Avenging Spider Man #1 is really cool, guys.
Avenging Spider Man #1 is really cool, guys.
Avenging Spider Man #1 is really cool, guys.
Ehhhhh..... That changes things a bit. Why would they do that?
Entirety of The Ultimates run up to the end of New Ultimates is on sale on Comixology. They still haven't upgraded Ultimates 1 & 2 to HD, which is annoying.
So I got my link to the Marvel #1 promotion this morning, but it doesn't seem to work. I e-mailed Marvel support, but anyone else experienced the same thing?
Just received mine and I am unable to click Sign In
Image Comics Solicits for July 2013 (Comic Book Resources)![]()
art / cover HOWARD CHAYKIN
32 PAGES / BW / M
NEW YORK CITY, 1951: The star of beloved daily television serial "Satellite Sam" turns up dead in a flophouse filled with dirty secrets. The police think it was death by natural causes but his son knows there was something more if only he could sober up long enough to do something about it. This noir mystery shot through with sex and violence exposes the seedy underbelly of the golden age of television.
Just received mine and I am unable to click Sign In
Haha holy shit they really went all out on Black Widow's tits for that cover.
yes...but notice how mystique's right boob is so big, it wraps around her chest and under her armpit?
So... Wolverine and the X-Men just started running in Marvel UK's "Essential X-Men" title.
Holy shit, that's got to the best start to an X-series I've ever seen. Just insane.
Unlike some of the posters here who seemed to have issues with the Marvel #1 promotion, I was able to sign in to Comixology last night and grab the 700+ free #1 issues from their promotion. It was annoying having to add each issue to the cart individually, but I didn't mind putting in some effort for free stuff. It just felt like I was playing Diablo adding everything to the shopping cart. click, click, click, click, click...
Seeing this I decided to try again and what do you know, it worked.
Are there any issues I should definitely get outside of Marvel Now?
I might be wrong since it was late at night when I was adding things to the cart, but I believe there are a couple issues that are part of Marvel Now but weren't in the Comixology's grouping for Marvel Now. I'd recommend just picking everything related to characters you like, since it's free. Others here would have to chime in for recommendations on what #1 issues from the past few years would be good pick ups, since I just started reading comics again recently.
Finally read Superboy fucking convoluted. I'll give you him not being the genetic combination of Lex Luthor and Superman is way better, everything else is just so damn convoluted.
I've overall been a supporter of the Nu52 but the handling of the Super family of books has been the worst part of the Nu52.
Finally read Superboy fucking convoluted. I'll give you him not being the genetic combination of Lex Luthor and Superman is way better, everything else is just so damn convoluted.
People are forgetting that this Superboy actually has three DNA donors. So the "third" one could still be Lex Luthor.
And yes, they give a reason.
Lucky you.Mind sharing? Don't read the super-family of books.
Did the story give any reason why they went with the new pairing?
Question regarding the latest Batman and Robin issue, since I haven't been keeping up with the series:
What was Carrie selling Damien?
Lucky you.
Like I said, REALLY convoluted.
So we should start calling her Biggie Smalls?
She was tutoring him on films and film making.
Anyone shocked? Azzarello all but explicitly stated this was happening in his first interviews about Orion joining the cast.Wonder Woman WTF cover
Anyone shocked? Azzarello all but explicitly stated this was happening in his first interviews about Orion joining the cast.
Also, big picture is BIG.