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CM Punk Walks Out of the WWE

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Deleted member 47027

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So not worth it
That's a load of crap.
The Attitude Era had plenty of flaws. Random booking, lame tasteless angles, bad wrestling.
Plenty of good but it's no infallible time.

The in-ring wrestling today is vastly superior, with much better athletes. This really isn't up for debate.

Agreed. I think where the Attitude Era really is best above all other era's is they build up multiple main event level stars as opposed to only having one or two real main eventers. You had Rock, Stone Cold, Taker, Mankind, Triple H and a whole load more that could main event PPV's and draw crowds.
Cena would be a worse heel than he is a face. Bad is bad, there's nothing you can do about it. He's never going to have a personality that gets him over with anyone except stupid mark kids and superficial, chronically single women.
This is way too cynical. Cena's over with everyone. 18-49 men want to like the guy, because he works hard and is legitimately good at just about everything that has to do with wrestling, but his character hasn't changed in a decade and he's too constantly and predictably victorious.


The overall WWE roster for most of the Attutude Era was really weak compared to what WCW had, but they booked the main events well and still drew entertainment from the undercard, even if the in-ring wrestling wasn't the greatest.

It wasn't until 2000 when they kicked Russo out and got the Radicalz to fill holes in the roster did the in ring product really started being great. In fact, I'd say 2000 is the best year in the history of the company.
I don't get the part timer hate.
The Rocks, Stone Colds, HHHs and such weren't popular just because the WWE made them that way.
The new talent of the post attitude era had years to come up with stars...
Cena was the biggest we got.
If some of the others developed an ounce of charisma the WWE wouldn't be stuck in a position like this.

Though I admit im not a fan of the return of Brock Lesnar or Batista.
I don't get the part timer hate.
The Rocks, Stone Colds, HHHs and such weren't popular just because the WWE made them that way.
The new talent of the post attitude era had years to come up with stars...
Cena was the biggest we got.
If some of the others developed an ounce of charisma the WWE wouldn't be stuck in a position like this.

Though I admit im not a fan of the return of Brock Lesnar or Batista.
CM Punk and Bryan are both as charismatic and capable as anyone from any era. The topic is how the company doesn't care. Daniel Bryan's "Yes" chant was just a thing he did on his own, and it's gotten him super, super over, but it's not getting him anywhere without the support of his bosses.

Part-timers from older eras needing to come back isn't a sign that today's stars are failing. It's a sign that the company is failing today's talent. It's an admission that they don't know how to make new stars.


I don't get the part timer hate.
The Rocks, Stone Colds, HHHs and such weren't popular just because the WWE made them that way.
The new talent of the post attitude era had years to come up with stars...
Cena was the biggest we got.
If some of the others developed an ounce of charisma the WWE wouldn't be stuck in a position like this.

Though I admit im not a fan of the return of Brock Lesnar or Batista.

they already have plenty of talented people but you wouldn't know it because they have have wrestlers tone down their move sets and have c list hollywood writers (soap opera) writing for the talent.
The Prototype haha...still remember Cena before he was Cena and his first match against Angle.

I was a fan of Cena back in his Prototype days from when he started out in UPW and knew he was destined to be on top of the company but it bums me out how much of a company tool he ended up being.
The current direction is PREVENTING these younger guys from becoming bigger.

They are preventing hte younger guys from becoming big with the part timers and constantly feeding them to the older wrestlers.

That is the issue.


I don't get the part timer hate.
The Rocks, Stone Colds, HHHs and such weren't popular just because the WWE made them that way.
The new talent of the post attitude era had years to come up with stars...
Cena was the biggest we got.
If some of the others developed an ounce of charisma the WWE wouldn't be stuck in a position like this.

Though I admit im not a fan of the return of Brock Lesnar or Batista.

Part timers coming back for the fans isn't bad but when they come back at the expense of developing the new talents it's just stupidly short term thinking. There's a huge amount of talent in the WWE and if they could actually book their talent effectively they'd be set.

I don't have problem with Lesnar because he's enjoyable to watch and he's never in the way. Batista's just a mediocre wrestler who's getting a mega push at the expense of people who're actually talented and have worked hard for a push.
NXT is filled with brilliant charismatic wrestlers. Too bad most of them won't ever have the opportunity to shine and be part of the main roster.
It'll probably be the most boring heel turn in the history of heel turns. Pick one:

- Cena goes back to the rap gimmick, except it's no longer funny because he can't rap about Big Show needing a bra in the PG era.

- Cena joins/creates some boring-ass dominance group and goes from being a boring generic face wrestler to a boring generic heel wrestler, insert feud with some face where him and goons repeatedly and predictably jump the face, etc.

