasting camera battery. Complaints about that seem relatively absurd.

Well I can say that I can see that as believable because I would have been the guy trying to record the whole thing :) What can I say I keep cameras with me all the time to document any random event I come across. But I have to say, before I go to rescue anyone but my own kids - I have to have some assurance that you're actually alive.
border said:
It's far more unbelievable that someone would continue to videotape the whole ordeal than it is to concede that they may have had a long-lasting camera battery. Complaints about that seem relatively absurd.

Or how about the part where he's running while still pointing the camera straight ahead?

At that point it would have been more believable for our character's arms to be at their sides as their arms pumped away while running. :p

Plus my friend suggested that would have been an opportune time to insert glimpses of what was being run away from.

The whole camera pointed straight ahead thing really betrayed the amateur camera-man aspect of the movie, and went more toward a film maker trying to intentionally make bad looking film.


How about the fact that they didn't notice the monster until it was right behind them? Wouldn't you see or hear it coming?
Pewp said:
How about the fact that they didn't notice the monster until it was right behind them? Wouldn't you see or hear it coming?

Well since it's not filmed in a way that they could show us the disorientation and no doubt ear trauma caused by a f'ing helicopter crash; I'll have to assume ears were ringing so they didn't hear it.

Going further, they're also retards and didn't feel it lumbering up on them.

Or perhaps the monster studied light foot monster kung fu from the massive dragons in Dragon Wars that comically snuck around town despite being fucking huge. :lol


OokieSpookie said:
A sea creature would not roar

This is true. But I mean from the trailers we've seen. There were two particular "roars" that came from the teaser. I don't remembe hearing either of them in the movie.


well not really...yet
I haven't seen this mentioned in this thread yet

Anyone else think Beth was incredbly fucking hot :p


Pewp said:
How about the fact that they didn't notice the monster until it was right behind them? Wouldn't you see or hear it coming?

If you've ever been in a car wreck - you'll note that you don't notice anything else going on. It comes from the tunnel vision that develops s the heart rate and pulse increase greatly, the body diminishes our senses to we can focus on the task at hand. I was more surprised that they actually survived the crash and were even remotely close to being mobile. From the height they fell they should have all be killed or incapable of moving with any level of speed.

Its more interesting that the monster didn't chomp all of them instead of one guy.


OokieSpookie said:
A sea creature would not roar

That's not true, there are a number of Arctic sea creatures that roar and given the size of that creatures supposed chest cavity I would expect his to be particularly loud.


The Take Out Bandit said:
The whole camera pointed straight ahead thing really betrayed the amateur camera-man aspect of the movie, and went more toward a film maker trying to intentionally make bad looking film.
Yeah, but wouldn't it have looked worse if the camera had stayed on while the guy's arms were pumping up and down? I figure if the guy has committed himself to filming everything, he's probably committed to keeping the camera somewhat level.
I hate to say this. Why are you people arguing over this movie? It's like saying Freddy Kruger wasn't real enough. It's a monster movie. It's not real. Just take it as it is. It's never going to happen so just roll with it. *note* I haven't seen this movie yet. I won't take it seriously until I see a monster come through my place and bash it up. Just remember, it's just a movie!


samus4ever said:
I hate to say this. Why are you people arguing over this movie? It's like saying Freddy Kruger wasn't real enough. It's a monster movie. It's not real. Just take it as it is. It's never going to happen so just roll with it. *note* I haven't seen this movie yet. I won't take it seriously until I see a monster come through my place and bash it up. Just remember, it's just a movie!

There is a huge difference between argument and discussion.
border said:
Yeah, but wouldn't it have looked worse if the camera had stayed on while the guy's arms were pumping up and down? I figure if the guy has committed himself to filming everything, he's probably committed to keeping the camera somewhat level.

Well it's not like there weren't a fair share of shitty transitional shots in the movie during some of the more hectic scenes. Shots that were clearly our camera man fleeing and not filming a subject. At the very least it would not have been out of place, and it makes sense when running.

There were a lot of questionable camera moments in most of the movie. Like a lot of the "ARE YOU GUYS SEEING THIS", while filming his friends.

Oh and I feel the PG-13 rating really limited the reactions of this movie.


samus4ever said:
it's a movie about a monster. monsters are not real. get over it. it's more pathetic than arguing over a comic book movie.

Are you simply unable to understand the difference between a discussion and an argument or debate?


samus4ever said:
I hate to say this. Why are you people arguing over this movie? It's like saying Freddy Kruger wasn't real enough. It's a monster movie. It's not real. Just take it as it is. It's never going to happen so just roll with it. *note* I haven't seen this movie yet. I won't take it seriously until I see a monster come through my place and bash it up. Just remember, it's just a movie!


I think we all understand it's a movie, we're simply analyzing shit and giving opinions.


Well yeah, that's not to say that there aren't sections of the film that look incredibly rough and shaky and wobbly. But I dunno what really would have been gained by having the camera radically swooping through the motions of someone's arms as they run. You say they could have shown us what they were running from, but more likely it just would have been more naseua-inducing blur.

