He's right at the very least on the tables turned bit. There's no doubt if somebody called for a recount when hillary had won, the reaction here would be very different.
If the situation was reversed--if Trump had won the popular vote by a fair margin but lost electoral votes due to close margins in a handful of states--I honestly don't know how I would feel about that.
I'd be relieved, obviously, to be that much more distant from President Trump.
I'd be upset, at the fact Trump won the popular vote to begin with. Disgusted, more like.
I'm not sure that I would be acrimonious about him wanting a recount in relatively close states, though. I know we want this long national nightmare (the election, I mean) to finally be over, but the fact of the matter is he doesn't take office for quite some time yet. There's no real harm in verifying the process in the meantime.
Would I feel the same way in the reverse situation? Probably not, since he made a big stink about not conceding regardless, but if he had just cause I don't know what to say about that other than "OK".