- Cena goes with the "I'm not getting what I deserve out of this company" angle and jumps a bunch of title picture wrestlers by himself backstage.

Basically, it's not going to be anything remotely creative, and smarks will be wondering why they wanted Cena to turn heel in the first place.
Thuganomics Cena was brilliant heel back in the day. Too bad he's way too popular among kids to become a heel.


Big E. and Roman Reigns work out at his gym. I feel like Seth Rollins does as well.

He actually wasn't brilliant at all. His entire shtick was making jerk off and gay jokes. All of his raps. All of them.

Rollins and Ambrose both do as well. They're all in that video of Langston benching 500lbs
He actually wasn't brilliant at all. His entire shtick was making jerk off and gay jokes. All of his raps. All of them.
Thats what actually made him a perfect heel and it was good. Fact that his raps were terrible and everyone hated the whole thug wannabe white man.
That's a load of crap.
The Attitude Era had plenty of flaws. Random booking, lame tasteless angles, bad wrestling.
Plenty of good but it's no infallible time.

The in-ring wrestling today is vastly superior, with much better athletes. This really isn't up for debate.

I gotta disagree with the in ring wrestling being better. It is so corographed it's not even funny these days. It's like some of the wrestlers don't even try and is a finisher spot fest. The in ring action today couldn't be more predictable not to mention watered down moves as in no pile drivers and tombstones. Matches were much better in the 90s.


No JR or punk, so the chances of Austin ever wrestling again are even smaller, right?

All 3 may return for a ONCE IN A LIFETIME match, but yeah... very unlikely.

I don't get it. That match would make Vince a shitload of money. Why is he not pushing both Austin and Punk to do it?
Part timers coming back for the fans isn't bad but when they come back at the expense of developing the new talents it's just stupidly short term thinking. There's a huge amount of talent in the WWE and if they could actually book their talent effectively they'd be set.

I don't have problem with Lesnar because he's enjoyable to watch and he's never in the way. Batista's just a mediocre wrestler who's getting a mega push at the expense of people who're actually talented and have worked hard for a push.

Brock also had a very short first stint so his time is welcome. He's awesome too. Batista on the other hand........
Just when I was getting back into it....

Really, really glad I didn't sub for the PPVs. Well, this decision has saved me some coin.


So not worth it
That seems a bit of an overreaction. Punk is great and all, but he's hardly the only good thing about WWE.
I gotta disagree with the in ring wrestling being better. It is so corographed it's not even funny these days. It's like some of the wrestlers don't even try and is a finisher spot fest. The in ring action today couldn't be more predictable not to mention watered down moves as in no pile drivers and tombstones. Matches were much better in the 90s.

I'm perfectly fine with the lack of pile drivers, moves like that should never have been so over used to the point where outside of the Undertaker (or Kane) they only registered a two count, I always hated how they turned the DDT into a transitional move. Most impact moves involving the head/neck should be primarily in the finisher category. That said, most of WWE's roster only having a kick/punch offense sucks, even more so when so many guys on their roster don't have any real defining characteristics. The "WWE Style" is just so incredibly stale and it's just going to get worse with more and more people who's only wrestling experience is with the company.


I don't get the part timer hate.
The Rocks, Stone Colds, HHHs and such weren't popular just because the WWE made them that way.
The new talent of the post attitude era had years to come up with stars...
Cena was the biggest we got.
If some of the others developed an ounce of charisma the WWE wouldn't be stuck in a position like this.

Though I admit im not a fan of the return of Brock Lesnar or Batista.

That the WWE has no new stars is their own fault, not the fault of the roster. There have been plenty of guys that should have been big stars, but were ruined by WWE's awful booking and obsession with John Cena.

Even now, Daniel Bryan should be a massive star, but it's taken mass popularity to pull teeth with WWE and get him an ounce of a push.


I gotta disagree with the in ring wrestling being better. It is so corographed it's not even funny these days. It's like some of the wrestlers don't even try and is a finisher spot fest. The in ring action today couldn't be more predictable not to mention watered down moves as in no pile drivers and tombstones. Matches were much better in the 90s.

They're like that if you only watch RAW TV matches. Matches were better in the 90s if you watched AJPW and NJPW, maybe.
But the average quality of wrestling in WWE has probably never been higher. All over the place in WWE, you regularly find good matches, up and down the card. In NXT, on Main Event, even on Smackdown, and the 3 hour RAWs have given us a ton of really good matches, especially with the Shield or Daniel Bryan. Major PPV matches also tend to be good at a minimum, or possibly great.

