So here's how I voted.
04. Daredevil by Waid/Samnee/Wilson (Marvel) [2pts]. It's not "important" and it's not flashy, but this book is consistently and quietly one of the best comics that Marvel puts out, and 2014 was no exception. Waid moved the cast to the West Coast without skipping a beat, and Samnee continues to be my favorite artist working in comics today with amazing layouts and a deceptively simple yet expressive and action-packed style. This creative duo has become a team I'd follow just about anywhere.
03. The Wicked + The Divine by Gillen/McKelvie/Wilson (Image) [3pts]. Engaging and stylish, this series works on multiple levels with concepts of celebrity pop and youth cultures, coming from two creators who always excel in capturing the "now." Gillen makes Laura the quintessential fan and gods the ultimate showbiz frauds despite their impressive displays, and McKelvie works in a clean yet expressive style with layouts that ooze STYLE. The book is slick.
02. Ms. Marvel by Wilson/Alphona/Herring (Marvel) [5pts]. The breakout star of 2014 was a Pakistani-American teenage girl with stretchy powers, who writes fan-fiction and uses the word "Embiggen!" as a battle cry. Kamala Khan's infectious exuberance, every(wo)man qualities, and larger than life adventures are a joy to read each month, brought to stunning life by Wilson's snap writing and especially by Alphona's expressive, almost European artwork. If Marvel plays its cards right, they have on their hands a character with the potential to appeal to a whole new world of fans -- not unlike a certain wall-crawling webslinger.
01. Sex Criminals by Fraction/Zdarsky (Image) [7pts]. If you had told me a year ago that my favorite comic would be about a girl who stops time when she orgasms, meeting a guy who stops time when he cums, having orgasms together to rob banks and save a library, I probably would have laughed in your face. Yet here we are. Sex Criminals is about so much more than that outlandish premise however; it's about the ups and downs and struggles of a real relationship between two people who connect to each other in a way they haven't connected with anyone before. Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky make Suzie and John real people living in a world that's funny and gross and magical because, time-stopping sex aside, it all feels real. To paraphrase: this book. This fucking book.
Honorable Mentions: The Works of Rick Remender (a prolific year for this creator to be sure, but I couldn't settle on one book to salute over the others and frankly none of them I consistently enjoyed as much as the books I did vote for); Lazarus by Rucka/Lark (Rucka doing what Rucka does best, world-building around a strong female protagonist, but Lark's artwork feels too dull and static); Moon Knight by Ellis/Shalvey/Bellaire (half-a-year of some of the best done-in-one stories I've seen in years, is still half-a-year short of greatness); Hawkeye by Fraction/Aja/Wu/Hollingsworth (pretty much the same reasoning as Moon Knight; I mean, how many issues did they release in 2014?)
Just an hour to get your last-minute votes in, gang.