I post about Inhuman tomorrow. Don't get it until then. But Im surprised there are stragglers to Manapul's Tec. Brah's art is from another dimension.
I post about Inhuman tomorrow. Don't get it until then. But Im surprised there are stragglers to Manapul's Tec. Brah's art is from another dimension.
GAF help me out please.
My brother's leaving to the US for a few weeks. Where would he able to get 'Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck TPBs and the Companion for cheap?
Batman (Sorry, ComicGAF)
I wish I could do the same, say that American Vampire is Snyder at his best and the series he should focus on 100%, but goddamn Capullo kills the art and the stories so far have been from good to great.
Snyder has slowly clawed his way to curating Batman ala Morrison. there will be good things happening before he leaves. I'm in until his last story drops.
You may not want to pick Eternal, but I don't see how dropping Batman (Snyder) now makes sense when there will be celebrations for the 75th anniversary and probably some legit (and great!?) shaking to status quos this year.
you flip flopped recently? i thought you were all about that lame spock?
I love SUPERIOR SpOck. But to see another embrace the glory that is SSM, is truly great.
It must sadden you to know that the end for SSM is near.
Get my stories from DCBS and it takes two days. Wish they would ship on Tuesdays at least....why tomorrow?
I'm in for Madureira alone, but the art seems a little tame/off, bizzarly...
Batman is the only DC comic I read and I've realised that I actually don't enjoy his stories too much.
have you liked any recent Batman stories? I liked Morrison's run because it was batty, but Snyder's just seems very bland, especially Zero Year which just going over Batman/Alfred/Gordon's motivations once again.
Bland writer alert Cullen Bunn, proceed with caution.What's everyone's thoughts on the new Sinestro Comic starting in a couple weeks?
Bland writer alert Cullen Bunn, proceed with caution.
Fucking sucks. It got me into comics. ='( Assumed it was going to be the new status quo....
Until PETER PARKER reared his ugly Ramos head.
To be fair, that was Otto's fault. Most of this entire run has been Otto failing then asking what Peter would do.
I love SUPERIOR SpOck. But to see another embrace the glory that is SSM, is truly great.
He's embracing it ending though.
Bland writer alert Cullen Bunn, proceed with caution.
hmm. Good to know, thanks. I'm not really into Green Lantern much really, although I've always wanted to be. I bought a few different runs of Green Lantern at a Comic Con a short while back, still haven't read them. Guess I'll start there and avoid Sinestro until I hear how it's doing.
But honestly, who didn't think it was awesome?
I loved it. Even though it's probably the most bittersweet thing I've read since Watchmen.
Who didn't think superior was awesome? Or its ending was awesome? Because to be honest I thought Spock would struggle a bit more in the end.
But honestly, who didn't think it was awesome?
I loved it. Even though it's probably the most bittersweet thing I've read since Watchmen.
Who didn't think superior was awesome? Or its ending was awesome? Because to be honest I thought Spock would struggle a bit more in the end.
Orignal sin: Secret Wars 3
When he has dope artists, his stuff is exemplary, though. See:
The Sixth Gun
Since it's Eaglesham drawing, I expect it to be similarly exceptional.
I wanna try All New Ultimates next week but have no clue about the writer Michel Fiffe. Done anything worth while?
Bland writer alert Cullen Bunn, proceed with caution.
Seems as though Manapul played it too safe with the artwork for Detective Comics; nice but only one or two of the panel layouts really stood out, and the inkwash technique doesn't work as well here as it did in the more vibrant Flash series. The plot and dialogue were even more suspect, rehashing ideas that have seen regular use in Batman tales of late. "Gotham is a new start;" "Gotham can be a city of hope;" "Gotham is a beast that devours;" Bruce and Alfred miss Damian; not exactly fresh, unspoiled earth is it?
I don't understand why people are expecting more from the team that gave us the gorgeous but terribly mediocre Flash run.
Once the effect of the pretty pictures wear off, you'll see its not worth it.
Last month I started buying comic books from USA. I have a few questions about hardcovers.
I bought Earth 2 and Injustice: Gods Among Us. The cover of Injustice is just one piece, but Earth 2 has a removable paper cover over the black hardcover.
Most books and graphic novels sold in my country are like Injustive. In fact, I didn't even know these removable covers were a thing. So, my question is: Is this normal? Most of this hardcovers that I see on amazon and InStockTrades are like the cover of Earth 2? Is there even a way to know before buy them?
I don't know if I could express myself well. If I didn't, please let me know. I would be really glad if someone is kind enough to answer me.
I agree about the assessment of that truly shite Flash run, but it's not like writers can't get better and learn from their mistakes. People just want a good Detective Comics run, which we can't seem to get since the New52 decided to let Tony Daniel vomit nonsensical words in the guise of a story on 'Tec. Boochbag isn't a bad writer technically speaking, he's just flat and needs to stylize, characterize, and plot better. And Manapul's stuff is gorgeous--I really liked Bats running across the Chinatown lights, and then pulling then turning them into a clothesline. Hopefully he plays around a lot with paneling and figures out how to evolve that gorgeous art to it's maximum potential.
The best part of that Flash run was the Grodd story. Booch and Manapul couldn't write the Rogues to save their lives, but I honestly enjoyed what they did with Salavar, Grodd, and Gorilla City. And the less spoken about their Reverse Flash the better...
Magneto straight mercin' anti-mutant foos
You did just fine.
You're describing "dust jackets", which usually go over hardcovers. In recent years, bigger publishers have stopped using them, likely to cut costs. As far as I know, though, there's no way to know, upon ordering, whether or not a book has one or doesn't.
All the New 52 hardcovers I've bought have dust jackets. The normal Marvel books don't but the oversized ones like Hawkeye do.
Their entire arc for the Rogues was fucking dumb and their characterizations were even dumber.
Some people were really praising Rogues Rebellion on here and that shit baffled me. I mean, those few sections where Johns wrote Cold or a Rogue in Forever Evil were better than anything Boochbag and Manupul wrote or did with those characters. For fuck's sake, hip, sleeveless metahumans. What the shit was that about.
Otto "Dealing with GG" qould definitely have led to Anna-Maria's death. That was the whole point of him giving in to Peter.Me, too. I didn't think Peter was going to come back until Otto personally dealt with GG and shut down the mess first.
Then leave all the pieces to Peter. Not that it took away anything from #30's ending, though.
Otto "Dealing with GG" qould definitely have led to Anna-Maria's death. That was the whole point of him giving in to Peter.
That's probably irritates me the most about SpOck and his fans: the delusion. Otto was CONVINCED that everything was going his way and just made up excuses when even he couldn't deny the truth in front of him. At this rate I'm actually going to snap and list out everything he did wrong.