Down on NXT, they have a seriously impressive roster of indie talent that's growing more and more, and those just starting to wrestle have the best training possible, so the future is bright in terms of in-ring wrestling.
They're like that if you only watch RAW TV matches. Matches were better in the 90s if you watched AJPW and NJPW, maybe.
But the average quality of wrestling in WWE has probably never been higher. All over the place in WWE, you regularly find good matches, up and down the card. In NXT, on Main Event, even on Smackdown, and the 3 hour RAWs have given us a ton of really good matches, especially with the Shield or Daniel Bryan. Major PPV matches also tend to be good at a minimum, or possibly great.

Down on NXT, they have a seriously impressive roster of indie talent that's growing more and more, and those just starting to wrestle have the best training possible, so the future is bright in terms of in-ring wrestling.

Yup. I remember RAW's during the Attitude era. Even if the workers themselves were better (which is not exactly a sure thing), you weren't getting much wrestling in those shows.


Agreed. I think where the Attitude Era really is best above all other era's is they build up multiple main event level stars as opposed to only having one or two real main eventers. You had Rock, Stone Cold, Taker, Mankind, Triple H and a whole load more that could main event PPV's and draw crowds.

That's a load of crap.
The Attitude Era had plenty of flaws. Random booking, lame tasteless angles, bad wrestling.
Plenty of good but it's no infallible time.

The in-ring wrestling today is vastly superior, with much better athletes. This really isn't up for debate.

This is basically a Russo pros and cons list.


It shouldn't be that hard to just...not have Cena having matches every week. He can still be on the shows every week to build up to PPV matches and do promos, but there is zero reason at all to have him wrestling on Raw every week. So overexposed. Raw has 3 hours to work with and there are plenty of guys who haven't even been on TV in months (Ryder, JTG, Yoshi, Camacho, Hunico before returning as Sin Cara, Christian despite being healthy, Curt Hawkins, PTP, 3MB haven't been on Raw for a while, Otunga hasn't been on TV since around WM I think, Justin Gabriel hasn't been on Raw in a long time). You have 3 hours to fill with a lot of talent that doesn't get used instead of over exposing all your top guys every week. Makes no sense to me. The best part of 3 hour Nitros was all the random dudes that wouldn't have been on otherwise, not an extra hour of stale main event guys.

Also, let him actually lose once in a while. How are people supposed to buy angles where Cena has been "knocked off the top and climbing back up" if the farthest he falls is coming out 3 minutes earlier on Raw?

Dead Man

Part timers coming back for the fans isn't bad but when they come back at the expense of developing the new talents it's just stupidly short term thinking. There's a huge amount of talent in the WWE and if they could actually book their talent effectively they'd be set.

I don't have problem with Lesnar because he's enjoyable to watch and he's never in the way. Batista's just a mediocre wrestler who's getting a mega push at the expense of people who're actually talented and have worked hard for a push.

Yeah, but none of that is Batista's fault, it is management problems. They have plenty of time in a 3 hour long show to show plenty of the younger guys. They just don't often enough, and when they do they have bad gimmicks, or they are thrust in faces for months without being over so people just hate them. Even with Rock, Batista, Lesnar et al there should be plenty of time to develop new wrestlers and characters, but it is just 2 hours of repeating talking points and repeating promos.
Exactly. It's amazing how the last 10 or so years have made me miss him to the point where I'd hail him as a saviour if he came back.

Go watch any of his TNA to disabuse yourself of this notion. Anybody who wants Vince Russo in any position of power isn't an actual wrestling fan.


Go watch any of his TNA to disabuse yourself of this notion. Anybody who wants Vince Russo in any position of power isn't an actual wrestling fan.

I have. The 6-sided ring era on TNA was extremely watchable, especially compared to their current ouput..

I think stro said it best when he said Russo is great and writing other peoples booking, which is what he'd do in WWE anyway.
at work, what is the summary of what Austin said about punk?

Says he thinks it's legit, likened it to when he left (reffed "took his ball"), said vince will probably go down to Chicago and try to convince punk to return. Thinks he should stay for the £££(austin regrets leaving because he missed out on a lot of paydays), but thinks punk's going through some stress and is pretty hardheaded, so unsure if he will.
the thing with CM Punk though is he doesn't seem like a burnout. I think he saved a good deal of money, or at least he won't be hurting for WWE payday. i dunno.
the thing with CM Punk though is he doesn't seem like a burnout. I think he saved a good deal of money, or at least he won't be hurting for WWE payday. i dunno.

Exactly. I don't he runs around wasting money, he is more like buy a comic book here, go to a concert there (if you look at his twitter). So I guess he could easily sit out a year and come back fresh next summer.


the thing with CM Punk though is he doesn't seem like a burnout. I think he saved a good deal of money, or at least he won't be hurting for WWE payday. i dunno.

That's the whole point of Punk leaving BEFORE Wrestlemania. To send a message to Vinnie Mac

"i dont need your money and i can leave whatever i want"
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