I'm not saying that Hud was always trying to keep the camera focused on an interesting subject, just that he was trying to keep it somewhat coherent. A true running-cam would have been completely incoherent.


border said:
Well yeah, that's not to say that there aren't sections of the film that look incredibly rough and shaky and wobbly. But I dunno what really would have been gained by having the camera radically swooping through the motions of someone's arms as they run. You say they could have shown us what they were running from, but more likely it just would have been more naseua-inducing blur.

I'm not saying that Hud was always trying to keep the camera focused on an interesting subject, just that he was trying to keep it somewhat coherent. A true running-cam would have been completely incoherent.

Yes. Early in the movie they went with the 'normal camera motion' and it was very difficult to watch. As the film progressed they used that sparingly to keep the film watchable. If they'd done it how a regular camera is done it would have been a hurl inducing event.
Phoenix said:
Yes. Early in the movie they went with the 'normal camera motion' and it was very difficult to watch. As the film progressed they used that sparingly to keep the film watchable. If they'd done it how a regular camera is done it would have been a hurl inducing event.

The most difficult part of the beginning of the movie was waiting for monster pr0n! :D


Toho just needs to make a Godzilla movie where he FHUTA's NYC. I'll be at the theater with my pants off.


This movie is completely amazing but im probaly saying this because I didnt have to pay and I had 0 expectations.

I walked in their went on a 70 min roller coaster and bottom line loved it.
I'm waiting until somebody does a Cloverfield/Portal "Still Alive" song mashup.

Film was excellent. Really terrifying, and surprisingly heartfelt at moments.

The scene with Rob on the phone with his mom rang incredibly true. I've had to make a call like that to my mother (not about my brother, thank god) and the lines were nearly verbatim.


Overall I liked it, probably one of the best monster movies in years.
Too bad about Hud (Aliens reference?)
, some scenes didn't really work for me-- like when they waited in the tunnel and the shaking was excessive at points but the rest was pretty good. I think as an "intense experience" kind of film, I still prefer Children of Men though.


i... i think i enjoyed this movie... really awesome special effects and i love the premise... but i wished they would have turned on the steady shot option on the camera because i never get motion sick and i was feeling a bit of it. i would actually really like to watch the movie again, but i don't know if i could handle it in the theatre.. i'm hoping it's a lot easier to watch on my tv.

also monster reminded me of resistance for some reason.


I gotta say though, if I was a survivor of 9/11 I would probably not want to watch this movie. A lot of the shots are frighteningly similar to 9/11 footage (particularly the images of people running from a massive rolling cloud of dust and debris, along with that massive explosion they see from the rooftop).

Which is not to say I take the Fox News angle that the filmmakers are "exploiting" a real national tragedy. They are using it pretty artfully. Part of what makes it so real and so thrilling is that after 9/11 we know what it means for an entire building to collapse.....for the streets of Manhattan to be filled with frightened, confused people just looking to flee and survive an unreal, horrific event. If Cloverfield had taken place in any other city I doubt that it would have had anywhere near as much impact.

Yes. Early in the movie they went with the 'normal camera motion' and it was very difficult to watch. As the film progressed they used that sparingly to keep the film watchable. If they'd done it how a regular camera is done it would have been a hurl inducing event.
More realistic camera movement might have worked though, if they tried to take the angle of someone actively searching through the archived footage. Like if the camera swoops up and down during a run, maybe the "user" freezefames when the frame is focused on a monster, then does a zoom-in or close-up. But I honestly don't see what the point of that would have been, other than to give people more detailed monster porn (which is kind of antithetical to the movie's "mass confusion" theme).
OokieSpookie said:
A few things which are probably already known..

1) the girl passed out on the couch is jamie lascano (jamieandteddy.com) whose boyfriend was in an eco-terrorist group that attacked the drilling station that woke up the beasty. he recently sent her a sample of the main secret ingredient in Slusho (which tagruato, the oil corporation, also develops), she ate it, and has been fucked up out of her mind since...

2) rob was leaving for japan to go and work for slusho. they sent him some complimentary t-shirts and stuff and he was wearing one in the movie.

3) the monster was scratching its back on a building to clean the parasites off of it...i thought they just jumped off when i first saw it.

4) in the final scene (although a month previous to the attack,) when rob and beth are on their date at coney island, he pans the camera over to the water and you can see something fall into it...

5) after the credits you can hear some whispering. it is "it's still alive." backwards...and it sounds like rob's voice...

all this marketing and hidden facts for a poorly executed movie. Bravo JJ.
border said:
Loud can be terrifying all the same =)

I agree, but I was not terrified by this movie. I guess I've just got thicker skin.

Now Miracle Mile, seeing that when I was a kid during the height of the Cold War. That'll make you shit your pants. :D


Still Tagged Accordingly
newsguy said:
My question was more along the lines of how did they find a never ending camcorder battery.
it only recorded for 90 minutes right? the event lasted roughly 7 hours, but the camera wasn't on the whole time.

besides why do people even care about this nitpicky shit?
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