I don't want to bring doom and gloom to the thread as I'm sure many of you will enjoy this, but it was certainly one of my most disappointing games of the year. That isn't to say it's a "bad" game, but it just isn't very good. If you are expecting anything Guardian Heroes/Treasure level, well, I'd recommend you bring your expectations down many a notch.
The action moves at a snails pace and never feels very fluid. Most of the levels are 1-3 minute "chunks" and nothing you could actually call levels. I was hoping to at least have levels/stages like a traditional beat-em-up, but this is more like popping into a random area, killing some stuff, and suddenly the stage is clear. Watch a few minutes of zany story, and repeat. Many of the enemies later on become a chore due to the way the lock-on system and MP work.
I did make a video when the game came out (not sure if it was posted in here or not):
So feel free to check it out if you are on the fence.