Invites sent to the above two 360 players. Sorry for the wait, Mark.
hey guys I am in the 360 clan and would like to know how I get the Gaf callsign?
1. You need premium Elite
2. In game, go to "callsign" and click Elite Clan Title and Elite Clan Tag.
Got your friend invite, but not a clan invite.
Is the gold tag important? I keep getting questions about it.
Some good games tonight guys. I bailed after a couple games because I had been playing for awhile already and needed to eat and waited until the last game when I got Gold on the PP90.
Kill Confirmed is too fun, especially with teammates that gobble up dog tags so fast.
Whenever anyone wants to join up, GT: Supercharged XF.
My connection during were really bad for me Not sure who was hosting but our connections clearly didn't shake hands properly. It could be a location thing, I'm in the midwest.
Could someone send me an invite to the 360 clan?
sen0r machosolo
Can I have an invite to the 360 clan?
GT: MCXC Pioneer
I'd like to be a part of the Xbox clan, if possible.
My GT is in my GAF profile.
LOL @ the gun game. Javelin being the last weapon is kinda ridiculous
Good games tonight PS3 GAF.
Starting to hit my stride now. My psn id is krishkumar
Hi can you send me an invite again for PSN? MDavis360
Sweet-I'm in!! This should be much more fun for me tonight-even when I'm not having much fun at least I'll know I'm contributing to the clan!
So there are no clan challenges yet right? How do we acquire XP for our clan then?
I'm already in the 360 clan, and if you see me on, don't be shy, send me an invite. CoD seems quite fond of putting me on Team Drooling All Over the Controller. I'm consistently having bad games.... yet, being easily the highest scoring on the team with the best K/D. The ratio of times I'm on the rolling team as opposed to being the team rolled on is absolutely sickening.
Just posted on the Elite site but I'll double my post here just in case if it gets missed. My PSN name is PaulvicThrust. Give me an add. I have a mic and I'm curious how the game is with an organized group of people.
I added all the above 360 members to the list.
wow that was the worst clusterfuck many javelins.
Add me to the list 360
I added all the above 360 members to the list.
Have you played online in MW3 yet? It says you haven't played it yet. Until you play at least one online game, I can't send you an invite
If you're online in about an hour, I'll send you an invite to our game.