It was a nice piece of work, Kingpin
You shouldn't signed it
You shouldn't signed it
And of course, I'll take any excuse to post this Superman moment from All-Star
The only thing holding my interest at the moment are the (leaked?) covers for issues 127 and 128, which are after the current arc, that showI don't think Kirkman has the balls to try this, but it'd definitely be interesting if he did... I guess only time will characters we haven't met and the taglines imply it's about a completely new group of survivors. Do most of the main characters die? Is there a leap forward in time and the woman shown on both covers is Maggie's kid, now an adult?
That reminds me:Oh man, that reminds me of the last few pages of I Kill Giants.
Those feels.
What are some of the most memorable and iconic moments in comic books for you?
Like I said, this event is huge. Just like Avengers vs. X-Men gave birth to Uncanny Avengers and numerous Marvel NOW! launches, Original Sin gives birth to at least five new ongoing series, all featuring solo characters, including at least one female one, and completely transforms three of our core ongoing series, with either a totally new or significantly altered character in the title role. Remember the first time you saw the solicitation for The Superior Spider-Man? Yeah, like that.
That time in that book when that thing happened.
You know the one.
I'm on my phone and had a bad day at work.
Ultimate Spider-Man #118, where Peter and Aunt May have the conversation that singlehandedly justifies the Ultimate Marvel universe.What are some of the most memorable and iconic moments in comic books for you?
What was the Solicit for Superior Spidey like?
THEN!...Peter Parker spent a lifetime living up to the responsibilities his powers foisted upon him but his Amazing story finally ended dramatically in the historic Spider-Man #700. NOW!...The new Amazing Spider-Man has arrived and he is better in every single way. Smarter, stronger...Superior.
What are some of the most memorable and iconic moments in comic books for you?
Something like this:
Something like this:
Really hope one of the new ongoings is Doctor Strange.
So many potential moments to post. If I may, however, I'm going to diverge from the usual suspects and post two moments that continue to push to the front of my conscious memory no matter how many comics I read. And they both come to you courtesy of the same writer: the legendary Larry Hama.Cheska said:What are some of the most memorable and iconic moments in comic books for you?
This touched off a series of events that epitomizes just how BALLS-ROCKING AMAZING INSANITY the G.I.Joe series could be under Larry Hama. Baroness has the unconscious Snake Eyes transported to the Cobra Consulate building in downtown New York City, where he's tossed into a dungeon to be tortured by some Cobra S&M squad. Before they can do anything to him though, Snake Eyes wakes up and, although groggy from the surgery and the drugs, proceeds to kill all of them while still chained up -- but not before one of them throws a brazier of hot coals into his face.
So many unanswered questions. So many new mysteries. And it was all coming at a point in in the life of the character of Logan when he was ill-prepared for it, reduced to a state of near-powerlessness by the ordeals he just underwent. By the end of the issue, when he's on his bike and Jubilee's reading the letter he wrote her and waving goodbye from the window, you don't know what's going to happen. Anything could happen at that point. I kept going back to this comic over and over and over and over again as a teen. I loved it from cover to cover, and still do. "Fatal Attractions" was a largely forgettable story to me, but Wolverine #75 certainly made its mark.
What are some of the most memorable and iconic moments in comic books for you?
What are some of the most memorable and iconic moments in comic books for you?
Something like this:
Really hope one of the new ongoings is Doctor Strange.
I hate to admit it but I'm about to drop it soon myself. The magic is gone....truthfully, it's been gone since the last few arcs of the previous volume
Least favorites (which I have dropped)
1) Iron Patriot
2) X-Force
3) All-New X-Factor
I heard they including Inhuman #1 in ASM #1
This is a very important book, rafa
They are in panic mode brah. An Inhuman hunting new Inhumans is not compelling enough opening story. I could make some money with them if they would just give me a call.I heard they including Inhuman #1 in ASM #1
This is a very important book, rafa
Is there any word on when a new writer is taking over Spider-man?
I am so tired of Slott's writing like you wouldn't believe.
What are some of the most memorable and iconic moments in comic books for you?
None. Probably be a while yet. This is Slott's dream job.
Man did these people read the same comic as me?
"I forgot about never having felt a woman's touch." - Rafa, NeoGAF
I find myself saying this all the time for all kinds of comic books...
I feel like Slott has been writing Spider-man for a literal eternity![]()
Nah brah. They should've used my prerelease quote. "The most important book to Disney since Hans Christian Andersen's collection of fairy tales""I forgot about never having felt a woman's touch." - Rafa, NeoGAF
I find myself saying this all the time for all kinds of comic books...